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Today, it's the last straw that breaks the camel's back. For a while freenode has been under attack and here is what happens to me today.
You are banned from this server- You have a host listed in the DroneBL.
For more information, visit http://dronebl.org/lookup?ip= Please contact proxyscan@ freenode.net with questions. (2018/10/10 09.48)
Error from server: Closing Link: (*** Banned )
Connection failure: The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
Connection failure: The remote host closed the connection
DroneBL IP Lookup

English is not my native language so I do not have the necessary vocabulary to develop the subject, however I will summarize all this in a few sentences.

I have always respected the policies and keep the network a friendly and productive place, but I never had and I have still no friendly feedback.
I do not have to justify my good behavior, I do not have time anymore to fight against obsolete protocol ( IRC protocol was created in August 1988 ) and this 80's must now die in my trash without any recycling.

In other words I am banned and it's so much better because it finally opened my eyes once and for all.

With all due respect for his creator, thanks, but it's time to move on to something else.

Goodbye IRC.

I am now looking for an alternative worthy of the 21st century
100% agreement
On the one hand the servers try to prevent proxy servers on the other hand they offer nothing to users' protection from direct attacks, which come from proxy servers.

I remember talk, where two people can split screen write to each other and then invite others. That was before any X or windows. The small internet was a civilized mutually respecting environment. Then it became commercial.
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It didn't take me too long to make a decision among the different software available and protocols.

I know a protocol with hidden talents and a software that I'm following for a long time now. :)

The mix of this protocol with this very nice software is named and I feel now that it is a good choice for all of us.

I have started working on this, some test at a first time with my VM and a step forward to the futur.
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eric wrotenamed????

that's the server part but what about the client?
wiki wroteUsing XMPP allows the service to interface with existing XMPP clients like Conversations, Pidgin, Xabber and Jappix. Users can directly login to Movim using their existing Jabber account
register.jabber.org wrote
June 25, 2013: We have temporarily disabled account registration at the jabber.org IM service while we migrate the account database to a new machine. We will enable the web registration form again as soon as possible! In the meantime, you can create an account at any other public XMPP service.
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eric wrotethat's the server part but what about the client?
This is movim a web client with nice features and it's using xmpp protocol. (Compatible with Linux, macOS, Windows, Android.)

So we have the movim web GUI, and movim core where we find php and others software, then nginx webserver, postgresql database and ejabberd xmpp server.

It is also possible to use Apache, mariadb or sqlite3 and Openfire which is another xmpp server.

Speaking about ejabberd, I hate the yaml language used for the config file. I really prefer lua from Prosody, which is another really great xmpp server but he lacks important XMPP Extension Protocol needed for movim.

Edit: Look like the fork of Prosody named Metronom IM is alive. that a good news :)
Edit: This is the XEP not implemented in Prosody
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fungalnet wrote
wiki wroteUsing XMPP allows the service to interface with existing XMPP clients like Conversations, Pidgin, Xabber and Jappix. Users can directly login to Movim using their existing Jabber account
I found more modern xmpp (GTK and Qt5 ) client .



June 25, 2013: We have temporarily disabled account registration at the jabber.org IM service while we migrate the account database to a new machine. We will enable the web registration form again as soon as possible! In the meantime, you can create an account at any other public XMPP service.
5 years already !! Time flyes. It's a new form of temporary :D
9 days later
ive disliked irc for a very long time. while chat doesnt seem to be the best medium for community (at least not yet or not lately) they do seem to be using plenty of non-irc chat (xmpp and similar modern free protocols) for example, with the free culture foundation (formerly students for free culture.)

they have a chat solution that works for them. it seems to be underused, a bit bloated/busy in terms of the layout-- but probably still better than irc.

at least as an example. theres probably a reason its so ugly or has too many features-- but theres probably 5 different ways to connect to it, none of which are irc. read: "options." either way, xmpp seems to be doing well.

the trick is finding the right platform/engine/server for the protocol (as it is with irc.) but there are network effects. the people who still like irc may or may not be the sort you want to be around now-- the people who use xmpp?

i dont know, ive used it very little, but it seems to be the way forward.
5 days later
Everybody uses Discord these days.
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Nic wroteEverybody uses Discord these days.

Discord is not a libre/opensource software. Priority to all other libre and opensource alternatives.
4 months later
Unfortunately, while chat protocols from the 80s may suck, all of the 'modern' alternatives to IRC seem objectively worse.

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