EDIT: i'm not so far to make the first official release of 66 tools :). I need to finish first the documentation.
EDIT : a very light video to see the basic use on VM : http://repo.obarun.org/66/66-vm.mpg
EDIT : An ISO with 66 tools on it with minimal installation can be found here : http://web.obarun.org/index.php?id=89
EDIT : the source code of the 66 tools is now shared : https://framagit.org/Obarun/66

EDIT : documentation
The documentation is now complete but not entirely corrected

Any constructive remarks are welcomed

All this following explanations SHOULDN'T be used ON YOUR MAIN SYSTEM but ONLY ON VM or some SECONDARY PARTITION. This is a BETA-TEST VERSION and CANNOT be used ON PRODUCTION. Now the things is clear :).

Install first the classic Obarun system on VM, containers, hardware partition, ...well where you want.
A special temporary repo was created to provide the ability to test the 66 tools.
Define the repo on pacman.conf like this :
SigLevel = Required
Server = https://repo.obarun.org/66-repo
This repo need to be define in the first place because the s6 program comes with several and important changes made at the compilation time.

EDITED at 2018-11-05
Now uninstall the s6opts things and install the 66 things
# pacman -Rnsudd s6-boot s6opts --nodeps
pacman -Sy 66 boot-66serv root-66tree 
At this stage you can be able to boot with the 66 tools, you have the tty12 in case of crash (like tty6 with s6opts) for debugging purpose and the tty1,tty2 operational.
You can now use the 66 tools to enable and start a service like this :(e.g ntpd)
first install the service
# pacman -S ntpd-66serv
then enable it and start it
# 66-enable ntpd
# 66-start ntpd
to see if it's all goes right
# 66-info -S ntpd
ALL the 66 tools can be used with NORMAL PRIVILEGES. So you can have a complete supervision tree with normal privileges :).

All The documentation will be available soon, so be patient please, but you can use on every tools the -h options .e.g :
$ 66-enable -h
66-enable <options> service(s)

options :
	-h: print this help
	-v: increase/decrease verbosity
	-l: live directory
	-t: name of the tree to use
	-f: overwrite service(s)
	-d: enable an entire directory
	-I: create an instance of service
 # 66-start -h
66-start <options> service(s)

options :
	-h: print this help
	-v: increase/decrease verbosity
	-T: timeout
	-l: live directory
	-t: tree to use
	-r: reload the service(s)
Any CONSTRUCTIVE feedback, report of bugs, suggestions, improvement suggestion, idea are welcomed.

Those tools are not made especially for Obarun, they can be used on every distro :)
  • [deleted]

Great news.

Take the necessary time for the documentation. I think a live session to show us 66 could be a good idea. This would have several advantages, like improve the documentation but also to have a base of first users who will be able to answer questions coming from next users.

The more we optimize this the less later we will lose time answering questions and questions and questions about what should have been obvious from the beginning.

Thank you Eric :)
4 days later
Awesome to see you're working hard on this! I can't wait to try it out :D
Eric, would you like some help with the grammar and orthography of the articles?
No offense but I think a documentation should be without linguistic errors to make sure there'll be no misunderstandings based on the language.
I suppose there would be several people here in the forums willing to help (including me).
Thanks for all the hard work! This is a monster project!
Eric, would you like some help with the grammar and orthography of the articles?
No offense but I think a documentation should be without linguistic errors to make sure there'll be no misunderstandings based on the language.
Are you kidding me? my english is so perfect.... :p
Yes, please, that's exactly why i share step by step the documentation, it will be really appreciated. You can send me a mail with the correction.
Thanks for all the hard work! This is a monster project!
this is my baby, 9 months to be able to provide a beta-testing version :), now it need to grow before using it on main system.
Great. You probably already saw my mail then. Being a designer I'm usually rather harsh on touch ups when it comes to copy text. Let me know what you think of the style and if it's adequate for the job.

By the way: Is it really just coincidence that this forums thread id is 666? Hahahaha.

Edit: I'm becoming aware of the fact that you're writing based on the skarnet documentation layout. Am I right? Is this an implicit style guide? Is it necessary to abide by it 100%?
14 days later
Hey fungal,

great to have you alpha testing the suite and thanks for documenting your findings.
I'm working from a low end laptop at the moment so I won't have the opportunity to try anything out just yet, no virtualization here, but I'm glad you are and the findings will without a doubt help to get this done right!
question: dbus-s6serv dhcpcd-s6serv ntpd-s6serv coexist in the system with dbus-66serv dhcpcd-66serv ntpd-66serv, is this a problem? Are the rest of the s6-serv pkgs utilized with 66? I actually removed those three s6serv-s and did not notice a difference,
First, thanks for testing :)
I have corrected the first post to reflect the changes.

We haven't conflicts between service because 66 tools search the services files at /etc/66/service and s6opts at /etc/s6-serv. So , services for 66 and s6opts can coexist on the system
I thought that is how it worked, because I was surprised consolekit was running on first boot. So the ones that are double can be removed, or should better be removed?
Although I am confident I can employ it on my prime installation, I will keep it updated and monitor the progress.

I am working on 2 projects at the same time. One was straight obarun from recent installation with openbox, the other is void. I was able to get s6 from obarun installed in void and removed runit. I got it to reliably boot and run fine. Then I did the 66 substitution. I am fine tuning it now by taking some obarun/arch pkgs off that came with the installation of s6/66 and substituting them with void pkgs when they exist, in order to make a minimal presence of the init system and the service supervisor. I thought I was not going to make it work, but it works fine. Plus I figured a way to have any arch/aur/artix pkg installed in void, which is a great system. I was also surprised to find out that many pkgs in void are ahead of arch, which I expected to be the reverse.
I thought that is how it worked, because I was surprised consolekit was running on first boot. So the ones that are double can be removed, or should better be removed?
difficult to answer you because you make a mix of different system with different package manager. From my part 66 tools do not have anything to do with consolekit

NOTE: the first post about installation procedure was updated ;)
At the time I hadn't realized that 66 scans for s6 scripts and enables them, I thought that manually had to be enabled on the tree.

On the updates today, there seems to be some rights conflict. There is a warning about rights on /etc/66/env
66/66      0.00 MiB
66/boot-66serv      0.00 MiB

warning:  filesystem: 1777  package: 755
When I manually reversed them and reinstalled the warning reversed
warning:  filesystem: 755  package: 1777
I think 66 wants it one way and boot-66serv wants it the other way, so together they give a warning either way :)

Otherwise good!
the /etc/66/env need to be available for written for root AND user, that's why the warning appear
By the way: http://repo.obarun.org/66/66-vm.mpg (very light video 2.6Mega to see the basic use), an ISO with 66 as boot init on minimal system is currently uploading, it will be announced on the ISO news page when it ready to use
please remove your procedure installation on your post, this is very confusing for people, just add your "hack" or correction like installing first some other service but let me explain the main installation procedure in the first post.Obviously your remarks will be added on my post in case of mistake.
Your hack about 66.conf is not correct because s6.conf and 66.conf are not strictly the same, the tty variable on 66.conf disappear. Furthermore, the part about the creation of the tree called extra is not correct anymore, the root-66tree do it for you at the installation phase of the package, it will create a tree named root with tty1 and tty2 enabled on it. So, you can now directly enable service without taking care about the creation of a new tree.
So please let me doing the installation explanation and only add some extra information. For example you can explain to install some other service, how to make an instance service, ...

And yes, the tty1 is directly operational , it will be prompted first, you don't need to switch to it.

Anyway, thanks for your effords to try 66 :)
I just watched the video. Thanks for uploading it Eric. Will the service always need to be manually started after enabling it? I do like the behavior of runit where enabling a service will instantly start it. That's just me of course though. Maybe it has some down sides I'm not aware of. This is just a question, no suggestion :)
This is important to be able to separate this two operation for example for a server part. You can work on the service to set up for the next boot without changing the current state of your machine, but yeah, maybe an options on 66-enable to automatically start the service could be a good thing like 66-enable -S ntpd ( enable AND start the service). i will see what i can do about this...
marianarlt wroteI do like the behavior of runit where enabling a service will instantly start it. That's just me of course though. Maybe it has some down sides I'm not aware of. This is just a question, no suggestion :)
I thought with s6opts enable service the same thing was done, you didn't have to start it. As soon it is enabled in the db it is also started. But I think too that runit is a simpler system, or at least it is better documented. Articles I've read though make it seem inferior to S6 https://sysdfree.wordpress.com/242 (reading references)
error: missing 's6-boot' dependency for 'acpid-s6serv'
error: missing 's6opts' dependency for 'acpid-s6serv'
error: missing 's6-boot' dependency for 'alsa-s6rcserv'
error: missing 's6opts' dependency for 'alsa-s6rcserv'
error: missing 's6-boot' dependency for 'cgmanager-s6serv'
error: missing 's6-boot' dependency for 'consolekit-s6serv'
I am still not clear what I should do about these. The more I dig in the more confusing it gets.
Stop to try to use s6opts file with 66, s6opts is a one things, 66 is another. Use s6opts or 66, but do not try to mix this two COMPLETELY different tools on your system. Service files for 66 are NOT the same than s6opts , see this : http://repo.obarun.org/66/frontend.html. On your system see /etc/66/service. A very few service can be found on the 66 repo, if you want e.g. consolekit read the frontend documentation and make it :p than save your service file at /etc/66/service, than use 66 tools to deal with

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