Have I done something wrong or is the naming of pkgs screwed up?
warning: execline: local ( is newer than 66 (v2.5.0.1+9+g3664d1f-1)
warning: s6: local ( is newer than 66 (v2.7.2.2+19+g6c65c3d-1)
warning: s6-linux-utils: local ( is newer than 66 (v2.5.0.0+5+g2ca90a4-1)
warning: s6-portable-utils: local ( is newer than 66 (v2.2.1.2+4+g8e32ad6-1)
warning: s6-rc: local ( is newer than 66 (v0.4.1.0+12+gf01bb64-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (11)                          Old Version            New Version             Net Change  Download Size

66/66                                          0.41 MiB               
66/boot-66serv                                  -0.01 MiB               
66/oblibs                                        0.00 MiB               
66/skalibs                            v2.7.0.0+7+g1af5a42-1  v2.7.0.0+23+ge99801a-1    0.02 MiB
a new version is available and comes with a lot of changes, a manual intervention is needed for people which have already installed the 66 tools, for an installation from the scratch nothing is necessary.
so install the new version then apply the following changes
EDIT: any existing tree needs to be destroyed. To see all your tree currently present on your system
ls /var/lib/66/system 
backup/ boot_backup-2019-02-25-30/ boot/  root/  state
obviously this output can be different for you. So, we have a tree named boot_backup-2019-02-25-30,boot,root. The directory backup/ is an inner directory and the file state is an inner file used by 66 tools. DO NOT touch or destroy these elements.
So, in your case we need to destroy the tree boot_backup-2019-02-25-30, boot and root
# 66-tree -R boot
# 66-tree -R root
# 66-tree -R boot_backup-2019-02-25-30
now recreate the tree
# 66-tree -n boot
# 66-tree -Enc root
do the same for all your tree if you have some more.
now enable the daemon
for the boot :
# 66-enable -t boot boot
for the root :
# 66-enable connmand dbus ntpd tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2
obviously adapt it to suit your needs

now you need to create extra directory
# mkdir -p -m 0755 /etc/66/service/
# mkdir -p -m 0755 /etc/66/sysadmin/service/
# mkdir -p -m 0755 /etc/66/conf/
and those one if you use 66 with normal privilegies
$ mkdir -p -m 0755 ~/.66/service/
$ mkdir -p -m 0755 ~/.66/conf/
EDIT: also the directory /var/lib/66/conf can be destroyed, it not used anymore
# rm -rf /var/lib/66/conf
you are done.

do not forget to use -h options for all tools to see the change.

This version will be the first release of the 66 tools, i need to update first the documentation to reflect the changes then the first official release of 66 is here.
Enjoy :)
@ fungalnet
you are so quick, let me the time to explain haaaaa :D
and yes the packages version screw up, i'm waiting for the official release from skarnet, so do not take care about that
I replaced "local" with what is now in 66 repository. Followed the procedure above, through chroot, and will now reboot. We shall see :)

Is there any reason tty1 and tty2 took a while to be created and started?
% sudo 66-enable dbus ntpd tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2 dhcpcd                                 
66-enable: warning: ignoring: dbus service: already enabled
66-enable: warning: ignoring: ntpd service: already enabled
66-enable: warning: ignoring: dhcpcd service: already enabled
66-enable: info: Service parsed successfully: tty1
66-enable: info: Service parsed successfully: tty2
66-enable: warning: ignoring: tty1 service: already enabled
66-enable: warning: ignoring: tty2 service: already enabled

% sudo 66-start tty@ tty1           
66-start: fatal: tty@ tty1: is not enabled
% sudo 66-start tty1
66-start: info: sanitize classic services ...
66-start: info: start classic services ...
66-start: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/tty1/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-start: info: switch classic service of: root to source
This was done by login to ttt12 as tty1 and 2 were dead
what do you mean? the tty1 and 2 do not appear? i 'm not sure to understand your question
No they will not start, they appear enabled but will only start manually
I get this error about log

% sudo 66-start tty1
66-start: info: sanitize classic services ...
66-start: info: start classic services ...
66-start: fatal: unable to read status of: /run/66/scandir/0/tty1: No such file or directory

% sudo 66-start dhcpcd
66-start: info: sanitize classic services ...
66-start: info: start classic services ...
66-start: fatal: unable to read status of: /run/66/scandir/0/dhcpcd/log: No such file or directory
Everything appears current:
% pacman -Qs 66
local/66 (base s6-suite)
local/boot-66serv (base s6-suite)
local/dbus-66serv 0.0.1-1
local/dhcpcd-66serv 0.0.2-1
local/ntpd-66serv 0.0.1-1
local/root-66tree 0.0.2-1
local/tty@ -66serv 0.0.1-1

% pacman -Qs s6 
local/66 (base s6-suite)
local/boot-66serv (base s6-suite)
local/execline v2.5.0.1+9+g3664d1f-1 (base s6-suite)
local/oblibs (base s6-suite)
local/s6 v2.7.2.2+19+g6c65c3d-1 (base s6-suite)
local/s6-linux-init (s6-suite)
local/s6-linux-utils v2.5.0.0+5+g2ca90a4-1 (base s6-suite)
local/s6-portable-utils v2.2.1.2+4+g8e32ad6-1 (s6-suite)
local/s6-rc v0.4.1.0+12+gf01bb64-1 (base s6-suite)
local/skalibs v2.7.0.0+23+ge99801a-1 (base s6-suite)

% pacman -Qs eudev
local/eudev 3.2.7-2
For some reason tty1 tty2 dhcpcd directories and files are not made in /run/66/scandir/0
tty12 exists
@ fungalnet
first be aware of the edit in the post # 62.

can you provide me the following output please :
# 66-info -T root
# 66-info -S tty1
also please increase your verbosity for the start command and give me the output
# 66-start -v3 tty1 
before I redo the procedure on # 62 this is on my current state
% sudo 66-info -T root 
├─(0,classic) dhcpcd-log
├─(0,classic) sshd-log
├─(0,classic) ntpd-log
├─(0,classic) dbus-log
├─(1063,classic) dhcpcd
├─(322,classic) tty12
├─(1220,classic) sshd
├─(1147,classic) ntpd
├─(2313,classic) tty1
├─(2315,classic) tty2
└─(1128,classic) dbus

% sudo  66-info -S tty1
on tree : boot_backup-2019-02-25-43
status : not running
type : classic
description : Launch tty1
source : /etc/66/service/
run at : /run/66/scandir/0/tty1
start script : execl-cmdline -s { agetty ${CMD_ARGS} tty1 } 
direct dependencies : 0 service(s)

% sudo 66-start -v3 tty1 
66-start: info: sanitize classic services ...
66-start: info: start classic services ...
66-start: fatal: unable to read status of: /run/66/scandir/0/tty1: No such file or directory
After repeating the procedure with all the changes the problem appeared the same. I've had one tree (tree1) and 4 backups, Dec, Jan, and 2 recent ones.
# ls /var/lib/66/system
backup/ boot/ root/ state
# 66-info -T root
├─(0,classic) dhcpcd-log
├─(0,classic) sshd-log
├─(0,classic) ntpd-log
├─(0,classic) dbus-log
├─(0,classic) dhcpcd
├─(0,classic) sshd
├─(0,classic) ntpd
├─(0,classic) tty1
├─(0,classic) tty2
└─(0,classic) dbus

root@ 7010 obarun #  66-info -S tty1 
on tree : root
status : down (exitcode 0) 312 seconds, ready 312 seconds
type : classic
description : Launch tty1
source : /etc/66/service/
run at : /run/66/scandir/0/tty1
start script : execl-cmdline -s { agetty ${CMD_ARGS} tty1 } 
direct dependencies : 0 service(s)
root@ 7010 obarun # 66-start -v3 tty1
66-start: info: sanitize classic services ...
66-start: tracing: init service: tty1
66-start: tracing: create file: /run/66/scandir/0/tty1/down
66-start: tracing: create fifo: /run/66/scandir/0/tty1/event
66-start: tracing: subcribe to fifo: /run/66/scandir/0/tty1/event
66-start: tracing: reload scandir: /run/66/scandir/0
66-start: tracing: waiting for events on fifo
66-start: warning: unable to iniatiate svc service list
66-start: fatal: unable to sanitize classic services

# 66-start -v3 dhcpcd   
66-start: info: sanitize classic services ...
66-start: tracing: init service: dhcpcd-log
66-start: tracing: create file: /run/66/scandir/0/dhcpcd/log/down
66-start: tracing: create fifo: /run/66/scandir/0/dhcpcd/log/event
66-start: tracing: subcribe to fifo: /run/66/scandir/0/dhcpcd/log/event
66-start: tracing: init service: dhcpcd
66-start: tracing: create file: /run/66/scandir/0/dhcpcd/down
66-start: tracing: create fifo: /run/66/scandir/0/dhcpcd/event
66-start: tracing: subcribe to fifo: /run/66/scandir/0/dhcpcd/event
66-start: tracing: reload scandir: /run/66/scandir/0
66-start: tracing: waiting for events on fifo
66-start: warning: unable to iniatiate svc service list
66-start: fatal: unable to sanitize classic services
I get in through tty12 as user. It will not accept root password. I can su from user to root, so pw is correct.
ok i think i got the trouble, this is due of the manual intervention, from scratch those trouble should not exist.

Have you some tree under the directory /var/lib/system/backup/?
if it's the case remove it but do not remove the /var/lib/66/system/backup directory itself
# 66-enable -f -t boot boot
# 66-enable -f -t root -S dbus tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2 ntpd sshd dhcpcd
-f mean force to overwrite existing file of the service, -S start it after the enable process.

Tell me if it's ok or not
Please just by curiosity, give me the output of
# 66-info -S -d2 -r boot-extra
> Have you some tree under the directory /var/lib/system/backup/?

/var/lib/system doesn't exist, I think you meant /var/lib/66/system/backup and yes, it has boot and root which were created yesterday (from timestamps) after the last time I followed the procedure over.
66-enable: info: start classic services ...
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/dhcpcd/log/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/dhcpcd/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/sshd/log/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/sshd/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/ntpd/log/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/ntpd/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/tty2/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/tty1/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/dbus/log/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: warning: /run/66/scandir/0/dbus/notification-fd is not present - ignoring request for readiness notification
66-enable: info: switch classic service of: root to source
#  66-info -S -d2 -r boot-extra
on tree : boot
status : nothing to display
type : oneshot
description : launch all tree enabled of root user when boot completed successfully
source : /etc/66/service//boot
run at : /run/66/tree/0/boot/servicedirs/boot-extra
start script :66-all -v${VERBOSITY} -l ${LIVE} up
finish script :66-all -v${VERBOSITY} -l ${LIVE} up
direct dependencies : 3 service(s)
└─(0,oneshot) boot-extra
  ├─(0,bundle) all-Rwfs
  ├─(0,bundle) all-Rofs
  └─(0,bundle) 00
going for reboot, I will rerun the last command and report if different.
You got it, that was the problem!
I hope you know what it was because I sure don't, I'll have to study it. Something old wasn't over-written but what was it :)

Now I can go fix/upgrade the other 2-3 installations with 66
Can you confirm that all things goes right at every boot?
Check! ν

1st try success on other installation with modified commands
Only note is that when I used:
# 66-enable -f -t root -S dbus tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2 ntpd sshd dhcpcd
X crashed and I went to tty12 to login again
When I entered the same thing a 2nd time to see if it kills X, it didn't!
Finished and rebooted, but I already knew it would work as tty1/2 and dhcpcd were already active and running and being supervised.

2nd reboot OK.

edit: Would this crash be caused by dbus being interrupted and restarted as a new service?
found something, i forced to change some part of the code, so a new package is on the repo but need (again and i hope the last time) a manual intervention

install the 66 package and the new version of the boot-66serv package
destroy your root tree if exist (the boot should be done automatically when you install the new version of the boot-66serv package) and recreate it by using the 66-tree tool
# 66-tree -R root
# 66-tree -Ecn root
then enable your daemon into it
# 66-enable tty@ tty1  tty@ tty2 dbus ntpd connmand
adapt the enable process to suit your needs
Q1: Whether a service is logged or not is defined by the service file?
Q2: By default tty# is not logged, right?
this is the end of my log from void-66 which seems to run great:
@ 400000005c77d19a0d865954 66-start: info: sanitize atomic services ...
@ 400000005c77d19a0d86650c 66-start: info: start atomic services ...
@ 400000005c77d19a0ddf3f24 s6-rc: info: bringing selected services up
@ 400000005c77d19a0de0ecd4 66-start: info: Write resolve file of: Master
@ 400000005c77d19a0e78568c 66-start: info: switch atomic services of: root to source
@ 400000005c77d19a0e944acc [Stage2 completed successfully]
What are atomic services? :)

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