just booted with the obarun minimal 09 iso and logged in as user (obarun).
# obarun-install
gives me
:: Do you want to update obarun-install package [y|n]
:: check update for obarun-install
:: Clone repository from [https://framagit.org/Obarun/obarun-install.git]
   Cloning into 'obarun-install' ...
Fatal unable to access 'https://framagit.org/Obarun/obarun-install.git/' : could not resolve host: framagit.org
: impossible to fetch origin 
I can ping though

Is this my beloved dns problem again? :)
I just checked mine (minimal 2018-10) and it has dhcpcd wpa-supplicant and linux-firmware on it. With a wired connection you should be connected by the time you see the login: prompt.
Well i'm wired and it doesn't work.
fungalnet talk about the version 2018-10 and you talk about the version 2018-09, are you sure to use the last version?
can you get a ping directly to the framagit address? can you clone the repo directly by the command : git clone https://framagit.org/Obarun/obarun-install.git ?
I don't have the 09 minimal, I have 09jwm (which also worked fine) and 10-minimal.
Pinged in around 85ms and git clone also worked. Those were the first 2 commands after I booted.
Enumerated 51
remote total 875 (delta 26)
eric wrotefungalnet talk about the version 2018-10 and you talk about the version 2018-09, are you sure to use the last version?
can you get a ping directly to the framagit address? can you clone the repo directly by the command : git clone https://framagit.org/Obarun/obarun-install.git ?
I'm sorry I will use the new image today and report back. Sorry was a bit busy. I was clicking on the link on the frontpage and I thought that is the new image. But you've already updated it. Today is a special day though, and I'm happy i got a fallback image installed. I will post in another thread about this.

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