this situation will only get worse when gkh takes over permanently as lead kernel dev, as he does not care about userspace the way the linus did. the linux foundation has even bigger problems (the linux foundation is part of the problem) than the fsf.

when reading this, before respondingly angrily for a call to stop funding floss development in 2019, consider the fact that no one is actually going to join such a boycott-- and it certainly wont affect eric or obarun, eric being listed as one of the people who are working to solve this.

nonetheless, it is a call (mostly rhetorical, though i will certainly not be funding any developers in 2019-- and this is why) for $0 to go to floss in 2019. and for rms to resign as president of the fsf.

christmas eve was the proverbial last straw, but its the last straw following four years of straw.

if nothing else, it could be good for a chuckle-- enjoy.

free media alliance
free software, free culture, free hardware

2019 boycott and a call for resignation

late christmas eve i had a bout of what im going to sum up as food poisoning. im doing better, and its time to look back on the christmas/grav-mass call i made for a boycott of free software and open source in 2019, as well as a call for rms to resign as president of the free software foundation.

i dont deny for a moment that different events would have resulted in at least, different wording and timing for such calls.

regarding the spirit of christmas, i can sum it up in one word: "stress." i do my very best to avoid the holidays, stallman is an atheist who celebrates "grav-mass" instead of christmas, i was not brought up religiously. but i do think christmas is simply overdone. its a stressful time of year, for me the stress was in trying to get too many things done that were entirely unrelated to a holiday. none of which is anyone elses fault, of course.

nonetheless, the excess of stress (as many negative events do) forced me to take full stock of the situation id spent years thinking about-- which is the state of free software. this is no coincidence-- most of the things i was hoping to accomplish on the 25th (none of which were, of course) were related to free software.

even though i knew far less about free software at the time, i recall the years from 2007 to 2014 as a time when gnu/linux was a fairly reliable operating system. yes, things do break and have to be fixed, but it was a time where effort was rewarded with confidence that the effort and self-education was worthwhile.

the more you learned, the more easily things worked. oh, if you got too ambitious that all went out the window-- everybody knows that. and part of the problem im sure, is that developers have set aside too much for their ambitions. though that isnt even the worst of it.

the worst things that have happened to free software over the past 4 years ive talked about many times, and will likely go into further detail again in the future. i have tried to explain the redix threat to stallman, others have tried to explain the smaller (but significant) matter of systemd, and no fewer than hundreds of developers have set aside great amounts of time and effort towards fixing these problems.

instead of getting things done, i spent more than 90 minutes of my christmas (time i absolutely needed to accomplish any of my other goals) simply getting sound to work again. now-- so what? i mean, if you run an update or install something new, or fiddle with a setting its your own fault if you chose to fiddle at a time when you didnt have time to clean up after it.

except i still cant think of a single thing i did. i hadnt installed anything, i didnt run updates, i do my very best to prevent unexpected updates of every kind-- i simply wanted my computer to work like it had a few hours ago (and by far, like it had for the entire month.)

this sort of desire was NOT unreasonable from 2007-2014. if you mess with it, as you sometimes ought to, then you know the consequences. but if you dont, and you dont have automatic updates, this simply shouldnt happen. it defintely shouldnt happen for no discernable reason, your computer should (if working according to specs) be fairly stable if you choose fairly stable software.

oh, fairly stable software! like we had until debian 8. of course im not using debian, and debian isnt directly the problem this time. i wouldnt have lennarts asinine soundsystem, which is basically the cause of 90% of average-user audio problems in gnu/linux history, installed if mozilla and gnu icecat didnt decide that this was an acceptable thing to drag into an otherwise working setup! i know that if i have it installed, sooner or later, sound is not going to work. its a given!

well, that day was today. for reasons i cant begin to guess, my web browser-- i suspected an update snuck through via the gnu servers, but ive since tried installing a separate browser which seems to make this less likely, but it remains a mystery-- which it shouldnt be! i know i cant get updates from mozilla, the network wont resolve them and the browser compains in the term window that it cant update. which is what i want, or it will try to disable plugins, which is evil, mozilla...

my web browser suddenly stopped offering sound. this was pretty remarkable since pulse was shown to be running, i hadnt done updates, i hadnt so much as changed the volume (though i did go through and check several things after this started) and when i restarted the browser, it complained that pulse wasnt running (ps said otherwise) whenever the browser tried to play sound.

so i tried updating pulse. that did nothing. i took the opportunity to run apulse, even though id never tried it before (it was on my list of things to try soon) and sure, when i ran both browsers with apulse, they stopped complaining that pulse wasnt installed. but still no sound.

i went through alsactl init, then i went through alsamixer to be sure that init hadnt turned the volume down (it often does) and the mute led on my keyboard was not lit, but the only way i can get the mute led to turn off is via alsamixer anyway.

i tried uninstalling pulse and then reinstalling it, and that didnt work the first time. i never got apulse working, but i never got pulse working again until later when i had uninstalled and reinstalled several things several times, including a second web browser.

this crap just doesnt work anymore.

and i will tell you what has happened over the past 4 years that stallman has denied there being any problem in the gnu/linux ecosystem-- even as the fsf adds a brand new distro to their list of official libre fsf distros-- designed to fight systemd!

a distro designed to fight a problem that stallman refuses to admit has plagued free software for four years now.

for four years, ive watched several groups of people take their time off improving gnu/linux to just try to fix the damage done.

and im only one of hundreds of other people who have noticed-- the damage still isnt fixed!

everything is hopelessly entangled, where things used to work more or less separately.

there was never a perfect point in time where everything worked. that would be mythology. no such setup exists, and even if it did, you wouldnt think it was friendly.

but its nothing short of incredible how gloriously distros fail now. its garbage, which the most conscientious developers-- those like the developers of hyperbola-- have spent 4 years trying to shovel back into a working distro.

i have spent 10x the amount of effort ive ever spent getting things work IN HISTORY and only some progress has encouraged me to continue.

i started an organisation to try to convince others and the fsf to take this matter into serious consideration-- and to promote various solutions-- knowing that nothing short of a huge letter campaign to the fsf would ever shift their organisation towards addressing the problem of redix.

but as 2018 (our first year as an organisation) comes to a close, i am forced to say that i have reached the point where i am sick of this.

in 2014, debian and the entire gnu/linux ecosystem were sabotaged.

i am well aware of the least-affected options. gentoo has stood up to this (which is why lennart called them out like a smirking blonde-headed weasel.) void, hyperbola and devuan drew a line in the sand (a line which devuan has undeniably retreated from, though they continue to contribute to solutions.) puppy linux is mostly immune. despite all my misgivings about puppy (over the years, ive listed many) it is the distro i learned the most from when i was first learning, and it is simply remarkable how unaffected they are by all of this sabotage.

if he cared about free software more than open source, i would say put barry kauler in as head of the fsf.

but i dont believe in open source-- if anything i believe "open source" is the vector for all this sabotage, and why mako "we should distance ourselves further from open source" hill is the ideal candidate if stallman ever resigns for any reason.

the fsf needs a president who stands up to these new challenges that threaten free software. and i dont think stallman is doing that anymore. indeed half the reason this organisation exists is because of lowered confidence in stallman.

lets talk about gratitude though, and credit where credit is due. i am well aware that most people who declare a lowered confidence in rms as the leader of his own movement, are declaring it for political reasons that benefit corporations and monopolies-- monopolies are the very problem that free software exists to provide alternatives to.

the "problem" that open source has with free software, is that its primary function is to eliminate the monopolies that they are saying free software "fails" to prop up or "work with."

the fact that open source is based on such a completely disingenuous and dishonest concept as that, should give far more people pause. but their rhetoric is mixed with lip service to empty truisms about "live and let live" and "lets all get along." lets all get along with what-- the very sort of top-down control that free software exists to liberate people from?!

seriously, mr. lunduke-- are you high?

so no, we dont need another smarmy corporate sycophant yes man to take over the fsf, as open source would propose. that would be utterly ludicrous.

and someone asked me this morning about my call to "impeach" stallman.

no, no, no-- theres a very important distinction to be made. im not asking for anyone to be impeached. even if that were possible, thats not what the call is for!

impeachment is a process of forcing a leader out. hopefully if youre going to force someone out of a position (think back to the 2003 invasion of iraq) you have someone better to take their place.

mr. stallman knows the importance of choosing the right word for the job-- i have called for him to resign or step down, which im well aware isnt going to happen (though it is no less sincere.) i have not called for him to be forced out. i do think he should be asked to do it.

and if youre going to ask someone to step down, there need to be reasons. my reason is simple and straightforward, and obviously controversial--

developers and free software leaders have ceased to display the level of responsibility and attention that they demonstrated in previous years. they have made gods of themselves and are acting more like corporations than people.

free licensing isnt enough. to contribute positively to free software, you have to show motives that dont result in sabotage of the entire ecosystem-- sabotage that pushes people away from things that are reliable and controlled by the user.

this is different from talking about quality. theres no law about creating "good software." you have the four freedoms-- you can create practically any software you want to! thats what freedom is.

but the free software ecosystem relies on a basic system that is under attack. and developers are increasingly unaccountable for what they do to hurt that ecosystem.

if you want to go off on your own and tinker to your hearts content with any piece of software, and it doesnt affect the core of the gnu/linux ecosystem-- youre doing no harm. you can create all the crappy software you want. maybe it will help!

maybe a person will take your crappy software and improve it. last year, i did some refactoring of my favourite program. its still messy and you might laugh at it, but its improved. and someone has already taken it and started improving it further.

all of that is fine, and all of that is the nice thing about software freedom. none of that affects the software ecosystem at all, unless it makes it easier for someone to manage a project of their own.

but the real damage that has happened over the past 4 years is people taking key software that everyone uses, and forcing redesigns in ways that lead to short-term adoption for short-term convenience, with long-term destruction and damage to both freedom and control by the user and reliability-- like never before.

and we know this tactic, because it is the eee tactic that the big players have written sheaves of memos about on how to destroy their competition.

and we know from those memos that their competition is free and "open source" software.

well, not open source-- because it panders to these monopolies.

which means the only real threat theyre fighting against is free software.

when you look at the tactics that are public knowledge-- we have seen them applied to destroy competitors and you can tell that from 2014 to the present, they have polluted and taken over the gnu/linux ecosystem--

and when the leader of the fsf does NOTHING and says NOTHING about any of this-- does NOT speak out against it, and insists that he doesnt understand any of this--

then yes, it is time mr. stallman, for you to voluntarily step down.

but i would stress that we need someone better, someone serious, to take his place.

i am not suggesting that rms should "just go home" and disappear from the public sphere.

i am not suggesting that he is any less fit to go do his paid talks, which i know he enjoys doing (or at least used to, and probably still does.)

i am not suggesting he should leave the fsf! he should certainly be on the board.

i am not suggesting that rms is any less the father of the free software movement, than albert einstein is the author of the theory of relativity.

but i do think he should resign as president or retire from the position, i do think that the fsf has spent FOUR YEARS in public denial about problems that are destroying free software, and forcing it to retreat from what could have been four years of steady progress, instead of four years scrambling to fix problems they cant even admit exist.

and i think that ben mako hill is the best possible replacement, ive thought so for the past 5 years or even longer (at least since matt smith joined doctor who, as i also thought that mako would be excellent for the role.)

and i feel confident that ben mako hill would have a great deal of respect in how he dealt with the problems ahead.

though of course, i could be wrong. and i expect mr. hill to either ignore all this, or say "no, thanks. id rather have stallman do this."

its got to be said that i dont think anybody is ready to fill the important role that stallman filled in 1984, and 1991, and 2005, and 2010-- the role that stallman filled when we learned about prism. im not knocking his career or brilliance or legacy, only the past 4 years of his presidency. the fsf needs him on the board, at a minimum.

i dont someday want to watch what is happening to apple with tim cook, happen to the fsf without rms. people were talking about what microsoft would do without gates, and after ballmer, and theres no reason we shouldnt talk about what the fsf would do without rms.

this doesnt make him any less important, we still owe him (and always will) for the very ecosystem that has degraded over the past 4 years.

but with that said-- organisations exist to give a leg up to their causes and their members. and i dont think the fsf is doing that right now. and i think its leadership is the reason.

the fsf has a responsibility to its members to first understand this threat, and then to make it known. it has failed on both of these.

someone should do something, and if mr. stallman is preventing them from doing so, he should step down.

if he is failing to do so himself, he should step down.

but i agree that we need to think about the best person to take his place. i dont think it is a role that any person will be fully prepared for. i dont think rms himself was fully prepared for it in 1984, but i dont think we would have come this far without him.

i do think we need someone stronger at the helm, as the threats have increased, and the condemnation and solutions to those threats have grown weak.

there is no one that is "like stallman, only more like him." that wont ever happen.

there are only people who are different. they would have to have enough in common that they filled the role, but we all know there will never be another president rms.

the fsf still has an important role, and that role needs to continue (or start again) with or without rms as president.

until then, i am calling for 2019 boycott of all free software.

use non-free software? no! use free software, of course.

i am calling for people to withhold all donations to free software projects in 2019. until developers and organisations are willing to acknowledge the problems they are experiencing-- and helping to create.

no, i doubt that boycott is likely to happen either. or perhaps someone else will lead a boycott like that, in 2020 or 2021, or however long it takes for people to get as tired of these problems as i am.

you can join this boycott in any sort of fashion you think is best-- im not laying down rules for it. after 2019, i am recommending the boycott end. if it does anything at all, one year should be long enough to make the point.

some people will tell you that only a "few" people understand the problems i am complaining about. since they were concerned even before i was, i know i can tell you that (whether their interpretation is in line with my own or not) the following people "get it" and have worked to solve this problem that fsf simply cannot bring themselves to admit exists:

1. denis roio, who already worked on dyne:bolic, an fsf-approved gnu/linux distro
2. emulatorman, who heads hyperbola, an fsf-approved gnu/linux distro
3. ian jackson, who joined debian in its first year, and has spent the past 4 years fighting this problem that the fsf does not admit exists
4. some debian developers who have left debian to fight this problem elsewhere
5. the veteran unix admins, who created devuan along with roio
6. fsmithred, maintainer of devuan live, refracta and the refracta-tools remastering programs
7. various bloggers and software developers who have spent years talking about these problems
8. most of the puppy linux community, at least those who would even notice the changes happening outside the puppy linux distro
9. anticapitalista, distro developer
10. aitor, developer of gnuinos
11. eric vidal, developer of obarun
12. (theres far more distros, developers and relatively famous people-- though im tired of listing them.)

i believe stallman is more focused on hardware-related threats and license-related threats, while the software ecosystem is constantly getting dragged backwards into windows-esque software lock-in and instability. the core free software ecosystem is no place for these problems.

indeed, these are the sorts of problems we fled to rely on gnu/linux as a solution to in the first place. we still have the freedom per se, but we have not for years now, enjoyed the full benefits of that freedom. without proper leadership, we are only bearing the costs to keep it from getting worse.

to say that this isnt about software freedom, is to say that if gnu/linux were wiped off the face of the earth, you would still have software freedom because you could write a replacement and use the gpl.

the effects are real, the problems are real-- the denial that happens year after year is shocking.

whatever is preventing the fsf from addressing this-- now (if not 4 years ago) is the time for that to end.

figosdev, december 2018

this document is in the public domain.
  • [deleted]

boob :D

Thx figosdev for your point of view and I rather agree with it. English is not my native language so I have some difficulties to develop my thoughts on the subject.
About Stallman I think that the guy has become obsolete lost somewhere in space time and in my opinion he does not to have any vision of what free software should be in this 2018 end of year and how to build the future of free software. My introduction is not a coincidence, this is a representation of the state of the free software scene today and the bitter assertion of today's, out of the ground developers top priority.
I will summarize my words because I am against all that I hear in the field. We have to reinvent the wheel, we have to be creative, we must stay away from all these outside manipulations and continue our way because I still believe in the essence of free software. Contrary to what I had perceived from the actors of the free software during my first steps in free software, I do not take myself as an engineer or doctor in free software. I am a normal human who moves freely, who speaks freely and that not going to change.

One master, Godfather OG
I don't disagree with the fundamentals of the article but I disagree with the assumption that an organization is simply the sum of the individual members. Once a formal organization is created it has its own "soul" (not that I believe in any souls). It has formally written down the goals of the organization, its guidelines, the things it is about and the things it is against.
Criticism should be pointed towards the organization itself, not a specific member, even if it is autocratic, dictatorial, military in form. Once criticism is directed towards the organization it is an internal issue whether it is the fault of leadership, of its internal processes, the internal influences, but it is an organization problem to respond to criticism.
Furthermore I believe it is an illusion to believe that an organization will substantially change because the faces representing it will change. It is a fallacy that people especially in the west have fallen and it is the same fallacy that the powerful use to portray a good image of good changes to come.
If the organization has fallen short of its goals, or has violated and stepped all over its own principles, that is the object of criticism. Whose fault that may be, if any, is their own internal problem to address.

At the end of 2018 things have not really changed, but if an organization has remained static on its previous glory and laurels its enemies have evolved to be much more aggressive and effective. The organization is just the collective vehicle to achieve goals. Once it has been proven that there is no advancement towards the goals it should be terminated and replaced. Unfortunately the longer an organization lasts the higher the internal priority to maintain the organization is formalized and the achievement of goals becomes secondary.

In the era of no boats, the first wooden sailboat was the best in crossing a long sea passage. Now that the enemy has a steel steamship to direct criticism towards the captain of the wooden schooner is a mistake. A change in captain will not make the schooner more capable. A carbon fiber trimaran with kevlar sails is needed.
  • [deleted]

@ fungalnet


I don't like analogies and I disagree with your analogies regarding a captain of a boat. In ours case we are beyond a profession and facies. We talking about persons who carries in them the essence of the organization until today, whether they want it or not. When people outside of the organization feel a break in this connection it is important to understand the reasons and a captain who remains deaf to the observation coming from the outside can only drive whatever the ship is, to a collision with an iceberg.
I disagree with the assumption that an organization is simply the sum of the individual members.
so do i. that would be like saying that a person is simply the sum the cells of their body. the organisation of those cells is something that develops in a pattern that is just as substantial as the pattern of each individual cell.

if a leg develops gangrene, removing the leg could save the rest of the body. leaving it alone could doom the entire thing. no doctor worth his degree would deny either of these facts-- but if the leg can be saved too, thats even better. if it cant, it is a threat.

most organisations are hierarchical. stallman is the head of the fsf. whether there are other ways to arrange an organisation or not, this is true of the fsf in particular, and this is a structure where the organisation is designed to hopefully survive a transplant of each part-- though for it to retain a consistent identity, something has to remain the same (the mission? the dna?)

such transplants still count as trauma and are costly, and can affect the overall health of the organisation. they arent to be taken lightly.
Criticism should be pointed towards the organization itself, not a specific member, even if it is autocratic, dictatorial, military in form.
i really think it depends. if members pay for membership, they do so with the knowledge that their influence is limited (i never disputed this) though they are also capable of saying if they find this sufficient (i was not satisfied) and i question why one "should not" direct their critique at the source of the problem.

if the problem is the head of an organisation, why would the critique be at the organisation itself?

obviously, you can say "well now organisation, its your fault for allowing this to persist" but again-- i think it really depends on the organisation and the situation.

and without explanation, the rule of whom to address seems arbitrary.
Once criticism is directed towards the organization it is an internal issue whether it is the fault of leadership, of its internal processes, the internal influences, but it is an organization problem to respond to criticism.
i cant think of any rule or reason this should necessarily be either.
Furthermore I believe it is an illusion to believe that an organization will substantially change because the faces representing it will change.
i think this also depends on the organisation. the director sometimes has a very substantial influence on the direction that the organisation takes. stallman is the founder of the fsf-- its architect. i happen to believe that the ball is in his court on this matter in particular, and either way-- stallman is a person

It is a fallacy that people especially in the west have fallen and it is the same fallacy that the powerful use to portray a good image of good changes to come.
If the organization has fallen short of its goals, or has violated and stepped all over its own principles, that is the object of criticism. Whose fault that may be, if any, is their own internal problem to address.

At the end of 2018 things have not really changed, but if an organization has remained static on its previous glory and laurels its enemies have evolved to be much more aggressive and effective. The organization is just the collective vehicle to achieve goals. Once it has been proven that there is no advancement towards the goals it should be terminated and replaced. Unfortunately the longer an organization lasts the higher the internal priority to maintain the organization is formalized and the achievement of goals becomes secondary.

In the era of no boats, the first wooden sailboat was the best in crossing a long sea passage. Now that the enemy has a steel steamship to direct criticism towards the captain of the wooden schooner is a mistake. A change in captain will not make the schooner more capable. A carbon fiber trimaran with kevlar sails is needed.
I disagree with the assumption that an organization is simply the sum of the individual members.
so do i. that would be like saying that a person is simply the sum the cells of their body. the organisation of those cells is something that develops in a pattern that is just as substantial as the pattern of each individual cell.

if a leg develops gangrene, removing the leg could save the rest of the body. leaving it alone could doom the entire thing. no doctor worth his degree would deny either of these facts-- but if the leg can be saved too, thats even better. if it cant, it is a threat.

most organisations are hierarchical. stallman is the head of the fsf. whether there are other ways to arrange an organisation or not, this is true of the fsf in particular, and this is a structure where the organisation is designed to hopefully survive a transplant of each part-- though for it to retain a consistent identity, something has to remain the same (the mission? the dna?)

such transplants still count as trauma and are costly, and can affect the overall health of the organisation. they arent to be taken lightly.
Criticism should be pointed towards the organization itself, not a specific member, even if it is autocratic, dictatorial, military in form.
i really think it depends. if members pay for membership, they do so with the knowledge that their influence is limited (i never disputed this) though they are also capable of saying if they find this sufficient (i was not satisfied) and i question why one "should not" direct their critique at the source of the problem.

if the problem is the head of an organisation, why would the critique be at the organisation itself?

obviously, you can say "well now organisation, its your fault for allowing this to persist" but again-- i think it really depends on the organisation and the situation.

and without explanation, the rule of whom to address seems arbitrary.
Once criticism is directed towards the organization it is an internal issue whether it is the fault of leadership, of its internal processes, the internal influences, but it is an organization problem to respond to criticism.
i cant think of any rule or reason this should necessarily be either.
Furthermore I believe it is an illusion to believe that an organization will substantially change because the faces representing it will change.
i think this also depends on the organisation. the director sometimes has a very substantial influence on the direction that the organisation takes. stallman is the founder of the fsf-- its architect. i happen to believe that the ball is in his court on this matter in particular, and either way-- stallman is a person quite capable of commenting on this either as the president of the fsf or as an individual.

there is no reason not to take this matter all the way to the top, as it were.
It is a fallacy that people especially in the west have fallen and it is the same fallacy that the powerful use to portray a good image of good changes to come.
i think this is an overgeneralistion that suggests somewhere in asia (or eastern europe) that things are not generally based on hierarchies or that heads of organisations are arbitrary-- i dont personally believe thats so anywhere in the world, but other than that i think this is just ad hom. my argument doesnt change if i dont make it from "the west."
If the organization has fallen short of its goals, or has violated and stepped all over its own principles, that is the object of criticism. Whose fault that may be, if any, is their own internal problem to address.
again, this is stated as a matter of fact, but i cant think of a single reason why it would be.
At the end of 2018 things have not really changed, but if an organization has remained static on its previous glory and laurels its enemies have evolved to be much more aggressive and effective.
here i agree.
The organization is just the collective vehicle to achieve goals. Once it has been proven that there is no advancement towards the goals it should be terminated and replaced.
to fit with the gangrene metaphor-- this is like saying "if a man has gangrene in his leg, dont bother amputating-- just shoot him."

i think thats wasteful and unnecessary. what makes the fsf disposable? i dont think we are better off without the organisation.

nor do i think we are better off without stallman. it is a fairly indisputable fact that if the fsf is around for long enough, he will have to be replaced someday. im not sure "now" is the right time, but i argue that it could be if something this important has gone untreated in nearly half a decade. thats what this is about-- i dont think the fsf is useless, but it could use some improvement.
Unfortunately the longer an organization lasts the higher the internal priority to maintain the organization is formalized and the achievement of goals becomes secondary.
on this point i believe we agree. this pattern is easy to spot in the world of 501c3 organisations like the fsf, and it rewards the cynic with justification-- at times i am cynical, and even when im not i dont deny that this pattern is unfortunate and also real.

but, whether simply scrapping the entire organisation and starting over is a huge waste of time and resources is still up for debate, as far as im concerned. i think that would be overkill.

in fact i would compare it to the person who has installed too many pieces of bad software on a computer and-- isntead of taking the time to clean up the machine and its filesystem, they simply throw it away and get another computer.

even if the resources are there-- it is wasteful and inefficient and overkill. by all means-- do what is necessary, but do not do a thousand times what is necessary and name this "efficiency."

not that you have, though it is part of my point.
A change in captain will not make the schooner more capable. A carbon fiber trimaran with kevlar sails is needed.
now lets try another metaphor-- where two armies fighting each other have the necessary equipment (that isnt what it think the fsf lacks) and they need a better strategy.

i would bring in a different general, if the one in command is lacking. you would (according to what i am reading, unless i misunderstood) dismantle the troops, send them home, start a new army, and then get all new equipment.

i think the problem here is very possibly the general-- and the general alone-- and thats why i call for making that particular change.

i dont take issue with the army, i think the troops are flagging, but i believe that whats needed here is a change in strategy, not equipment.

im not a military expert in any kind of sense. but generals are associated with strategy at some level, thats the best metaphor for stallman i can come with thats relevant-- and changing from a general who is failing to one who is capable of better strategy isnt some ridiculous western idea-- sun tzu would surely take my side of the argument.

not that i was planning on appealing to military metaphors or ancient chinese philosophers, but if you tell me that changing the person in charge of strategy is useless, and imply that what the fsf really needs is better equipment and i dont understand "because western societal influence."


"victory usually goes to the army who has better trained officers and men."

- sun tzu

no mention of kevlar sails at all. i dont deny that better equipment could benefit the fsf in some way-- but it has basically nothing to do with the problem that i take issue with at this time.

this is about the fsfs strategy, their ability to rank and recognise strategic threats, and the person who is in charge of that.

as for scrapping the organisation-- the troops are already put together and equipped, what they lack (i believe) is an effective plan. we can redo the parts that are already sufficient. but i suggest a solution that cures a specific ill, not one that writes off the patient altogether.

and if "no man left behind" is a western cultural influence, then hey! thats one point for western culture. im not suggesting we leave stallman by the side of the road and move on-- as i said, it is a pretty indisputable fact that he will not remain forever capable of directing the fsf.

i have argued that perhaps he was not capable for the past 4 years. the position remains his, the decision remains his, i only question whether him choosing to stay now is the best possible course of action for the fsf.

i dont know what countries dont give people the option to speculate on such choices-- but that is how politics work in very many places that are not like china.

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