When you run qtcreator, most of the plugins (and therefore qtcreator's functionality) fail to load as they all depend on libProjectExplorer.so, which depends on the journald module which has an unresolved reference to systemd.

I had to manually build qtcreator myself, disabling journald support and the plugins work fine after that.

So when building qtcreator just add `CONFIG-=journald` to the qmake line:
qmake -r CONFIG-=journald
Welcome and damn you for cutting the record streak short..... of the longest period in obarun without a single problem reported :)
Credits to obarun, but Arch as well. In debian world not even 12hrs can go by without packagers shoving some new systemd dependency in somewhere, where you least expect it. :)
2 months later
Hello again,

qtcreator still has this issue, has the build been fixed yet?
qtcreator for the moment is not provided on official obarun repo, so you need to rebuild it as you did it before

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