Dear Eric,
Obarun activists,
systemd-free fans,

Coming from a design background I think that the Obarun homepage could take a make up. I suppose nobody would deny that the current site is rather straight forward. I say this because people are looking for Linux distributions all day long and─want it or not─we all suck up catchy hero images. After all, that's what my job is about. Make you buy things without asking where it comes from or what it consists of.
Now I'm absolutely not saying that I don't want people to ask what's inside of Obarun but rather the opposite. I would want to see more people get interested in an unchained Arch because there are a LOT of people who love the concept of Arch with all its freedom and are becoming aware of the invasive structure of systemd, therefore looking for alternatives. I myself have tried Puppy, Artix, TinyCore and PCLinux and I'm sure others have tried even more like Void, Gentoo or Slack.

Most of these are either very different Linux experiences (like Gentoo or Slack─although maybe more original) or targeted at very low spec systems (like Puppy, TinyCore). Artix and Void both use runit and are good with it. I liked my Artix experience on an old MacBook Pro with 32bit UEFI. But I really got to like Erics no-compromise approach with Obarun providing all the freedom of Arch with a super fast super stable init and process management system. It just works. Period. And it's fast. I mean really fast.

Getting away from systemd can sometimes mean to be forced away from some programs one used before. But it's really just a wake up call to notice just how invasive this suite has gotten over the years. And finding alternatives to work with has never been a problem for anybody using Arch anyways.

I would want to reflect the beauty of Obarun on its homepage. I did a quick redesign on with a basic layout which could easily be implemented with the existing MODX CMS which is currently in use. This is not a finished product. Content and sizings are apparently subject to change if this was to be implemented.

Also some page content needs to be reviewed and discussed or just be taken care of: The menu includes an anchor to "Packages" which is just plain dead and "News" just prints out the latest articles showing up on the homepage anyways (should have its own section in the mockup but I wanted to write this first). Also "Software" points to the documentation of 66 and should be named accordingly. Further a "Home" button is really not needed if you anchored the logo. All of these issues are reflected in the mockup.
Although not being the super creative highly brainstormed and individualized approach─which would mean a lot of time, research and work invested─it would be a selling point over the existing page.

I would be willing to further optimize and code this into the existing MODX CMS as mentioned and would like to hear from all of you what your opinion on this is.

Kudos and greetings from Mexico

Marlboro menthols, is Phillip Morris an Obarun sponsor now?
At least if it was Gitane no filters I wouldn't mind.
:lol: Not yet, but maybe we can reel them in with that image (Gitane of course!) :lol:
please check your mailbox :)
16 days later

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