1 I think a new forum category is needed to separate "s6 supervision software suite" from "66 supervision software suite"

% sudo 66-info -T monster
66-info: fatal: unknow tree: monster
It should be unknown tree

3 Essential instructions after replacing repositories, s6opts and *-s6serv *-s6rcserv with 66 and *-66serv, before rebooting:
66-tree -n boot
66-enable -t boot boot
66-tree -cnE root
66-enable tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2 ... dbus connmand ntpd sshd dhcpcd ....etc.
66-info -T boot
66-info -T root
** If something goes wrong and there is no login at tty1 Ctrl-Alt-F12 should give an active tty12

Should be placed in the news story https://web.obarun.org/index.php?id=93 or will there be a separate announcement for the transition from s6opts --> 66 ?
thanks for the typo remarks

the essential instructions will comes at the good time :)
When I write stuff and ask I don't expect by any means that it should be done NOW !! :)
TtDO in the unspecified future:

acpid-s6serv --> acpid-66serv

I don't even have any use for it, but noticed it missing.
New question. I had a few installations with 66 as you know for a while. The rest that I had with s6conf I converted yesterday, including my main. What I missed is a small detail that I only experienced once. I did the transformation through chroot, then booted to see if it went ok. Only one I did live. I didn't think much of it at the moment but reboot or poweroff didn't work, user/root the same. Is this expected behavior? It does make sense when you are replacing the whole init system, but here s6 is still the same, 66 comes on top of it, right? Maybe it is the links of those commands are to incompatible/different procedures.

By the time I thought about it I had no other to apply it to, but if it is so you may need to add some specific instructions for this case. I use resume=swapUUID when I boot a system that crashed to avoid corruption, but there has to be a better way out. Also it seems that doing the transformation through chroot is a safer procedure.

I have to admit the more I have learned of 66 the more I am falling in love with it. I've never felt so comfortable with a service-mgmnt system or haven't invested time to learn as much as with this one. It really is a leap in advance of anything I have experienced.
With the instructions on modifying the install ISO from the other thread I am now running a live system with 66 and '# shutdown -p' and '# reboot' work as expected, also with sudo.

I also use resume=PARTUUID=SWAP as a default kernel parameter but for hibernation. Think that's useless? I did not yet try any graphical interface like JWM. (Working on that one)

Maybe this is caused only when transitioning? That would be troublesome for some.
@ fungalnet
if you use consolekit to shut your system be sure to use the latest one provided on the obcore repo
@ marianarlt
sudo pacman -Sy obarun-install obarun-install-themes :)
you can use plasma themes -> flavor of jean-michel :)
I made some wording corrections on the s6opts --> 66 script
Please pay extra attention to the two areas contained by *** ***
Don't the testing repositories have to be each on top of the corresponding
repository? I switched the order to maintain arch fashion. Not that it makes
a difference.

(5/5) Obarun system announcement ...
From March 21st 2019
Transition from s6opts to 66
:: We are happy to announce the beginning of the transition phase
from s6opts to 66. A period of 2 months is given to allow you the time to
update your system. This means that by June 21st 2019 s6opts will be officially
deprecated and will no longer exist on the official Obarun repositories.

From this point all ISO provided will be with 66 tools in place of s6opts.
You can, if you desire, test the 66 tools in a live system or download it to
have a rescue live-boot system.
Obarun-install-themes (v0.1.3) was released to reflect the changes and all
templates are ready to use.
Obarun-install has a few changes itself and it was also released as (v0.9.9).

A special repository named '66' was created to avoid conflicts between packages
particulary with skarnet software which are now build with different flags.
This repository will eventually be removed and all packages will be moved to
the obcore repositories at the end of the transition phase.

We are now ready to move to 66 .....

Follow the procedure below to properly make the transition.
All the commands you see below need to be made as root.

First edit your /etc/pacman.conf and add the 66 repository. This repository
MUST be at the first place:
SigLevel = Required
Server = https://repo.obarun.org/66-repo

# [obcore-testing]
# SigLevel = Required
# Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcore/testing/

SigLevel = Required
Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obcore

# [obextra-testing]
# SigLevel = Required
# Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obextra/testing

SigLevel = Required
Server = https://repo.obarun.org/obextra

Synchronize pacman database and update the system
:: # pacman -Syyu

*** Check if your skarnet package has the updated release versions.
The versions need to be at least of the following versions:
skalibs, execline, s6,
s6-rc, and s6-portable-utils, or higher.
Do not continue if any of those installed packages have a smaller release # .
To check do the following: ***
:: # pacman -Qs skalibs
:: Do the same for execline,s6,s6-rc and s6-portable-utils package

Make a backup of the s6opts scripts
:: # mv /etc/s6 /etc/s6-backup

Remove the s6opts elements (service,scripts)
:: # pacman -Rnsu $(pacman -Qqs | grep -e s6serv -e s6rcserv)
:: # pacman -Rdd s6-boot s6opts

Install the 66 elements. Install first the 66 tools and
the boot service, then install any other desired services.
:: # pacman -S 66 boot-66serv
:: # pacman -S root-66tree dbus consolekit connmand ntpd

Enable services for the next boot
:: # 66-enable dbus consolekit connmand ntpd

Check if all is good (optional)
:: # 66-info -T

Restore the s6 backup. This will allow the scandir to
retrieve the good scripts to properly shutdown the system.
:: # mv /etc/s6-backup /etc/s6

Finally reboot
:: # s6-svscanctl -6 /run/boot/service

Congratulations, you are under 66 tools :)

After the reboot,you can completely remove the s6opts elements
:: # rm -rf /etc/s6
:: # rm -rf /etc/s6-serv
:: # rm -rf /var/log/s6rc
:: # rm -rf /var/log/s6serv

*** Do the same if you have a s6opts user directory
:: $ rm -rf /root/service
:: $ rm -rf ~/service ***

:: This message can be found at the obarun home page at
http://web.obarun.org/index.php?id=96 or execute the script

:: Thanks for your attention.
@ fungalnet
news rectified.
well $ rm -rf /root/service < not good , first you can try to do it as user :p, secondly i don't remember well but i think root do not have service directory

JWM readme says user is: obarun not oblive < arf , this will be fixed on next ISO release
What were you thinking when you changed the user name ? :)
This is needed to log onto obarun

root login : root
root password : toor
user login : oblive <-----
user password : toor
I think this is overthought.
Why not just have
or well
for the user?
Also I personally like obarun better for a hostname :P
Could read quite nice IMHO:
live@ obarun ~ % sudo obarun-install
Another detail:
I remember when I was bothered by the service and tmp directories created in the home directory by s6. Back then it was mentioned that this may change with 66. tmp is still being recreated everytime I remove it. Is there hope for me that this gets moved or removed one day?
@ marianarlt
tmp directory -> this is not linked with s6 or 66, take a look at the beginning of your .zshrc ;)
What about a distrowatch re-announcement, wouldn't be this a good time to refresh interest? Or are you going to make new April -isos?
@ What about a distrowatch re-announcement, wouldn't be this a good time to refresh interest?
we are waiting for the new 66 release
Was the packages link on the main page a link to github?
Should it be replaced with framagit.org/obarun?
Bugs here
eric wrotewe are waiting for the new 66 release
jwm or minimal without X?
5 days later
Let's say some old obarun users who haven't had any problems for a long time haven't seen the news, don't visit the forum, how would they get the news (obnews)?
Obnews is not in the obarun repository (unless I made a mistake) it is only on obcore, which defeats the purpose.
I would make an update of s6opts with a new dependency, obnews, and put it in the obarun repository.
This would also appear for someone struggling with an old iso to make a new installation work.

Just a thought
a month later

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