66-dbctl: fatal: unable to  stop services list
Don't be worried about a bug, I'm building an obarun from scratch by installing the core most essentials to boot a system and get a login prompt. Obviously I must be missing a key ingredient.
The question is how do I diagnose this message.

ckfs-fscheck udevd-udevrules root is chked rofs-console started and then I get the above message
66-dbctl -r 
66-dbctl: fatal:  inner bundle doesn't exit  --  please make a bug report:  No such file or directory  
ckfs-fsckeck doesn't exist, checkfs-fscheck exist ...

difficult to help without the complete log. i don't know if you are building your own boot service set? maybe
anyway this error message should not happend, please be more verbose and post a complete details of what you are currently doing and complete log
From obarun I made a new partition and mounted it, used pacman to install filesystem pacman base , and tried to make it as minimal as possibly could to just be able to log in to tty1. I have been getting the same error from the start, kept adding pieces, removed and reconstructed boot and root, eventually I was able to log in to tty12 as user, not root, kept trying to enable and start what I thought was needed, went back to tty1 and finally logged in, checked 66-info -T, seemed ok, I reboot and it is the same again.
@ 400000005c94d25121b9d7ac [Starting stage2 process ...]
@ 400000005c94d25211da8c8c Set hostname
@ 400000005c94d25211ee85d4 Mounting filesystem
@ 400000005c94d25212056164 hostname was set successfully
@ 400000005c94d2521358e75c filesystem was mounted successfully
@ 400000005c94d25213d2d634 rofs-hardclock started
@ 400000005c94d25213df3dfc rofs-modules started
@ 400000005c94d25213e87d2c rofs-kernmod started
@ 400000005c94d25213f9f9bc rofs-cgroups desactived
@ 400000005c94d252141d6424 rofs-kernruntime started
@ 400000005c94d25214347a4c rofs-swap started
@ 400000005c94d252146ecfe4 kernel.sysrq = 1
@ 400000005c94d252146edf84 kernel.core_uses_pid = 1
@ 400000005c94d252146ee754 fs.protected_hardlinks = 1
@ 400000005c94d252146ee754 fs.protected_symlinks = 1
@ 400000005c94d252146ee754 fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 1024
@ 400000005c94d252146ee754 fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288
@ 400000005c94d2521473fc1c rofs-kernruntime successfully started
@ 400000005c94d25214b483a4 rofs-swap successfully started
@ 400000005c94d25214bc384c rofs-modules :: Nothing to do
@ 400000005c94d25214d13364 hwclock: unrecognized option '--europe/rome'
@ 400000005c94d25214d14304 Try 'hwclock --help' for more information.
@ 400000005c94d25214d33704 rofs-modules successfully started
@ 400000005c94d25214d9da3c rofs-hardclock successfully started
@ 400000005c94d253264007c4 rofs-kernmod successfully started
@ 400000005c94d253267c8424 udevd-udev longrun started
@ 400000005c94d25326b007a4 udevd-udevrules started
@ 400000005c94d2540a552634 udevd-udevrules successfully started
@ 400000005c94d2540ad527bc rofs-console started
@ 400000005c94d2540b06038c lvm-prepare desactived
@ 400000005c94d2540b12964c checkfs-dmraid desactived
@ 400000005c94d2540b385e2c checkfs-brtfs desactived
@ 400000005c94d2540b8aeafc checkfs-fsckeck started
@ 400000005c94d2540e3dc65c checkfs-fscheck successfully started
@ 400000005c94d2541043e314 rofs-console successfully started
@ 400000005c94d254108e3e3c rwfs-fsrw started
@ 400000005c94d25410b4b1fc rwfs-fsrw successfully started
@ 400000005c94d254114cdf04 rwfs-tmpdir started
@ 400000005c94d2541150da8c rwfs-random started
@ 400000005c94d254115a871c rwfs-ip6tables desactived
@ 400000005c94d25411653194 rwfs-localtime started
@ 400000005c94d254116f285c rwfs-iptables desactived
@ 400000005c94d254118298ec Create /tmp directory
@ 400000005c94d254118c4964 rwfs-nofilesystem started
@ 400000005c94d2541191c7a4 rwfs-localtime successfully started
@ 400000005c94d25411924c74 rwfs-tmpdir successfully started
@ 400000005c94d25411bbd544 rwfs-loopback started
@ 400000005c94d25411c35724 if: fatal: unable to spawn ip: No such file or directory
@ 400000005c94d25411fb5714 rwfs-logfiles started
@ 400000005c94d254123bafbc rwfs-nofilesystem successfully started
@ 400000005c94d254129b6b8c rwfs-logfiles successfully started
@ 400000005c94d2592f47c08c rwfs-random successfully started
@ 400000005c94d2592f52383c 66-dbctl: fatal: unable to  stop services list
is this because of spawn ip: error?
Fungal once you get to the point of a usable environment goong this route I think you should wrap up the process in a How-To. Something like "Building your system from ground up".
Have you read Linux from scratch"? Seems to be the perfect read for you since you're apparently deeply interested in how to build everything to your liking including the underlying low level.
I would really like to read that future guide of yours :) Obarun needs more documentation!
In a way this is a ALFS (Arch Linux from scratch) and this is the heart of it all.
You format a partition and mount it at /mnt for example.
Then you # mkdir /mnt/var/lib/pacman
# pacman -Sy filesystem -r /mnt -b /mnt/var/lib/pacman
Then you start building. If you are not going to use raid then why install raid utilities, or efi, or wifi, just use what you need. By making your favorite base and save an image of this, you can custom create any type of system you want. It may be something dumb I am missing, like some essential script that requires vi and I don't have vi installed .. what better way to learn 66 than build from scratch with it.
More mystery, I wiped the db, and build new boot and root no backups or anything, and now it works fine. Even though I did this a few times before, so something I added in between fixed it but the trees were corrupt???

I have made this simple script:
rm -rf /var/lib/66/system/backup/*
rm -rf /var/lib/66/system/boot
rm -rf /var/lib/66/system/root
rm -rf /var/lib/66/system/boot_b*
66-tree -n boot
66-enable -t boot boot
66-tree -cnE root
66-enable tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2 dhcpcd
66-info -T
I will now begin from scratch till I find out what goes wrong.
if I go to tty12 and if I try root it responds with authentication failed if I try user it says login incorrect
What am I missing?
please be more verbose for your boot process increase the variable VERBOSITY to 3 in your /etc/66/conf/boot file
Yeah maybe your tree was corrupted but if you look at your output some go wrong with the rwfs-loopback service. you can see what this service is down running : 66-info -S rwfs-loopback , and take a look at scripts section. So the 66-dbctl do right when existing because a service do not up correctly and we want to be prevented about a service crash :).
Do you have iproute2 installed?
Anyway this message puzzled me 66-dbctl: fatal: unable to stop services list, it should be 66-dbctl: fatal: unable to start services list, i think a typo fix is needed here :).

For security reason you cannot log with root on tty12, you need to log with user and so an user must exist on your system, this is the case already? if you want to be root on tty12 you need to log with user than pass to root with e.g. su
The 66-dbctl appears after dev and disk checks are done, so you are saying it can't start services? So this is between the end of boot and the beginning of root?
Yes iproute2 is installed, on the first experiment it wasn't, at some point I had installed it and the problem continued, then kept installing this and that to see if it help, but then I rebuilt the trees from scratch and worked and never realized what of many things made the difference. So now every bit I add I rebuilt the db trees so I can catch it. On the first run I didn't even have dbus installed, and didn't think it was necessary. But networking is mandatory? How about lvm2?
When os-prober runs over a partition with grub, what makes it recognize an installation as Obarun and what recognizes it as "unknown linux"? Also, with some it picks up the UUID and makes a linux entry with root=UUID, while others it says root=/dev/sda1 for example.

No, at this stage it is impossible to log in as user, but the response of the system is different for root and user. On root it says incorrect, as if a wrong password is entered, on user it says authorization failure, although I am sure there is nothing wrong with passw or user creation. All work is done with chroot.
@ The 66-dbctl appears after dev and disk checks are done, so you are saying it can't start services? So this is between the end of boot and the beginning of root?
it can't start rwfs-loopback onto the tree boot and so the boot fail. and yes this is before starting the tree root

@ On the first run I didn't even have dbus installed, and didn't think it was necessary. But networking is mandatory? How about lvm2?
iproute2 is mandatory yes (thanks for point me out this, i need to add the dependencies onto the boot-66serv package), lvm is not, you have a variable at 66.conf to use or not lvm2 -> !USELVM=no

@ No, at this stage it is impossible to log in as user, but the response of the system is different for root and user. On root it says incorrect, as if a wrong password is entered, on user it says authorization failure, although I am sure there is nothing wrong with passw or user creation. All work is done with chroot.
you can hack easily the use of the tty12 and changing it for another (under tty6 > above you will have the same trouble), take a look at the etc/service/boot/tty12 file,
rename it by the good one and change what you need to change into the file(easy to understand when you will see the file) , then rebuild your boot tree.

@ When os-prober runs over a partition with grub, what makes it recognize an installation as Obarun and what recognizes it as "unknown linux"? Also, with some it picks up the UUID and makes a linux entry with root=UUID, while others it says root=/dev/sda1 for example.
os-prober > do not use this kind of stuff, i cannot help you about this
root=UUID > depending of your manner to build your /etc/fstab with UUID or not , take a look at genfstab command
I feel dumb when I found out what was missing, s6-linux-init
In the past with s6 it was easy to identify what was needed and what was missing, with 66 and obcore it slipped my attention. I am amazed though that without it I would get so much functionality :)

# genfstab -U / > /etc/fstab
I have used this for a while and then edit it manually to make adjustments.

So iproute2 and dbus are mandatory for the system to boot, I was hoping they weren't. This may be a bit too complex for me but for a system to work on console alone and for basic networking is dbus so essential? It is a whole bunch of pkgs that come along with those two.

I made an image with slightly over 1GB space, I don't know whether it is good or bad, I'll work on it some more. It is pretty fast booting.
# pacman -Rnsudd dbus dbus-66serv
and I haven't found something that doesn't work from what I use in a wm. So why would it be such a hard dependency for a minimal system without even X? It boots and shutsdown fine and nothing has crashed yet. A while ago I had given up too early thinking that what may be possible with Gentoo may be impossible with arch because of this dependency on everything. I even looked for a terminal without it (rxvt).
@ fungalnet
Dbus IS NOT mandatory on Obarun, so yeah removing it will do nothing. I will change the dependencies for the boot-66serv
gtk3 -> at-spi2-atk -> at-spi2-core --> everything on desktop
gtk2 --> screw dbus

The trojan horses are always dressed pretty and doors will be open
i talks about init not for a complete system ;)

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