Some trouble was found with 66-info tools , 66-tree -U and 66-start -R command, the fix will comes soon, thanks for your patience and comprehension
Bugs reports
6 days later
Sometimes, not always, when boot-66serv is updated or reinstalled it causes a mini-crash, X exits, and tty1/tty2 is out.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Is anyone else experiencing this?
... can confirm crash from yesterday, after boot-66serv was updated from to ...
Yep, this happened to me too! It left my system, to quote one of the messages I saw, RIP. Ouch!
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confirmed, update to caused this crash. System nevertheless keeps working (ssh'ed in). Reinstall from tty1 without X causes tty1/2 crash, update stopped at stopping consolekit
that's really an unexpected behaviour O_0, thanks for your reports guys
EDIT = boot-66serv update bugs -> fixed
EDIT = boot-66serv update bugs -> fixed
2 months later
Relatively minor thing but I noticed today when setting up a LAMP stack that tree names with spaces would not work as expected. I suppose the space gets wrongly escaped internally or something.
root@ obarun / # 66-tree -nE local\ webserver
66-tree: info: Created successfully tree: local webserver
66-tree: info: Enabled successfully tree: local webserver
root@ obarun / # 66-info -T local\ webserver
local webserver
Initialized: no | Current: no
Contains: | Enabled: no
nothing to display
root@ obarun / # 66-tree -E local\ webserver
66-tree: info: Enabled successfully tree: local webserver
root@ obarun / # 66-info -T local\ webserver
local webserver
Initialized: no | Current: no
Contains: | Enabled: no
nothing to display
This behaviour still occur if you have a service into the tree?
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root@ obarun / # 66-tree -nE not\ enabled
66-tree: info: Created successfully tree: not enabled
66-tree: info: Enabled successfully tree: not enabled
root@ obarun / # 66-info -T not\ enabled
not enabled
Initialized: no | Current: no
Contains: | Enabled: no
nothing to display
root@ obarun / # 66-enable -t not\ enabled httpd
66-enable: info: Enabled successfully: httpd
root@ obarun / # 66-info -T not\ enabled
not enabled
Initialized: no | Current: no
Contains: | Enabled: no
└─(0,Enabled,oneshot) httpd
root@ obarun / # 66-all -t not\ enabled up
66-init: info: Initialization aborted -- no classic services into tree: not enabled
66-init: info: Initialized successfully: httpd
66-start: info: Started successfully: httpd
root@ obarun / # 66-info -T not\ enabled
not enabled
Initialized: yes | Current: no
Contains: | Enabled: no
└─(0,Enabled,oneshot) httpd
root@ obarun / # 66-tree -E not\ enabled
66-tree: info: Enabled successfully tree: not enabled
root@ obarun / # 66-info -T not\ enabled
not enabled
Initialized: yes | Current: no
Contains: | Enabled: no
└─(0,Enabled,oneshot) httpd
so, i will investigate this, thanks for the report.
Note: this is a weird choice to use space into a name, an underscore could be a better choice
EDIT: you cannot use space into a name because it's impossible to me (talking about code part) to know if the space is a component of the name or if it's a new arguments of the command line. So please use underscore or minus sign or whatever as character but not a space
Note: this is a weird choice to use space into a name, an underscore could be a better choice
EDIT: you cannot use space into a name because it's impossible to me (talking about code part) to know if the space is a component of the name or if it's a new arguments of the command line. So please use underscore or minus sign or whatever as character but not a space
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Ok understandable. Will do. I usually prefer readability over computing language approaches where it's allowed. Should be mentioned somewhere in the future (Wiki on 66 basics or something). Thanks for investigating.
8 days later
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Was the 66-repo from pacman.conf merged into obcore recently?
I couldn't update pacman for a few days because it threw a 404 until today when I manually checked the URL and indeed that folder doesn't exist anymore, so I just commented it out from my pacman.conf and can update well. I see the 66 package is indeed in obcore. Is there more to this?
Should make an announcement if it got merged.
Actually the installer also still uses 66-repo!!!
I couldn't update pacman for a few days because it threw a 404 until today when I manually checked the URL and indeed that folder doesn't exist anymore, so I just commented it out from my pacman.conf and can update well. I see the 66 package is indeed in obcore. Is there more to this?
Should make an announcement if it got merged.
@ Was the 66-repo from pacman.conf merged into obcore recently?
Marian seriously? :D
it was announced from a while
huh, where? i didn't saw any pacman.conf containing the 66-repo
Marian seriously? :D
it was announced from a while
@ Actually the installer also still uses 66-repo!!!A special repository named '66' was created to avoid conflicts between packages particulary with skarnet software which are build with differents flags. This repository will be removed and all packages moved to the obcore repositories at the end of the transition phase.
huh, where? i didn't saw any pacman.conf containing the 66-repo
I thought the last batch of isos were created just so they don't have [66] in them.
For a few days 66 didn't give errors, it was just empty, no pkgs.
If you edit your pacman..conf check that libsystemd has been replaced with systemd-libs because they changed the name.
Also look for .pacnew
I've been having a problem on/off with updating recently, community keeps throwing time-out errors. The rest of the repositories are all fine, mirrors are almost as responsive as if they were upstairs (ping) and the download rate they show on pacman is nearly at the limit of the connection. The error says :
This is happening on more than one installation and the even stranger behavior is when one that had a problem the day before is working and the other that wasn't is having the problem today, then it goes away, then it comes back.
For a few days 66 didn't give errors, it was just empty, no pkgs.
If you edit your pacman..conf check that libsystemd has been replaced with systemd-libs because they changed the name.
Also look for .pacnew
I've been having a problem on/off with updating recently, community keeps throwing time-out errors. The rest of the repositories are all fine, mirrors are almost as responsive as if they were upstairs (ping) and the download rate they show on pacman is nearly at the limit of the connection. The error says :
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from : Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 10 seconds
It goes through a list of more than 10 mirrors that ALL work giving the same error. Logs don't show any problem.This is happening on more than one installation and the even stranger behavior is when one that had a problem the day before is working and the other that wasn't is having the problem today, then it goes away, then it comes back.
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Bwaaahahahaha Fake News! -_-"
I'm trying to scare Eric...
Oh well seriously though I must've gotten little sleep...
Yesterday I was testing the install script from my local system which still had 66-repo in pacman....
Sorry for the commotion. I do think a short News should be made on the site though. The announcement you quoted I remember but it says that it has been created, and that in some future it will get removed (with no approximation).
Existing installs will not be able to update because of the 404.
I mean it's obvious to most people what 404 means in this context but it may not be obvious why it is being thrown. Might as well be a server side fault.
I was looking at the latest news myself yesterday and couldn't find anything that says something along the lines:
"The transitioning phase from s6 to 66 has officially ended. Please remove 66-repo from your pacman.conf! As of [date] it has been removed from the obarun server and must be deleted from the configuration."
I even already used the latest ISOs when I said I was testing in VMs and they were perfectly fine lol sorry :P
As for the systemd pointer: Thank you Fungal!
I've had issues like yours before with pacman. Usually generating mirrors with reflector helps me in that situation.
I personally like to use
I'm trying to scare Eric...
Oh well seriously though I must've gotten little sleep...
Yesterday I was testing the install script from my local system which still had 66-repo in pacman....
Sorry for the commotion. I do think a short News should be made on the site though. The announcement you quoted I remember but it says that it has been created, and that in some future it will get removed (with no approximation).
Existing installs will not be able to update because of the 404.
I mean it's obvious to most people what 404 means in this context but it may not be obvious why it is being thrown. Might as well be a server side fault.
I was looking at the latest news myself yesterday and couldn't find anything that says something along the lines:
"The transitioning phase from s6 to 66 has officially ended. Please remove 66-repo from your pacman.conf! As of [date] it has been removed from the obarun server and must be deleted from the configuration."
I even already used the latest ISOs when I said I was testing in VMs and they were perfectly fine lol sorry :P
As for the systemd pointer: Thank you Fungal!
I've had issues like yours before with pacman. Usually generating mirrors with reflector helps me in that situation.
I personally like to use
# reflector --latest 50 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Yes, I have ranked them and test them, and raced them and they are all just as good as they have always been. Nothing to change, but I have tried several others from further away places, small difference in speed, still the same.
They weird part is while it works now on one installation that had problems last week, I chroot to another and run and IT is having the problem. On the same connection, same machine, identical pacman.conf, same mirrorlist, the downloads community the other doesn't. It is not like I switched to arch yesterday, I haven't seen this behavior in years.
They weird part is while it works now on one installation that had problems last week, I chroot to another and run and IT is having the problem. On the same connection, same machine, identical pacman.conf, same mirrorlist, the downloads community the other doesn't. It is not like I switched to arch yesterday, I haven't seen this behavior in years.
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No doubt about that :)fungalnet wroteIt is not like I switched to arch yesterday, [...]
During my tests today I had randomly freeze pacman in VMs and my work station a few times (not many though). Could be so many things I'm not eager to find out as long as it goes away (shoo) :D
(I know that's no help (shoo)
and when shitty stuff like this happens on new Obarun users installation, the first thought from the user is:
"Crappy installation,this doesn't works, i give up,Obarun doesn't works"
# @ ~@ # `{#~@ ^[\
THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF OBARUN DEV!!!! ( for once, cought ... :p )
"Crappy installation,this doesn't works, i give up,Obarun doesn't works"
# @ ~@ # `{#~@ ^[\
THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF OBARUN DEV!!!! ( for once, cought ... :p )
4 months later
Q: On the latest boot-66serv
boot-66serv /usr/lib/66/service/boot/earlier-service/tty12
Even if boot is removed, new boot is created, enabled -F boot
The tty12 is not tty@ tty12, if I disable tty12 on boot and enable and start tty@ tty12 even after reboot and even after removing manually /usr/l/...../tty12, 66-info -S tty12 still shows it.
Also, many times/always, if you log in to tty12 and then exit tty12 dies. No more tty12. Why is this?
Now I run
# pstree -p -a | grep tty12
|-s6-supervise,666 tty12
# kill 666
tty12 is alive, just not 666 anymore :)
but you would need another active tty to do this.
s6 is the future of all systems and 66 is beyond that future :)
boot-66serv /usr/lib/66/service/boot/earlier-service/tty12
Even if boot is removed, new boot is created, enabled -F boot
The tty12 is not tty@ tty12, if I disable tty12 on boot and enable and start tty@ tty12 even after reboot and even after removing manually /usr/l/...../tty12, 66-info -S tty12 still shows it.
Also, many times/always, if you log in to tty12 and then exit tty12 dies. No more tty12. Why is this?
Now I run
# pstree -p -a | grep tty12
|-s6-supervise,666 tty12
# kill 666
tty12 is alive, just not 666 anymore :)
but you would need another active tty to do this.
s6 is the future of all systems and 66 is beyond that future :)
Yes , X exits/crashes for mefungalnet wroteSometimes, not always, when boot-66serv is updated or reinstalled it causes a mini-crash, X exits, and tty1/tty2 is out.
Is anyone else experiencing this?