I hope you don't mind this Eric, I think this could be an open collection of spelling mistakes throughout Obarun where everybody is welcome to point out mistakes in orthography or grammar. Then whenever you feel like it you can have this as a reference and work on it and even strike out whatever you have done. Let's get this done together!

Red for errors
Blue for suggestions
Green for corrections
  1. 66-info -T without any tree created states:
    66-info: fatal: unable to display trees informations
    Apart from not being very informative, if this message was strictly because of no tree existing at all it could read "no trees available" or if it's more generic "unable to display any information"
    If anything it would have to read "unable to display tree information"
  2. When starting the system and initiating boot the informative output messages all read [boot say: ... ]
    This is badly expressed. Why not just make it [Boot: ... ]? If anything it would need to be [boot says: ... ]
  3. The same for Stage2 and Stage3
  4. You are "Starting" Stage2 and Stage3 but "Initiating" Boot.
    I think these could be unified: [Starting boot process ...] and even [Boot completed successfully] (easier/faster to read)
Note for everyone:
As this is kind of tedious work I would appreciate everyone contributing with whatever catches your eyes.
Make a clean list and try your best to point out the corrections for the devs to rapidly catch the point. Also try to avoid duplicates already mentioned by others to keep this clean.
Also if the devs simply don't like to implement a correction they should simply strike it out with [ s ] [ / s ].

If acknowledged it should become a platform to polish a great system even more!
this kind of correction is really appreciated, many thanks marian
@ if this message was strictly because of no tree existing
nope, this is an error message not an informative message

@ unable to display trees informations
Why isn't correct? we have one OR multiple trees to display ... surely my understanding of plurality in english is not good
2 months later
obarun-install script:
Expert mode (optionnal)

Also after updating and auto-exiting and prompting to re-run the script says:

:: Existing

instead of "Exiting".
Ah sorry, I wasn't sure about that...will try to separate accordingly next time.
What's weird though? Both mistakes are right there where you pointed to :P
my bad, i was not awaken when i read your post :p.
Anyway, fixed thanks

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