I can't go without mpv, but the main mpv depends on systemd. So I went with mpv-light which doesn't require systemd (yet*).
One of the benefits of mpv(-light) is that it can play video/audio streams (m3u8, rtmp, pls, etc..) which I use occasionally. Among with playing
local audio and videos. Whaaw on the other hand can not play video streams (or audio?) [0]

* = is it possible to watch mpv-lights development if it brings in systemd files later on? and if it would can someone provide a nosystemd variant?

[0] https://mail.gna.org/public/whaawmp-dev/2011-12/msg00003.html
@ Whaaw on the other hand can not play video streams (or audio?)

the software providing by iso it's just for demonstration. when you have intalled on partitions, you can install what do you want :)

@ is it possible to watch mpv-lights development if it brings in systemd files later on? and if it would can someone provide a nosystemd variant?

you need to investigate a little more the system, for example take a look on the pkgbuild of mpv https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/mpv and look about depends section. no systemd dependencies on it, so
$ sudo pacman -S mpv
eric wrote no systemd dependencies on it, so
$ sudo pacman -S mpv
I had a systemd error with regular mpv that caused it not to start the stream, don't remember what it said. But If you want you can reproduce it yourself with
$ mpv literallyanymediafile.ext 
I'd prefer not to remove mpv-light and reinstall mpv right now. I'll provide the error sometime later (maybe)
obarun@ obarun ~/Archives/rootfs-obarun-build/work % mpv literallyanymediafile.ext
Playing: literallyanymediafile.ext
file Cannot open file 'literallyanymediafile.ext': No such file or directory
Failed to open literallyanymediafile.ext.

Exiting... (Errors when loading file)
lol :p, i don't use mpv so please give me a more precise instruction
obarun@ obarun ~/Archives/rootfs-obarun-build/work % mpv /home/obarun/Video/xxx.mp4 
Playing: /home/obarun/Video/xxx.mp4
 (+) Video --vid=1 (*) (mpeg4)
 (+) Audio --aid=1 --alang=und (*) (aac)
AO: [alsa] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float
VO: [opengl] 720x304 yuv420p
AV: 00:00:26 / 01:25:30 (0%) A-V:  0.000
work for me can't reproduce your issue, give me the error output please
eric wrotework for me can't reproduce your issue, give me the error output please
I'll provide the output later. Pretty late here ;). I've edited my previous post because it happened to me with a stream.
Try this:
$ mpv
work for me again
eric wrotework for me again
That's really weird. (How can this be a isolated error?) Will provide output later then.
eric wrotework for me can't reproduce your issue, give me the error output please
Just got around to it :D
taco@ zen ~ % mpv
mpv: error while loading shared libraries: libsystemd-daemon.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Weird, isn't it?

Going to sudo pacman -Rsun mpv; yyS mpv-light now ^_^
ok i found the trouble, you have smclient and libwbclient installed, right? Those package call libsystemd, i don't have this issue because i have smbclient-nosystemd and libwbclient-nosystemd on my system :)(necessary package for obarun-server). So those package are not available for the moment on repo, it will be available today.
eric wroteok i found the trouble, you have smclient and libwbclient installed, right?
It was installed among mpv, yes. But since I replaced mpv with mpv-light, my packages presently don't require samba packages.
But it would be nice for them to be in the obarun repo overall, In case someone (or I) need them later on.
eric wroteit will be available today.
Thanks ;) but github is down lol.
a month later
This is very interesting! Thanks Eric for taking the time. I think a few people have warned you about "tackling the monster"...and I believe this is what they meant...trying to keep an Obarun system systemd-free. That is to say...when a user installs more packages...and those packages require systemd...how do you prevent that. I just made a donation as a thank you for making the effort. I hope it works...I too am having a similar "systemd" problem on my virtual system but I'll post that in a different forum posting.

Thanks again Eric, you are a brave man.
Many many thanks for your donation ob1, i go to add you on the donate page :). This is very appreciate. Many thanks again.

so i a little overflow lol for the moment but some more packages without systemd will come soon like samba. This very difficult to make all the stuff alone in particular maintaining site. But with labor.... :) (and patience for user lol)
how do you prevent that
a large of package have systemd dependencies just for service. So these kinds of packages can be installed without problem, just make a service do the stuff. A package installing some stuff about systemd or libsystemd are not a problem because systemd doesn't exist, so those elements have no effects on the system. obviously is better if the package is rebuild without systemd support.
The trouble is : if you want to install plasma (for example), you need to install qt5-base. ok no problem with that because qt5-base-nosystemd exist. But pacman doesn't take my package (normal behaviour), it means i need to make a wrapper (or something similar) taking package xxx-nosystemd instead of arch package.
So for the moment, user need to install package xxx-nosystemd first and install after the applications wanted. all the package have the variables replaces,conflicts,provides defined, so when pacman search for dependencies he found it on the system. Is not a perfect solution (yes i know) but for the moment it's work pretty well :)
I think a few people have warned you about "tackling the monster"
yes but it's not impossible, obarun is the proof, and i'm alone for the moment, i think with a very few people a distribution can be made :). i use my system from almost one year and i share it from july 2015 so i'm always here....no offense has some lol
eric wroteobviously is better if the package is rebuild without systemd support.
I fear that you'll need to start doing this as more packages won't work easily by "just removing the systemd services"
Void linux is already doing this already on more than ~51 packages

I say this because pacman has complained about numerous "corrupted" systemd unit and tmp files to which systemd wasn't present. I've reported this
and your reply stated not to worry about it. I often update the same post on more warnings to make sure if something does happen
(and it most likely will) We know exactly which packages to blame.

P.S It might be easier just to copy the void package templates because they're relatively the same format as pkgbuild.
I fear that you'll need to start doing this as more packages won't work easily by "just removing the systemd services"
Void linux is already doing this already on more than ~51 packages
i know i know. the problem is not to make package without systemd support(for the number case is simple), the problem is to maintain it. i don't have time to make all, i need to progress step by step. this is for example a part of my TODO list:

about obarun-install:

adding gpg signature on fresh intall including Eric Vidal gpg sign and changing pacman behaviour(maded this morning :))
make a directory to install xfce as plasma or openbox
improve resume (number 8) function to allow installing package which are not installed yet
changing display menu for more clarity

about site

make a paragraph on news page to tell news about obarun-install
changing wiki about obarun-install and make another screenshot to reflect the change
finish the do it yourself wiki page
change the home page
adding screenshot about plasma and xfce on screenshot page
make correction about english on all the page (very difficult for me lol)

about system

make a wrapper to allow installing xxx-nosystemd in priority
adding optional dependencies about runitserv in all packages
continuing to make new package without systemd support for base package (http://obarun.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=77)
adding new package like samba (maded for a while now but doesn't shared)
debugging some packages like openntpd pid (test was made but without result for the moment)

and so one my friend lol

So step by step

thanks you so much for your support, really appreciate to see that i doesn't work for nothing :)
a month later
Sorry for the late reply
eric wrotethe problem is to maintain it
Perhaps pkgbuild-watch can help you track upstream changes on pkgbuilds? Note: pkgbuild-watch doesn't work without changing the html2text dependency to html2text-with-utf8.
I personally use the update scanner firefox addon to watch openntpd because pkgbuild-watch doesn't always work.
eric wrotei don't have time to make all
No worries, No need to maintain the repo 24/7 ;) In this regard, I update a systemd tracker thread. Everything else not consisting of systemd, is upstreams problem.
eric wroteadding optional dependencies about runitserv in all packages
This would be really nice :)
eric wrotethanks you so much for your support, really appreciate to see that i doesn't work for nothing
No problem, I help when I can.
Perhaps pkgbuild-watch can help you track upstream changes on pkgbuilds?
personnaly i use netstiff or urlwatch, depends.
3 months later
Just to enrich the video player discussion: I'm using ffplay (making use of ffmpeg). E.g. you can play all sorts of videos or stream Twitch. Though it has no GUI, but still you can navigate through the timeline with arrow keys or mouse.
a year later
xine mplayer smplayer vlc ffmpeg mpv all had different errors in trying to play a local mp4 file.
I don't usually play local videos and someone sent me a quicktime video, so I started looking for software to play it.
Then I tried to play a few older mpegs I had and none worked with any player.

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