The following is taken from my system, running live and well.
# 66-info -T
Initialized: yes | Current: no
Contains: | Enabled: no
Initialized: yes | Current: no
Contains: | Enabled: yes
Initialized, Current, Contains, Enabledfrom:
I think a little more information and explanation is needed. The data from those 4 fields are yes no and sometimes flashing. Contains never seems to contain anything.The first line gives you useful information about the tree itself where Name is the name of the tree, Current tells if the tree is the current one or not—see 66-tree -c and Enabled reveals the state of the tree—see 66-tree -E. For each service the first number found between '()' bracket is the corresponding pid of the service, the type of the service is shown next to it. Finally the name of the service is displayed.