If you create such a file empty, with # in it, or anything else it throws a fatal error. If you put a "1" only in that file and save it, ntpd starts and stops with no errors or warnings. If I try a 0 it starts but with a delay. -1 throws a fatal error.
Should ntpd-66serv be creating this file with a value of 1? I am not very clear on ipcserver yet. supports that mechanism natively: when the service directory for the daemon contains a valid notification-fd file, the daemon's supervisor, i.e. the s6-supervise program, will properly catch the daemon's message, update the status file (supervise/status), then notify all the subscribers with a 'U' event, meaning that the service is now up and ready.
The file /run/66/scandir/0/ntpd/notification-fd doesn't exist and when ntpd goes up or down throws an error (not fatal),An optional regular file named notification-fd. If such a file exists, it means that the service supports readiness notification. The file must only contain an unsigned integer, which is the number of the file descriptor that the service writes its readiness notification to. (For instance, it should be 1 if the daemon is s6-ipcserverd run with the -1 option.) When a service is started, or restarted, by s6-supervise, if this file exists and contains a valid descriptor number, s6-supervise will wait for the notification from the service and broadcast readiness, i.e. any s6-svwait -U, s6-svlisten1 -U or s6-svlisten -U processes will be triggered.
If you create such a file empty, with # in it, or anything else it throws a fatal error. If you put a "1" only in that file and save it, ntpd starts and stops with no errors or warnings. If I try a 0 it starts but with a delay. -1 throws a fatal error.
Should ntpd-66serv be creating this file with a value of 1? I am not very clear on ipcserver yet.