Hey hey :)

It's been a while. I actually never reseted my home pc, but now I'm in thailand and I bought a nuc and burned the obarun minimal iso on a usb stick from my phone. So far that worked, it boots :)

Now as I am in a hotel, I need wifi, how to enable? I see there is 66 now, a lot of things have changed... I am a bit lost as usual hahaha.

I guess I need to read a bit.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thank you
The wireless part I think I figured out. I basically followed https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/WPA_supplicant# Connecting_with_wpa_cli

the hotel wifi has a webpage registration page, I don't think that would work with the terminal. I opened up a hotspot on my phone and connected my nuc with it XD

only error I had was, it was using a weird default interface name but
sudo wpa_cli -i wlo2
solved it. :)
hmm ok pinging is no problem but pinging google.com is...

I guess i need to start dhcpcd?
# s6opts enable dhcpcd
oh s6opts doesn't exist anymore...what should I do?
ah hehehe

dhcpcd seems to work i guess.

just /etc/resolv.conf

good old resolv.conf lol good that i went through this before in "minimal installation"
Welcome back arm-man!
# 66-enable -t root -S dhcpcd wpa_supplicant
# 66-info -T
# 66-info -T root     --> so you can see what is active and running on root tree
# 66-info -S dhcpcd
ls -al /etc/66/*/*          --> get familiar
# $edit /etc/66/66.conf
fungalnet wroteWelcome back arm-man!
# 66-enable -t root -S dhcpcd wpa_supplicant
# 66-info -T
# 66-info -T root     --> so you can see what is active and running on root tree
# 66-info -S dhcpcd
ls -al /etc/66/*/*          --> get familiar
# $edit /etc/66/66.conf
Hey! :) Thank you!

My brain already cooking, this will take me some time to understand. :)
Meanwhile wasn't succesful installing obarun yet lol i failed miserably.

1st mistake was to do
# pacman -Syu 
instead of
# pacman -Sy 
2nd mistake was to overwrite the mirrorlist in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

because I looked and it had 2 servers near australia in it (from a french island I never heard of, interesting). So I thought "cool, lets put some thai servers in it". But they couldn't be resolved any more after that :(

I got the servers from the official arch website.

Well I start now again.

Btw, Aur packages I have to put into the base-utilities list? (expert package list)
arm-man? :D
@ Btw, Aur packages I have to put into the base-utilities list? (expert package list)
in any files that you want or create a new file containing your package
eric wrote@ Btw, Aur packages I have to put into the base-utilities list? (expert package list)
in any files that you want or create a new file containing your package
okay i put it under the browser, I deleted lynx and put in w3m. Which it installed.

But then this happened:
:: Thanks for your attention.
:: Install missing packages coming from AUR
:: Install yay from AUR
:: Get pkgbuild for yay
error: [yay]: couldn't resolve host name
error: no results found for yay
:: Resolve dependencies for yay
error: [multi]: couldn't resolve host name
:: Build the package yay
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.
:: installing package yay
loading packages...
error 'yay-*.pkg.tar.xz' : could not find or read package
:: failed to install packages yay
:: cleaning up
:: Killing process
:: Umount /mnt
:: Check this and that
:: Restore your shell options
i rebooted and...no bootable device recognized :(

hmm hex code for boot partition was ef02, not ef00...correct right?

hmmm intel bios uses uefi but should switch to legacy mode automatically.... hmmm
You're definitely fast paced Nic :D
Why not go slow on things? hahaha From what I understand you want a minimum install. Why bother installing AUR packages from the installer? Just install the system first, check everything's fine, then install from AUR :P
If you chose "yes" when asked whether to install a bootloader you wouldn't need to bother too much about whether to boot with UEFI or Legacy, the bootloader would take care of that (as long as you got your disk layout right).
It reads like you customized your partioning layout differently from the Wiki suggestions. Do you pretend to multi-boot different OSes? UEFI only? Single boot Obarun? Grub/SysV/EFISTUB/somethingelse?
It'd help for us to know your exact requirements :) Because usually when no bootable device is recognized, then your disk layout is not suitable with your installation, which is not so much a bug, but a misconfiguration.
Let us know :)
marianarlt wroteYou're definitely fast paced Nic :D
Why not go slow on things? hahaha From what I understand you want a minimum install. Why bother installing AUR packages from the installer? Just install the system first, check everything's fine, then install from AUR :P
If you chose "yes" when asked whether to install a bootloader you wouldn't need to bother too much about whether to boot with UEFI or Legacy, the bootloader would take care of that (as long as you got your disk layout right).
It reads like you customized your partioning layout differently from the Wiki suggestions. Do you pretend to multi-boot different OSes? UEFI only? Single boot Obarun? Grub/SysV/EFISTUB/somethingelse?
It'd help for us to know your exact requirements :) Because usually when no bootable device is recognized, then your disk layout is not suitable with your installation, which is not so much a bug, but a misconfiguration.
Let us know :)
It is just ONE package, i wanted to see if it works. Because in the future I might want to make a theme.
I just want a minimal booting installed system thats all. Bootloader should be installed with the minimal system (right? it least used to do it in the past)
...there was no question asked...
as far as i read the wiki, there is no disk layout recommended.

sda1 is defined as ef02 with ext2 for the bootloader
sda2 is swap 8200
sda3 is root 8300 with ext4
sds4 is home 8300 with ext4

i did mount:

thats how i used to do it in the past. Only thing i am not sure is if the boot partition has to be ef00

Did I miss some parts in the wiki?
I will revisit now...
Fast paced? Ha! Still a big pain in the ass to install the system. I don't understand how simple things like changing servers in the mirrorlist can corrupt the installation process, i might be misunderstanding "valid" servers in the obarun-install menu.

As far as asking me for a bootloader to install, it installed like 1gb of packets and then got stucked with one aur package and then, i guess, it aborted the installation process. Because it never asked me to install syslinux.

Well I will try again now, leave everything as default so i don't fuck up things -.-
Nic wrote
i did mount:

thats how i used to do it in the past. Only thing i am not sure is if the boot partition has to be ef00

Did I miss some parts in the wiki?
I will revisit now...
Hey Nic,

I'd like to try the best I can to help you trace down where your error is :)
Did you mount in exactly that order you mentioned?!

That would not work!

Here's why:
You first mount your boot partition (which you say is /dev/sda1) to /mnt/boot
This makes that disk partition writable at that point. Which is fine.
Now you mount your root partition (/dev/sda3 like the wiki) to /mnt
This makes that disk partition and all its sub folders writable at that point. Which is fine. (Sort of, because:)
Attention: The formerly mounted /dev/sda1 is now blocked by the second mount because it got mounted at the same or a higher level (/mnt)!!
If you install a bootloader after mounting like this, your bootloader will now be inside a folder /boot on disk partition /dev/sda3!!!
Take note that this could be a valid configuration if you explicitly told the system (bootloader config, fstab etc.) to not use /dev/sda1 to boot. But by default we do.
So you would have to take care to mount /dev/sda3 to /mnt first!
Then after that you can mount sda1 and sda4 inside of that.
This is crucial.
If you did it this way, you might have noticed that you had to create /mnt/boot first. Well that is because you have to mount to an existing folder. But you actually created /mnt/boot on your live USB and then hooked up /dev/sda1 to that.
You need to mount your new root partition to /mnt and then inside of that make /mnt/boot and /mnt/home and mount the corresponding partitions. (It can be done completely different once you understand very well what the requirements to boot an operating system are).

I'll later see what else might be an issue here. Hope this makes sense to you and helps!

P.S.: Please also note that this is NOT related to Obarun at all. This is basic linux configuration. The Arch wiki on installation is great for details.
@ marianarlt
No I did not mount it in that order. I mounted /dev/sda3 to /mnt first. then /dev/sda1 to /mnt/boot and then /dev/sda4 to /mnt/home

I just put it in that order because of how I created the partitions.

Sorry for late response I traveled a bit.
Tomorrow I will try again, do everything again from zero.
Hey Nic, welcome back :)

Another thing I see is that you set a partition identifier using gdisk to mark your /dev/sda1 as BIOS boot partition (ef02). Is your disk GPT?
ArchWiki on GRUB wrote On a BIOS/GPT configuration, a BIOS boot partition is required. GRUB embeds its core.img into this partition.
Before attempting this method keep in mind that not all systems will be able to support this partitioning scheme. Read more on Partitioning# GUID Partition Table.
The BIOS boot partition is only needed by GRUB on a BIOS/GPT setup. On a BIOS/MBR setup, GRUB uses the post-MBR gap for the embedding the core.img. On GPT, however, there is no guaranteed unused space before the first partition.
For UEFI systems this extra partition is not required, since no embedding of boot sectors takes place in that case. However, UEFI systems still require an EFI system partition.
I'm not quite sure how syslinux handles this, but I suppose it wouldn't be too different.
Just a thought to maybe hopefully make you go "Ha!" ;)

By the way my question asked way before was this:
marianarlt wrote Do you pretend to multi-boot different OSes? UEFI/BIOS only? Single boot Obarun? Grub/Syslinux/EFISTUB/somethingelse?
And another side note I just read on the syslinux project page:
wiki.syslinux.org wrote Some limitations might apply, depending on the filesystem.

As of Syslinux 6.03, "pure 64-bits", compression and/or encryption are not supported.
Although I guess that almost nobody would compress or encrypt their boot partition but there's this bit of info :D

And then there's also this:
wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/syslinux wrote Installation on BIOS
Install the syslinux package.
gptfdisk is required for GPT support following the # Automatic install section.
I don't have much experience with syslinux. I use EFISTUB myself. I remember the Wiki not giving any details on the bootloader specifics, although I remember a comment about it being crucial to edit your /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg file to correctly reflect your installation.

Until the Wiki is back up anybody installing with Syslinux should fresh up on its configuration on the ArchWiki

Have a nice week!
As far as I know the only peculiarity in booting obarun/S6 is that the linux command line should have (read only) ro after the /dev/sd** or UUID, the arch/grub system defaults to rw so you would have to change this manually. I believe the syslinux command is similar. Everything else should be the same as arch (wiki.archlinux.org).
LABEL obarun
	LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
	APPEND root=/dev/sda2 ro
	INITRD ../initramfs-linux.img
I think

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