The wiki was hacked and the we lost the wiki entirely. Need to be rebuild from the scratch.
Sorry for the inconvenient

(Was all that came to my mind initially...Please say if you want some help [maybe we could make a thread?])
@ marianarlt
It's really hard to ask for help for two main reasons:
1) We works on free and open source software. Every people that want to use it can and thus for free, no need to help, no need to pay. It's my responsibility to provide the necessary for an user. If i do not want to make this effort i do not share my works anymore.
2)From the start of this projects i saw a lot people that want to help. They discovered Obarun, were enthusiast (normal, new stuff) and want to furnish help. But those people didn't realized what it mean. If something is started it should be accomplish to the end and not leaved in the middle of nowhere hoping that the main devs of Obarun take the relay. This is exactly the contrary, if devs ask for help that's because they don't have time or resources or knowledge to make it. Finding serious people (like you) are difficult even in a real life...
Don't get me wrong, we accept help, it's obvious. Actually a lot of people help by e.g reporting bugs (this is really appreciated), but for works like that (wiki,site,pkgbuild,communication, and so on) we need people who invest their-self in the project.

A ton of works need to be done. I wanted to provide the new 66 tools for this year (i talk about year of Obarun which take end at the end of this month) and this is done. Obviously the works continue and some new features are incoming.
This new year will start with a generous donation concerning hardware server(Intel Xeon E3-1246V3, 2x HDD SATA 2,0 TB Enterprise,4x RAM 8192 MB DDR3). So we need to work on a kernel build especially for this hardware, thinks about partition scheme, rebuild all packages for the system itself(maybe musl),implement some good API(git,httpd,ftp,mail,pertube,and so on), thinks about security and so on.
The site need to be rebuild from the scratch(it's really bad actually containing a full of bugs), the wiki need to write correctly, provide OUR, make an interface for git repositories and so on.
We need to think about a good API to properly build package providing a good frontend for it (obarun-build actually is what s6opts was for 66)...
Should i continue?
The Obarun TODO list is huge yes, and help is needed yes and all over this we need to works to earn money to pay the rent of our house....
and actually the Obarun team contain only three members : jean-michel,fungalnet and me

jean-michel take care (in some other stuffs) about pkgbuild,debug, etc... and he will be precious about the server part to configure the thing
fungalnet take care about the visibility of obarun
for both the list is not exhaustive.
me , arff i don't know what i do here :p

we need for the moment:
a webmaster which take care about announcement too
a "wikimaster" with a good knowledge of Obarun system and linux in general
and maybe a "packman" to build package
Hi everybody
Should i continue?

So, the wiki has been hacked and all of our work has been erased. It was only a matter of time, but I'm not surprise about that. Am I angry and angry against the person who destroy what we built? The answer is no. We will have to rebuild everything, it mean more work. In this work we will learn and consolidate our base.
Is there any other guide for a noob to install? (I had just set up a VM so I could follow the wiki.)
Any estimate for the rebuild time?
So sorry this happened to you.
I have done some work on wiki on my disk but just the section about 66 - incorporating 66 documentation in wiki format. I like wiki as a user but don't have any experience in editing this, so I am learning as I go. I had downloaded just the front page to have as a reference to where the 66 would go and the s6opts to be removed.

I think the installation part is of prime interest to users, new users, and it should be done first. I can not even login to the wiki, don't know why.
Eric, Jean, Fungal,

I'm glad to see that you take this as a challenge rather than a fallback. My workstation runs on top of Obarun and I want to keep it that way. This is a very dedicated project and I hope it'll never cease to give you some peace of mind in return. I personally (and probably a lot of people reading this) can totally understand how difficult it can be to maintain a project were people expect you a certain amount of maintenance and development when there are only very few people involved. I wish you the best of endurance for the road map you mentioned and that the Wiki will soon be available again for many people to come here and join you in your journey.
Thank you for Obarun!
@ marianarlt

Thx you, and we can all thank eric.
My workstation, my netbook , both with Obarun since the beginning, now with the combination of the powerfull S6 + awesome 66 tools it's a incredible distro.
We have a lot of good surprise for the futur of Obarun and Obarun users. It's just the begin.
Part of the wiki is being reconstructed piece by piece. If any of you old-timers see anything wrong please point it out. It is getting rushed to be finished and functional and there is little time for reviewing everything link by link.

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