
What a lucky find!
I saw an Obarun suggestion while looking at another systemd-free Distro and wandered over here. :)
I have read your documentation, looked around your forum and downloaded the Obarun_x86_64-2019-05-3.iso which I am going to test with DWM inside a kvm/qemu VM today, if it works as advertised I'll be doing a bare metal install on the already acquired new disc early next week.
18 years ago or so I severed all ties to Microsnot and their products, since then I have, for personal use, used the following Distros: Caldera, Debian, Gentoo, Sabayon, Arch and now while preparing for my new install am running Manjaro i3.
My favourite was always Gentoo but when my laptop disc failed while spending time in Central Africa, I was not able to rebuild it from a Third World Internet cafe so ...
My wife is comfortable with Mint on her desktop and MX-18 on an old laptop.

This feels like a comfortable place.

Thank you.
Welcome lourens,
Hope you will appreciate Obarun :)
If you have any questions do not hesitate to post
Wellcome Lourens,
May I ask in what distro you found a reference to Obarun?

I regularly clear my browsing history but from memory, I was looking through Gobolinux discussions on reddit which was where someone posted along the lines of " ..if you want a systemd free Distro then you should try Obarun ..." and off I went!
Hey lourens,

glad to have you! A lot of interesting things are happening in the world of operating systems in general. When I was a teenager I didn't even know how broad of a world this was. Although my mom always got gifted Apple computers from a fanboy who wanted to make her like him back then and I actually grew up as a child using the Macintosh "System 1-4" OS quite a lot...
Windows was all I knew in those days, sharing files and playing games like if life didn't even exist...so weird when I think about it...
When I began to study design we were almost forced into OSX and I got back to Apple, turned into a fanboy myself and eventually used to make Hakintoshes out of my PCs instead and then finally arrived at Linux about 6 or 7 years ago.
I hope you like what you get with Obarun, it let's you wonder why so many distros use way complicated managers to get things done.
Have a nice week!

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