Obarun turned 4, it is very hyperactive, healthy, ready to go to kindergarden :P


June 1st 2015 was the day the first Obarun live image was published.

(OpenBox Arch RUNit - OBARUN)

Many changes have taken place since then but the goal remains "to use arch-linux without the burden of systemd".

Happy birthday Obarun and best wishes to all of its faithful users.

PS Making a good cake is much easier than learning how to make a news announcement on the Obarun server :)
HAHAHA Not for me that's for sure! I prefer my wife to make the cake instead although that may sound old fashioned and anti-feminism...but it's really just my love for her cooking/baking skills X)

From Mexico I donate a piñata to the little one (yeah they're not what they used to be, but this one is actually quite nice:)
And one more old school one:
Otra Piñata
And the typical Mexican birthday song typically presented by a Mariachi which not a single Mexican would fail to recite at any given moment :D

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