
I know many/most of you like console commands and their precision and feedback and hate graphic contraptions.
What if there was a 66 gui that could configure everything that 66 does?
Like there would be a drop menu where you can select a tree, or add a new one, select from drop menu the services you want enabled, whether to start them right away, disable ones that are active, view the services enabled in its current tree, and basically combine all 66 tools into a graphical configuration script.
One that would also pop-out an output screen describing what was just executed. (maybe yad)

Unfortunately I don't have any experience making something like this, I am willing to learn if someone can point me to the right direction. I think something like this would make it more daring for less experienced users to feel confident on how to configure their system.

I wonder what you all think.
yes, it can be really cool but it's not the good moment to do that because 66 is still in development and so interface of API can change. Also, choosing the toolbox to use it really hard, we have only two choice: GTK and QT.
GTK is horrible because the dev constantly broke the things and can be a real pain to follow their change. That's mean that at every upstream update you need to check your program.
QT is really great but it made for C++ where 66 is on C.
Maybe an another choice can be made using gtk-server. It's an API which allow you to write a GUI from sh/bash : is not so bad and permit to quickly make a GUI without any knowledge on low-level language. As same as s6opts to 66, it can be a good choice to make a pre-GUI and see what is good what is not before passing to a concrete program.
But yeah, having such a tool make a difference and bring something new and usefull. Obviously, this will never replace the command line because service management is an important part used on machine without any X frameworks like a server.

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