For those who haven't installed the obnews package this is what is announced today:
(1/1) upgrading obnews                                           [------------------------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Obarun system announcement ...
From 07/14/19

New release of 66 and xxx-66serv services.

:: We are happy to announce you the imminent arrival of the 
new v0.2.0.0 66 release. This release will come with a 
lot of improvements and changes. To do so, it will be available on the 
[obcore-testing] at the date of 07/18/19.
Due of important changes of the inner format and ecosystem directories hierarchy
a manual intervention will be necessary. 

Also, the boot-66serv will follow these changes. This package bring up with
new features and improvements like the support of encrypted devices, 
auto-configuration at compile time,... and it now portable for other OS.
Service changes will be available at the same date (07/18/19) on the new
repositories [observice-testing].

A detailed instructions to pass to the new release will come at the same 
date (07/18/19).

We need to be very clear here: If you don't follow the 
future instructions correctly your machine WILL NOT BOOT.

If you have the [obcore-testing] set in your /etc/pacman.conf
it can be very good idea to DISABLE it before 
processing at any update of your system to let you the time to properly 
understand how to apply the new 66 release.

To set the new observice-testing repository on your /etc/pacman.conf:
# [obcore-testing]
# SigLevel = Required
# Server =

SigLevel = Required
Server =

# [obextra-testing]
# SigLevel = Required
# Server =

SigLevel = Required
Server =

# [observice-testing]
# SigLevel = Required
# Server =

SigLevel = Required
Server =

:: Note: this repositories will be available at the correct date.
:: Thanks for your attention.

5 days later
My dog is howling, it must be coming, I can feel the earth shake, the street lights are dimming now ....
This is strange, an hour and a half after I wrote this about 66 coming, it didn't come, but we had quite a quake here. A couple of old abandoned buildings collapsed and there were two minor injuries.

Weird? I swear it is true, I hadn't thought about till now. We've had about 15 aftershocks since then,
Sorry, i'm late

The release is ready at the framagit but some adjustments is required for Obarun user before pushing it on the repo.
It arrive very soon :)
  • [deleted]

This is certainly a typo on the release date ! :D

It's working guys, eric and me are in the last small adjustments.


Welcome to the futur.

Powered by Obarun