
so i installed bluez, bluez-utils,

but 66-enable bluetooth
or 66-enable bluetooth.service

throws 66-enable: fatal: unknown service: bluetooth: No such file or directory

(which directory where btw?)

bluetoothctl just makes the shell hang.

could you help me please?
Unfortunately a bluetooth-66serv service file doesn't exist yet. Although I don't have experience with it myself, I tried once doing something with an old phone and bt dongle and failed. see if bluetoothctl --help will help you. Sort of running the service manually without 66 supervising the service.

Otherwise be patient for a more knowledgeable person to offer a solution, or write up a service file for it.
  • [deleted]

Hi udo and welcome.

Thx for the report. The service has not been updated to the testing repository. It will be available in few hours.
  • [deleted]

bluetoothd-66serv is available in observice-testing repository.
pacman -Sy bluetoothd-66serv
I do not have any bluetooth devices to test if everything works as expected, plz report a problem in the Bug report section of the forum.

4 months later
I just noticed that bluetoothd-66serv-0.1.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is obsolete because it did not track changes made by the update of bluez-5.50-7-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz (/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd) to bluez-5.51-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz (/usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd). Besides, I think the new version of the package should include starting obexd, as was the case with bluetoothd-s6serv-0.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz, which worked properly. Thanks.
I think, before anyone else verifies, you can copy
# cp /usr/lib/66/service/bluetoothd /etc/66/service/
# $edit (nano/vi/..etc) /etc/66/service/bluetoothd

and go to the execute line and switch
/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd to /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd

then 66-enable the bluetoothd service
If you have done it already and it didn't run, disable it from the tree and enable it again, or use the -c option and -S to start it again.
Use the -v3 option and then run # 66-inservice -p30 to see its log

Edit: I don't have a bt thingy here to test if it works
I already tried that, it not worked ... if it would be of a help, this was thrown ...
 ~ % sudo 66-inservice bluetoothd
Name               : bluetoothd
In tree            : root
Status             : enabled, down (exitcode 1) 0 seconds, normally up, want up, ready 0 seconds
Type               : classic
Description        : bluetooth daemon
Source             : /etc/66/service/bluetoothd
Live               : /run/66/scandir/0/bluetoothd
Depends on         : bluetoothd-log
Start script       : 
                      execl-cmdline -s { /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd ${cmd_args} -f ${conf_dir}/${conf_file} } 
Stop script        : nothing to display
Environment source : /etc/66/conf/bluetoothd
Environment file   : cmd_args=!-n
Log name           : bluetoothd-log
Log destination    : /var/log/66/bluetoothd
Log file           :
@ 400000005dd56f6612a90e56 bluetoothd[3042]: Unable to get on D-Bus
@ 400000005dd56f671279459c bluetoothd[3053]: Bluetooth daemon 5.52
@ 400000005dd56f6712b07ebb D-Bus setup failed: Connection ":1.269" is not allowed to own the service "org.bluez" due to security policies in the configuration file
dumb question: Is dbus running in a root tree?
because I run /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd -n and I get the same error because I don't use dbus, haven't for a long while :)
But have no bluez device but that would be an error of further than dbus
# 66-enable -S dbus
... obviously ... yes
 ~ % sudo 66-intree root
Name        : root
Initialized : yes
Enabled     : yes
Current     : yes
Contents    : crond-log  connmand-log  dbus-log  dbus  connmand  tty@ tty1
              openntpd-log  openntpd  wpa_supplicant-log  wpa_supplicant  crond
              tty@ tty2  bluetoothd-log  bluetoothd
Many thanks for the report
Please sync and update. Also bluetoothd-66serv contain now obexd as user service.
... thanks, but still there is problem with starting bluetooth daemon ... obexd is up, though
 ~ % sudo 66-inservice bluetoothd
Name               : bluetoothd
In tree            : root
Status             : enabled, down (exitcode 1) 0 seconds, normally up, want up, ready 0 seconds
Type               : classic
Description        : bluetooth daemon
Source             : /usr/lib/66/service/bluetoothd
Live               : /run/66/scandir/0/bluetoothd
Depends on         : bluetoothd-log
Start script       : 
                      execl-cmdline -s { /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd ${cmd_args} -f ${conf_dir}/${conf_file} } 
Stop script        : nothing to display
Environment source : /etc/66/conf/bluetoothd
Environment file   : cmd_args=!-n
Log name           : bluetoothd-log
Log destination    : /var/log/66/bluetoothd
Log file           :
@ 400000005dd64f7a36f4ee86 bluetoothd[1884]: Unable to get on D-Bus
@ 400000005dd64f7b36dfa8d8 bluetoothd[1894]: Bluetooth daemon 5.52
@ 400000005dd64f7b36f85e8d D-Bus setup failed: Connection ":1.161" is not allowed to own the service "org.bluez" due to security policies in the configuration file
 ~ % 66-inservice obexd
Name               : obexd
In tree            : graphics
Status             : enabled, up (pid 1028) 8 seconds
Type               : classic
Description        : obex daemon
Source             : /usr/lib/66/service/obexd
Live               : /run/66/scandir/1000/obexd
Depends on         : obexd-log
Start script       : 
                      execl-cmdline -s { /usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd ${cmd_args} } 
Stop script        : nothing to display
Environment source : /home/qwe/.66/conf/obexd
Environment file   : cmd_args=!-n
Log name           : obexd-log
Log destination    : /home/qwe/.66/log/obexd
Log file           :
@ 400000005dd64f453459170f obexd[899]: OBEX daemon 5.52
@ 400000005dd64f4534592589 Failed to connect to socket /run/user/1000/dbus: No such file or directory
@ 400000005dd64f45345928e6 obexd[899]: manager_init failed
have you udpated the bluez package?
Anyway be sure to have /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/{bluetooth,bluetooth-mesh}.conf file. The previous packages installed those files at the wrong place meaning /usr/share/dbus-1/dbus-1/system.d/{bluetooth,bluetooth-mesh}.conf.

Please check it out.
... didn't get bluez and bluez-libs packages update first ... all is ok now, file transfer works also, many thanks.

EDIT: repo data should be updated too ...
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: bluez: local (5.52-3) is newer than obextra (5.52-2)
warning: bluez-libs: local (5.52-3) is newer than obextra (5.52-2)
 there is nothing to do
3 months later
Sorry never mind this,...I hadn't set up Pulseaudio, always used vanilla ALSA before,...no way around Pulse for this...

I'm trying to set up a bluetooth speaker here and I'm having issues to connect to the device.
The card is a USB 2.0 hama dongle which gets detected instantly fine. When I put the speaker in pairing mode it gets detected well, I can trust and pair from CLI without issues but I cannot connect. Also the KDE qt bluez GUI cannot auto configure the device for probably the same reason.

Packages installed from obextra:
bluez, bluez-cups, bluez-hid2hci, bluez-libs, bluez-plugins, bluez-utils all @ 5.52-3 and pulseaudio-bluetooth @ 13.0-4
from extra:
bluez-qt @ 5.67.0-1, bluedevil @ 5.18.2-1
from observice:
bluetoothd-66serv @ 0.1.3-1

The USB dongle gets recognized on hci0 and the device can be trusted and paired as mentioned:

However the device won't connect

Things I have done so far:
- added root and users-who-use-a-DE to the group "lp"
(Arch says to add the user running the daemon to this group [usually "pulse"; but I'm on Obarun and according to the service file that'd be root])
- added the following modules to load in user and system config (/etc/pulse/default.pa [first two existed, changed them to load unconditionally] and /etc/pulse/system.ap respectively):
- rebooted several times, restarted bluetoothd-66serv several times, then removed, re-added, re-trusted, re-paired the device several times with bluetoothctl (both with and without sudo)

This is what will always happen:
marian@ obarun ~ % sudo bluetoothctl
[bluetooth]# power on
Changing power on succeeded
[bluetooth]# agent on
Agent is already registered
[bluetooth]# default-agent
Default agent request successful

[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller A2:BA:0D:31:D3:CC Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 Teufel BAMSTER
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 TxPower: 4
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 0000110d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 0000110f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 00001131-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb

[bluetooth]# scan off
Discovery stopped
[CHG] Controller A2:BA:0D:31:D3:CC Discovering: no
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 RSSI is nil

[bluetooth]# trust 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 Trusted: yes
Changing 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 trust succeeded

[bluetooth]# pair 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5
Attempting to pair wimadeth 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 Connected: yes
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 00001108-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 0000110c-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 Paired: yes
Pairing successful

[Teufel BAMSTER]# connect 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5
Attempting to connect to 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5 Connected: no

Further observations
The dongle itself looks good:
marian@ obarun ~ % sudo btmgmt
[mgmt]# info
Index list with 1 item
hci0:   Primary controller
        addr A2:BA:0D:31:D3:CC version 6 manufacturer 10 class 0x000104
        supported settings: powered connectable fast-connectable discoverable bondable link-security ssp br/edr hs le advertising secure-conn debug-keys privacy static-addr 
        current settings: powered connectable discoverable bondable ssp br/edr le secure-conn 
        name BlueZ 5.52
        short name
After trying to connect through KDE-GUI (bluez-qt) or through CLI (after removing, scanning, trusting and pairing) /var/log/66/bluetoothd/current throws this error:
a2dp-sink profile connect failed for 22:13:A7:00:C3:B5: Protocol not available
Even though I have the above modules loaded.

Also after rebooting the machine and checking the same log these also catch the eye:
@ 400000005e6232f7"pulse" to the 2c6aff85 bluetoothd[4681]: Bluetooth daemon 5.52
@ 400000005e6232f72c71b5a8 D-Bus setup failed: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused
@ 400000005e6232f72c71f8b8 bluetoothd[4681]: Unable to get on D-Bus
@ 400000005e6233092b1c3a71 bluetoothd[947]: Bluetooth daemon 5.52
@ 400000005e6233092b43de10 D-Bus setup failed: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
@ 400000005e623309"pulse" to the 2b43e1b1 bluetoothd[947]: Unable to get on D-Bus
@ 400000005e62330a2b23a61a bluetoothd[1186]: Bluetooth daemon 5.52
@ 400000005e62330a2b504ee2 bluetoothd[1186]: Starting SDP server
@ 400000005e62330a2bd200d2 bluetoothd[1186]: Bluetooth management interface 1.14 initialized
Looks like it fails twice before running successfully? Although I have no idea if this actually causes any errors as it seems to activate well on the third try?
Can you give this guy a hand on how to create his own service file for tlp (next thread on 66)
3 months later
Fungal, I suppose that was once a link to another post?

I'm back with more Bluetooth fun...
I'm currently back at my mexican workstation. My NIC is an Intel Dual AC wireless 7260 mini-PCIe. These intel combined cards are sort of notorious for having issues over several generations. I've never had the need to use Bluetooth on this machine before so I didn't bother. I bought myself some bluetooth speakers though and would like to use them with my Obarun.

So what's the exact problem?
The bluetooth portion of the card is simply not recognized in Obarun. Also Plasma shows no available devices in its settings.

What packages are installed, what services running?
bluez, bluez-libs, bluez-utils, bluez-qt, bluedevil (plasma), qt5-connectivity (optional[?])
bluetoothd-66serv is enabled and running in a root user tree but actually bails in the log:
marian@ obarun [111] ~ % sudo 66-inservice bluetoothd
Name                  : bluetoothd
Version               : 0.2.1
In tree               : desktop
Status                : enabled, down (exitcode 127) 0 seconds, normally up, want up, ready 0 seconds
Type                  : classic
Description           : bluetooth daemon
Source                : /usr/lib/66/service/bluetoothd
Live                  : /run/66/scandir/0/bluetoothd
Dependencies          : bluetoothd-log
External dependencies : None
Optional dependencies : None
Start script          :  execl-cmdline -s { /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd ${cmd_args} -f ${conf_file} } 
Stop script           : None
Environment source    : /etc/66/conf/bluetoothd
Environment file      : cmd_args=!-n
Log name              : bluetoothd-log
Log destination       : /var/log/66/bluetoothd
Log file              : 
2020-06-02 14:22:40.518863630  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:41.519596540  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:42.518570036  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:43.522248264  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:44.522330128  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:45.522682920  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:46.523987885  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:47.525272197  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:48.526387686  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:49.528144026  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:50.528217514  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:51.529249478  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:52.529177465  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:53.532769161  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:54.533084767  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:55.536031566  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:56.537250929  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
2020-06-02 14:22:57.536417413  execl-cmdline: fatal: unable to exec /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd: No such file or directory
Ok. That's pretty clear. But WHY?
I indeed miss this path completely. There's not even any /usr/lib/bluetooth parent directory on my install. Furthermore the only entries in /usr/lib regarding Bluetooth is the libbluetooth.so.3.19.2* socket and it's corresponding symbolic links. I can install the mentioned packages any times I want. It won't get created either.

rfkill recognizes the device:
marian@ obarun ~ % rfkill
 0 wlan      phy0   unblocked unblocked
 1 bluetooth hci0   unblocked unblocked
so does the kernel apparently:
marian@ obarun [127] ~ % dmesg | grep Bluetooth
[    6.824423] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.22
[    6.824531] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[    6.824535] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[    6.824536] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[    6.824539] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[    6.853569] Bluetooth: hci0: read Intel version: 3707100180012d0d2a
[    6.853570] Bluetooth: hci0: Intel device is already patched. patch num: 2a
so does bluez-utils:
marian@ obarun ~ % btmgmt
[mgmt]# info
Index list with 1 item
hci0:   Primary controller
        addr 7C:5C:F8:6E:50:AE version 6 manufacturer 2 class 0x000000
        supported settings: powered connectable fast-connectable discoverable bondable link-security ssp br/edr hs le advertising secure-conn debug-keys privacy configuration static-addr 
        current settings: br/edr 
        name Bluemoon Universal Bluetooth Host Controller
        short name 
hci0:   Configuration options
        supported options: public-address 
        missing options:
Necessary kernel modules seem to be loaded:
marian@ obarun ~ % lsmod | grep blue           
bluetooth             696320  5 btrtl,btintel,btbcm,btusb
ecdh_generic           16384  1 bluetooth
rfkill                 28672  6 bluetooth,cfg80211
crc16                  16384  2 bluetooth,ext4
(Although it sort of throws me off that bluetooth says "btintel". Intel states that iwlwifi is the driver responsible for these cards?)

When I issue "bluetoothctl" from bluez-utils the command will indefinitely try to connect to bluetoothd (surprise surprise, no bluetoothd there to begin with...)

I'm currently dual booting with Windows and have read concerns that Windows can sort of kidnap the MAC of a hardware device. But from all the output I seriously doubt that is the case here. The issue seems to be the missing /usr/lib/bluetooth directory. Also many people advice to disable co-existence of Bluetooth and WIFI on these cards with a iwlwifi module option which didn't work either.
On YouTube people mask out(!) between one and three pins on the NIC itself to get it discovered...(although several of those have this issue even on Windows and my Windows installation detects the card fine and works out of the box.)

Any idea why /usr/lib/bluetooth might be missing? Am I missing packages? I've read that people of similar Intel cards install bluez-utils-compat from AUR instead of bluez-utils from official repos to get it to work, but that has a systemd dependency...
Any idea why /usr/lib/bluetooth might be missing?
just because the dev is a stupid guy :p.

Well Arch push libexec stuff to /usr/lib which is clearly a bad behavior. libexec thing should be on, well, /usr/libexec. So, when i found some stuff like this, i change the path to the correct one. So, on Obarun, bluez package install obexd,bluetoothd,bluetooth-meshd at /usr/libexec/bluetooth directory.
Ok, but when i did the service, i used the /usr/lib path instead of /usr/libexec lol.

So, just synchronize the observice repo, install the new version of bleutoothd-66serv(0.2.2-1) and enable it again.
Fabulous! Works.
Thank you very much for another explanation and quick fix!
Hello Eric,

Ever since the instalation of bluetooth-66serv 0.1.3 ( now 0.2.1 in charge , didn't update to 0.2.2, yet ), everything works flawlessly, despite obvious errors in packages 0.2.0 and 0.2.1, which I didn't noticed.
@ type = classic
@ version = 0.2.1
@ description = "bluetooth daemon"
@ user = ( root )
@ options = ( log env )

@ build = auto
@ execute = ( execl-cmdline -s { /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd ${cmd_args} -f ${conf_file} } )

... using bluetoothd service file, 66 produce this ...
~ % sudo 66-inservice bluetoothd
Name                  : bluetoothd
Version               : None
In tree               : root
Status                : enabled, up (pid 873) 139 seconds
Type                  : classic
Description           : bluetooth daemon
Source                : /usr/lib/66/service/bluetoothd
Live                  : /run/66/scandir/0/bluetoothd
Dependencies          : bluetoothd-log
External dependencies : None
Optional dependencies : None
Start script          : 
                         execl-cmdline -s { /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd ${cmd_args} -f ${conf_dir}/${conf_file} } 
Stop script           : None
Environment source    : /etc/66/conf/bluetoothd
Environment file      : cmd_args=!-n
Log name              : bluetoothd-log
Log destination       : /var/log/66/bluetoothd
Log file              : 
2020-06-03 19:46:41.033882558  bluetoothd[806]: Unable to get on D-Bus
2020-06-03 19:46:41.998008139  bluetoothd[857]: Bluetooth daemon 5.54
2020-06-03 19:46:42.004368463  bluetoothd[857]: Starting SDP server
2020-06-03 19:46:42.013141031  bluetoothd[857]: Bluetooth management interface 1.15 initialized
2020-06-03 20:11:59.614700843  bluetoothd[857]: Unable to get io data for Object Push: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not connected (107)
2020-06-03 20:31:42.085234096  bluetoothd[857]: Unable to get io data for Object Push: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not connected (107)
2020-06-03 21:51:52.257271347  bluetoothd[857]: Disconnected from D-Bus. Exiting.
2020-06-03 21:51:52.270763633  bluetoothd[857]: Stopping SDP server
2020-06-03 21:51:52.270876448  bluetoothd[857]: Exit
2020-06-03 21:51:52.391631171  bluetoothd[11110]: Bluetooth daemon 5.54
2020-06-03 21:51:52.395117429  D-Bus setup failed: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused
2020-06-03 21:51:52.395294706  bluetoothd[11110]: Unable to get on D-Bus
2020-06-04 05:58:13.232062913  bluetoothd[826]: Bluetooth daemon 5.54
2020-06-04 05:58:13.235627394  D-Bus setup failed: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
2020-06-04 05:58:13.235634402  bluetoothd[826]: Unable to get on D-Bus
2020-06-04 05:58:14.199702727  bluetoothd[873]: Bluetooth daemon 5.54
2020-06-04 05:58:14.206018873  bluetoothd[873]: Starting SDP server
2020-06-04 05:58:14.215080803  bluetoothd[873]: Bluetooth management interface 1.15 initialized

The only explanation that came to my mind is that changes didn't touched database, which still keep correct start script from package 0.1.3.

Could you, please, help me to fix it, even it is not broken ... and bring it in expected state, when it will be broken.

P.S. Note that instead of package version number it show: None
installing the service doesn't mean that you running service is changed. The installation just overwrite the corresponding frontend file at /usr/lib/66/service. But if you don't enable again the service you still use the version that you used previously. 66 will not take policies decision for you and it will not do "magical stuff" for you. We are not on systemd here :).

So, install the last version of bluetoothd-66serv package then update your service:
# 66-enable -F -t root bluetoothd
finally reload it in memory
# 66-start -R -t root bluetoothd
it should be ok.
Interestingly this just happened to me too a few minutes ago. Weird.
The device again completely disappeared.
Re-enabled and re-started the service as described w/o success. Several reboots.

Why would /run/dbus/system_bus_socket refuse connection?!
I get the same error.

2020-06-04 21:49:48.535052595  bluetoothd[2544]: Bluetooth daemon 5.54
2020-06-04 21:49:48.535443194  D-Bus setup failed: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused
2020-06-04 21:49:48.535469700  bluetoothd[2544]: Unable to get on D-Bus
2020-06-04 21:50:08.763923696  bluetoothd[1070]: Bluetooth daemon 5.54
2020-06-04 21:50:08.764961887  D-Bus setup failed: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
2020-06-04 21:50:08.764965392  bluetoothd[1070]: Unable to get on D-Bus
The socket is there just fine. Shouldn't throw this error to begin with.

On my end it's even worse now. The device is actually really gone:
marian@ obarun ~ % btmgmt
[mgmt]# info
Index list with 0 items
marian@ obarun ~ % dmesg | grep Bluetooth
[    6.691990] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.22
[    8.870964] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c03 tx timeout
[   16.764242] Bluetooth: hci0: sending initial HCI reset command failed (-110)
What the hell. This is worrisome,...before this, the card got recognized by Windows and Linux. Windows could even use and manage it, Linux could at least recognize it's there. Now it's not. Maybe this time it's not Eric's fault? (I bet it is!) :D
On my machine I could suspect the dual boot thing and Windows and Linux constantly pairing the device. Maybe the card got tired? Burn out? Wants to retire? It's not 65 yet!

@ dvam
What bluetooth card model do you have? Do you dual-boot? Do you triple boot? Have you noticed anything weird before it happened?
The only thing I did today was disabling/enabling the device once today (in Obarun) to pair with my speaker and after a reboot a lot later it's gone. Hm..

@ eric : don't worry about me...
@ dvam : I solved this on my end by removing and re-installing the NIC (Intel Dual Wireless 7260 mini-PCIe) (Sophisticated solution there...)

P.S.: I used these instructions on how to share the same key pairs among OSes to avoid having to pair over and over again.
please update the dbus-66serv and enable it again:
# 66-enable -F -t <tree_name> dbus
It should solve the permissions issue
thanks, it was so sobering experience ... bluetoothd was successfully updated and enabled, but update of dbus-66serv to 0.1.5-1 caused a failed login after the reboot
login: trying to run a sulogin command
Give root password for maintenance
(or press Control-D to continue):  sulogin: cannot read /dev/tty1: operation not permited
and that led to desktop where all root services are down, so I downgrade to 0.1.3-1, and all is as it should be.

P.S. environment lines in dbus-session@ file should end with dbus, please check ...
update again and force the overwrite of the configuration file and tell me
# 66-enable -F -C -t <tree> dbus
# 66-start -R -t <tree> dbus
do the same for your dbus-session

Edit: be sure to use the 66-tools version
all is ok! ... I did exactly what you asked ... it was a little bit rough, but 0.1.6-1 is good one ... thanks.
a year later
I don't have the ability to see other devices or connect to them. I have read through this thread to the best of my ability and tried all of the commands, and am certain I have all the correct packages and all of the parts of the system are connected to each other and can 'see' my device. But scanning never finds anything else.

Can anyone please help me? Just tell me what input or ouput I need to provide in order to get some assistance. Many thanks in advance
4 months later

I could really use a few pointers here, if anyone is willing. My bluetooth speaker misses his buddies Metallica
provide logs of your service.
3 months later

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