What is obarun-testing, there hasn't been such a repository for months. The current hierarchy is"

above all arch repositories.

You must enter your root pw at the prompt and you are logged in as root

If you had updated with all three -testing repositories before and you then disabled and updated you may be ok. But did you follow the instructions on how to go from 66-0.1 to 66-0.2 ? https://web.obarun.org/index.php?id=111

Tell us more about the previous state of the installation. Did you just install, was it an old installation, was it booting before and now it failed?

After you log in do:
# inxi -r | grep obarun

If you have a usb-stick with obarun on it you should boot with it and then mount the installation and use arch-chroot to access it so you can fix it. But we don't have any information to help you with.
sorry, my bad, i meant to say obcore-testing.

i now did those instructions from 66-0.1 to 66-0.2 via ubuntu chroot
but no changes, same screen.

the installation was 3 weeks old. never did a -Suy since then.

what do i do now? reinstall all packages?
You had both obcore-testing and observice-testing enabled and you followed the procedure on https://web.obarun.org/index.php?id=111

And you still get this screen as above?
Enter your root password and then try
66-enable -t boot -S boot
See if you have any errors and what are they.
If no errors Ctrl-Shift-F12 should give you tty12, do you get a login screen?
You can only login as user from there, so login.
su (superuser) and pw

# 66-enable -t root -S tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2
Are the messages positive (enabled/started)?
# 66-info -T > /tmp/66status
This will output the 66-info for current trees into a file /tmp/66status , see if you can post it here. If you have gotten positive results from the above procedure you should be able to log in.

If things are not working and you are at emergency shell (starting screen)
# cat /etc/66/init.conf
Does it say boot next to the line that starts with tree? If it says tmpboot you have to change it to boot, this means you got stuck in the middle stage of the procedure.
66-tree -R tmpboot
nano /etc/66/init.conf
change tmpboot to boot
66-tree -R boot
66-tree -n boot
66-enable -t boot -C -S boot
thanks alot for your recommendations
but none of the above worked
i figured everything went fubar
so i was approaching to reinstall via usbstick obarun iso

but that one is missing a 66.db on repo.obarun.org

will there be a working installation iso soon?
66.db or the [66] repository was temporary for the time during last spring when there was a shift from s6opts to 66

You can edit pacman.conf from inside the installer (see advanced options) and edit it out. But you should have the 3 current repositories.

Always when in doubt you can erase all trees and start with new ones, as long as your packages are updated.
I'd hate to tell you to take off -testing now and revert back to v.01 # pacman -Syyuu can help you do this.

Erase trees and build them again:
# 66-tree -R boot
# 66-tree -R root
# 66-tree -n boot
# 66-enable -t boot -C -S boot
# 66-tree -ncE root
# 66-enable -t root -C -S tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2
Will at least get you a login screen at tty1 (add services you need)

Also next time you attempt to boot look at
# cat /run/66/log/0/current
Copy it somewhere so you can send it through the live system because as soon as it shuts down /run is empty.
cat /run/66/log/0/current is empty
but on 66-enable -t boot -C -S boot i get
scandir is not running: no such file or directory
Not from chroot, I mean to try to boot
In chroot -S will try to start services but s6 is not active, you are running under the host system.
It is asking for your root password on the screen you showed, enter it and you are on.

If you are using ubuntu and chrooting you have to mount /proc and /dev before you chroot.
arch-chroot which is on the obarun live does all the proper mounting before chroot.
If your partition is on /dev/sda5 for example
# mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
# mount /proc/ /mnt/proc
# mount /dev/ /mnt/dev
# chroot /mnt /usr/bin/zsh
# 66-info -T > /tmp/66.out

Then from the host system $ cat /mnt/tmp/66.out
Copy the output somehow and bring it here :)
thanks. i got it. i have no idea what i am doing but with
66-scandir -s restart and 66-boot
it was fixed finally.
Nice, I'm glad you figured it out. But please provide some type of log and more specifics next time because it is next to impossible to diagnose a problem this way.
sure. but those /run/66/log/0/current kept disappering and i only had net under ubuntu.

however, one mystery remains. dns is not working, dhcp is though. i edit my resolv.conf now via echo but some service keeps deleting my resolv.conf entry.
any guess? connman-gtk suggests the dns entry is set, but its not.
obliveS6# 66-info -T z
Initialized: yes| Current: yes
Contains: | Enabled: yes
├─(792,Enabled,longrun) dbus-log
├─(805,Enabled,longrun) dbus
├─(800,Enabled,longrun) connmand-log
├─(835,Enabled,longrun) connmand
├─(799,Enabled,longrun) sddm-log
├─(752,Enabled,classic) dhcpcd-log
├─(754,Enabled,classic) dhcpcd
├─(755,Enabled,classic) tty1
├─(753,Enabled,classic) tty2
├─(797,Enabled,longrun) consolekit-log
├─(834,Enabled,longrun) consolekit
└─(832,Enabled,longrun) sddm

something missing?
hi and welcome

you tree is not correct because you enable two different kind of network manager, pick one of them but do not both enable. Dhcpcd or connmand.
Also, connmand write the /etc/resolv.conf that's why your changes dissappear.
May i advise to remove consolekit service if you use sddm. Sddm can enter in conflicts with it. Just let sddm starts consolekit by itself when sddm need it
15 days later
allright. its again not starting up. the xwindows.

i already realized i had to change the .xinitrc and add ...../.66/conf/boot-user/boot-user... to the var setting.
which apparently changed since an update?!

but xfce fails to connect to dbus, but dbus is enabled in my user tree. or do i need to put dbus in the root tree?
also the runtimedir gets not created?
what do i need to start to get /run/user/1002 created? or /run/66/scandir/1002 or /run/user/1002/dbus
i got it!

i had to change DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1002/dbus
to DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1002/bus

apparently /home/z/.66/conf/boot-user/boot-user-oblive.conf
gets overwritten so i put

export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1002/bus
(aswell as dbus-launch. dunno why, but it wont start itself)

into .xsession

might anyone know a more elegant way?
found it

if { 66-echo -- DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/${UID}/dbus }

there it writes dbus which should be called bus for some reason

The last dbus package 1.12.16-3 was compiled to specifically call the socket user as dbus and not bus. Also, if you use dbus-66serv 0.1.1-1 and boot-user-@ -66mod 0.0.2-2 you should have any troubles. Follow the wiki page https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=dbus_and_dm to properly set the modules.
If you use a previous boot-user-@ -66mod version and you want to update it, just do
# 66-mods.sh -f boot-user-@ <user>
then enable again the service
# 66-enable -f -t <tree> boot-user-<user>

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