Evolution within the revolution of 66

In less than 4 months from the release of 66 it is time to implement more changes.

66 software http://web.obarun.org/software is here: An improvement in the overall design, a huge improvement in performance, a great leap towards the portability of 66 to other systems, and more 66 tools to suit the most demanding of administrators, a more organized binary and source system of repositories, a standardized build environment, and a set of isos demonstrating the capabilities of Obarun software together with improved one shot installation.

1 obarun pacman: Obarun's pacman received several changes:

a will be the new structure of repositories incorporating the all
new obcommunity and obmultilib repository for 32bit software.
https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=repositories Obarun's repository structure

b obnews has evolved to more than just a text announcement coming
during updates but it will be hooked by pacman as a dependent pkg, and
will run independently as a script ($obnews.sh) with a variety of
options so it allows users to display previous technical bulletins.
https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=obnews obnews

2 obarun source code repositories (framagit): With all the new
repositories now utilized with obarun a more structured git environment
was needed. The source code and pkgbuilt information is now on

https://wiki.obarun.org/doku.php?id=source-git framagit

3 New base and JWM live images you can use to demonstrate how Obarun works and for installing in virtual or permanent media.

Included 66: v
Checksums: https://repo.obarun.org/iso/2019.08.01 md5sums.txt

Minimal flavour https://repo.obarun.org/iso/2019.08.01/obarun-2019.08.12-x86_64.iso obarun-2019.08.12-x86_64.iso

JWM flavour https://repo.obarun.org/iso/2019.08.01/obarun-JWM-2019.08.12-x86_64.iso obarun-JWM-2019.08.12-x86_64.iso

A Docker image is available on https://hub.docker.com/r/obarun/base Docker Hub . You can run the image with the following command:
docker run -it obarun/base

4 Since obarun in the past few months has gone from using scripts into a
binary system for the 66 software and particularly the boot-tree, it is
more important for users to have access to the source code, to audit,
download and experiment, see how obarun packages are built and how they
can be reproduced. Some may even contemplate in contributing software
and like to learn how things are done. [note: The old s6opts software
would install as a set of scripts that could readily be audited locally
without running to the git repository.]

But let us say one wants to reproduce these packages locally, compile
and build them on their own system, how can they do so? The environment
in which software is built is essential in trying to reproduce a binary
from source. How can this be simulated by any user? Obarun developers
have chosen to standardize an obarun docker image as a standard
environment for all package building. The obarun docker image is officially listed here.


Source files to build the docker from scratch can be found here:


When a package's source is complete and ready it is built with a gitlab
obarun docker system and if successful the product is then copied into
the framagit repository where it remains for 48hr so it can be uploaded
to the appropriate https://repo.obarun.org location and be available for users
to install or upgrade.

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