
I'm an old Linux user (since 95/96). I've used many distribution, Debian, RedHat, Suse, Gentoo, Kali, Arch and some other for trying.
Arch was my main OS since five/six years. Before that was gentoo. Unix (SGI IRIX / Acorn RISC iX) and BSD (mainly NetBSD) user at first.
Arch was great. Until systemd!

I've installed Obarun yesterday. It's now my main OS on my main computer (work and personal).
s6 is like a new fesh and modern sysvinit . That's great :). Simple, efficient. Really in the philosophy of Unix.

Thanks very much Eric, and all other contributors, for making Obarun.

Obarun seem to be the real Arch. The one without systemd.

Now it's time to continue to RTFM ;)

EDIT: I do not like pulseaudio and use apulse when really needed.
Welcome, it is nice to see someone installing and running Obarun and appreciating right away.
I too think this is more of real arch than arch has become. Obarun seems more strict on the ideals and principles of arch than arch has evolved itself.
  • [deleted]

Hello bda65 and welcome aboard the Obarun

Can you tell me, for my curiosity , which WM or DE you are running ?
I'm using awesome since very long time. wmi was my first tiling long time ago. Never really used any DE since ;)
spacefm, coreutils and sometime ranger for file management.
st with dracula color for terminal with tmux. Trying fish after zsh for years.
neovim, neomutt. Mainly console based tools.
Hi and welcome,

Thanks for the describe of your experience, this good to know when you need some helps.
bda65 may I ask how you first heard about Obarun? What drew your attention?
here ;)
I think that i've read, sometimes ago, a blog post or a forum post about it. Can't remember where...
I have run into a few people that showed interest in obarun after some discussion on reddit and I was wondering whether you were one of those. Some times such discussions on arch domains are borderline to be moderated, but moderators must be getting lazy some days :)

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