Hi all,

I've successfully installed obarun but there was a problem. The oblive user was not created by the script. At first boot stopped and giving me sulogin.
With VERBOSE=3 in /etc/66/init.conf, i've rebooted and see what's wrong. User oblive was not created. Created it and booted correctly. Now i've disabled this user and all is ok.
I don't know if it's a bug in the script. But if i remember correctly, i've not seen any error in the install process.
how you install it? i mean you've made in installation from internet or a copy of the ISO?
You say you disabled the user, why? How? In /etc/passwd nologin?

One thing to remember with Obarun it has a safety mechanism that if tty1/2 etc don't work, tty12 should still be functional and it is enabled in tree boot, if it is not you didn't really boot.
On tty12 root is not allowed to log in, only a user, as it is harder to guess a username and a password than just root and password by outsiders. So a server without other ttys enabled can't be hacked as easily. On such a system where it would boot successfully without tty1-11 there is only tty12 in which root can not have direct access. You can use su from a user account fine.

Please correct me if I understood this wrong, it is like this in my experience, but keep this in mind if you are disabling all users. I am not going to give you the usual unix lecture about why you shouldn't use root for anything, you know better and that is a general unix/linux issue.

PS Maybe a wiki entry should be added about this obarun safety "feature" that is not common with other distributions.

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