dmix and audio channels over 2 doesn't work with asoundconf(-gtk) and would cause the user to configure the asoundrc manually (which is imo it is better to configure it). I suggest to use asoundconf(-gtk) to identify the hardware number before removing it, or just use aplay -L.

The alsa-project provides an article how to configure asoundrc
agree with you, but i looking after an automatic installation. i would like to remove retrovol too, but it's difficult to fing a good replacement. i think about pulseaudio (i dislike it) for automatization!?!. May be write a little script to do the thing?
Obarun is not for beginner (people normaly know how to do it) but it is cool when some basic things like this are made automatically.
eric wrotei would like to remove retrovol too
This isn't about retrovol
eric wrote but it's difficult to fing a good replacement
retrovol is fine. leave it. retrovol doesn't depend on asoundconf

Update: although if you are using alsaconf just to automate the correct sound card for retrovol, alsa-tray can handle both. (therefore no need for alsaconf or retrovol just alsa-tray :))
eric wrotefor automatization
like i said in the original post
bit wroteI suggest to use asoundconf(-gtk) to identify the hardware number before removing it
eric wrotethink about pulseaudio (i dislike it) for automatization
alsa is perfectly fine without *pulse(audio), it just takes a little tweak for surround sound users :D
eric wroteMay be write a little script to do the thing?
like i said.. asoundrc needs to be edited and not to direct itself to .asoundrc.asoundconf. for example this is my asoundrc.
# ALSA library configuration file

# Include settings that are under the control of asoundconf(1).
# (To disable these settings, comment out this line.)
# </home/taco/.asoundrc.asoundconf>

# for 5.1 speakers
pcm {
      type hw
      card 0
      device 0

pcm.!default {
# # forwards to the mixer pcm defined below
    slave.pcm "dmix51"
    slave.channels 6
    type plug

# # "Native Channels" stereo, swap left/right
    ttable.0.1 1
    ttable.1.0 1
# # original normal left/right commented out
#    ttable.0.0 1
#    ttable.1.1 1

# # route "native surround" so it still works but weaken signal (+ RL/RF swap) 
# # because my rear speakers are more like random than really behind me
    ttable.2.3 0.7
    ttable.3.2 0.7
    ttable.4.4 0.7
    ttable.5.5 0.7

# # stereo => quad speaker "upmix" for "rear" speakers + swap L/R
    ttable.0.3 1
    ttable.1.2 1

# # stereo L+R => join to Center & Subwoofer 50%/50%
    ttable.0.4 0.5
    ttable.1.4 0.5
    ttable.0.5 0.5
    ttable.1.5 0.5
# # to test: "$ speaker-test -c6 -twav" and: "$ speaker-test -c2 -twav"

pcm.dmix51 {
	type dmix
	ipc_key 1024
# let multiple users share
	ipc_key_add_uid false 
# IPC permissions (octal, default 0600)
# I think changing this fixed something - but I'm not sure what.
	ipc_perm 0660 # 
	slave {
# # this is specific to my hda_intel. Often hd:0 is just allready it; To find: $ aplay -L 
		pcm "hw:0"
# this rate makes my soundcard crackle
#		rate 44100
# this rate stops flash in firefox from playing audio, but I do not need that
       rate 48000
       channels 6
# # Any other values in the 4 lines below seem to make my soundcard crackle, too
       period_time 0
       period_size 1024
       buffer_time 0
       buffer_size 4096
eric wrotepeople normaly know how to do it
This is why I suggest to manually edit it themselves.
that's just my opinion..
eric wrotebut it is cool when some basic things like this are made automatically
again, I advised to remove asoundconf *after* identifying the hardware id, at least in that case configuring .asoundrc won't be as bad :) (and it saves the hw:? to retrovol anyway)

P.S My advise is for anyone with surround sound. So far the majority of obarun forum users installed obarun on laptops (which is 2 channel) thus it is perfect for most. it just needs manual configuration for anything else :)

edit: technically upstream for asoundconf verified dmix isn't (yet) implemented [0]

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