Hi all,

Spamassassin doesn't come with a s6 service file. I've made one.
It work for me but may be not perfect:
@ type = classic
@ name = spamassassin
@ description = "Spamassassin daemon"
@ user = ( root )
@ options = ( log env )

@ build = auto
@ execute = ( execl-cmdline -s { /usr/bin/vendor_perl/spamd ${cmd_args} } )

cmd_args=!-x -u spamd -g spamd --listen=/run/spamd/spamd.sock --listen=localhost
You hit the ground spinning, it took me a year and a half to learn how to make a service script, on the second one I gave up after failing. That was for a tor service. If I remember right it involved creating a separate user to run the service under and how exactly to configure such a service required more studying than I was willing to undertake.

I take my hat off to you sir bda65. Now bda rings a bell from way back when Ford X-flow (cortina, capri, escort) was converted by Cosworth to a TOHC for racing. That I know about :)
I find this easier than systemd. Never understood this piece of fat ;)
Thanks for this one, it will be available when 66 testing stuff will pass on stable repo
Great :) I may write some other for the thing i need.

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