Eric, can you please stop to break 66?

66 got a lot of changes on this recent week (month). This is clearly annoying for you and also complicated to follow. I'm aware and understand this. Don't get me wrong, i do not apply changes for the pleasure or because it's fun (like other dev do, follows my regard). I try to give you the best and provide a robust software. After few month of use and reports, i saw what was good and what was not. The majorities of the changes that you apply implies a lot of works on the code part. So, you just see the top of the iceberg.
Fresh installation should give a smooth use of 66. The trouble comes when you need to update a version and this for two reasons.
The first one comes from skarnet softwares. When the skarnet softwares is updated (in particular skalibs and s6-rc), i need to follow and make changes according to his changes. Not every s6-rc update force to rebuild a compiled service database but it can. In this case you need to rebuild your tree.
The second reason comes directly from my part. Some important configuration files (transparent for you) are binaries (those files are in /var/lib/system/<tree>/servicedirs/.resolve). When i add/remove a field on this binary you need to enable again the service to rebuild those files.

The great majority of bad behaviour are now fixed. The new release (already in testing v0.2.1.2) will fix the last important change about logger and instanciated service. It miss us a another release (which is complete on my system v0.2.2.0) to change the 66-info behaviour. This software is horrible at use and horrible at the code part. This is now fixed and will be available soon.
From this two new release, you will be in peace for a couple of time :). I will make a great pause about 66 code (apart for bugs fix obviously),i will let 66 live by it own and i will wait for reports and advices.

Thanks for your patience, comprehension and to use 66.

I just did # pacman -Syu and did not see any 66 related packages, just routine packages updates were fetched. Are the 66 related updates going to pour in some days?
The pkgs are in testing they are not released to the general repositories yet.
I am glad it is someone from Debian in charge of the matrix and not you, it would have been the same black cat going past the door in the same direction 20 times making 20 different walks in 5'

The cat and his childrens !! 1 child and 5 children

I am going to fork "Obarun" and call it "Eric's Childrens"
Haha Fungal, what's that about? XD That's very cryptic to people not involved ;P
Thank you Eric for all your efforts. The conversion and 66 in itself has not been without issues, which was to be expected and is totally natural in any software progress even more looking at the small developer base which deserves its respect on its own. Even so the bugs have been few, not too critical and you're always on it. Obarun is the best daily driver no doubt. Hail Eric! Long live Obarun! (Ye, I'm a fanboy, what gives?!) X)
marianarlt wrote That's very cryptic to people not involved ;P
It's like we say here, Deja vu! :)
  • [deleted]

Don't get me wrong, i do not apply changes for the pleasure or because it's fun
Personally I think it's fun :D
you will be in peace for a couple of time
Until in a week ^^
I will make a great pause about 66 code
It will give you time to review the doc :p
I tried following update instructions but I am not sure if I did things correctly , I dont know if I broke my system ....
What is wrong with your system? If you followed the procedure on news or on obnews package ( $ sh /var/cache/obarun/news/ you shouldn't have any problems.

# nano /etc/66/init.conf
change verbosity=3
ctrl-X y y
# mount -a
any errors?
# 66-disable -t boot All
# 66-disable -t boot-user All
# 66-disable -t root All
# 66-enable -t boot boot
# 66-enable -t root -F tty@ tty1 tty@ tty2 .... all other services you need
# 66-enable -t boot-user -F boot-user@ saleem

reboot and if there is a problem either from emergency shell or tty12
cat /run/66/log/0/current >/home/saleem/current.log
mount installation /mnt chroot /mnt from other system/live and copy /mnt/home/saleem/current.log here
@ saleem
please post at a right place, debugging things is not the purpose of this thread, thanks.
eric wrote@ saleem
please post at a right place, debugging things is not the purpose of this thread, thanks.
sure eric, infact I did not post any errors but just my apprehension in a sentence , for debugging I am already posting on a separate thread .

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