marian@ obarun ~ % sudo pacman -Syyu
[sudo] password for marian: 
:: Synchronizing package databases...
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace boot-user-@ -66mod with observice/boot-user@ -66mod? [Y/n]
I had read about this change here in one thread before, don't remember where. This was in testing before wasn't it? Will I have to manually rebuild something after this change?
Yes, it is on the instructions (news, obnews) you must replace it. And if you use it make sure you disable the one and enable the new one.
Oh yeah right, I always forget about the News on the site >_>"
The only downside to obnews is that it triggers AFTER accepting the update but over the last few months and even years I've increasingly become more careful when updates throw messages.
Thanks for the pointer, better be safe than sorry.
Since we mentioned this, when you disable tty1 and enable tty@ tty1, on info -T, tty1 still shows as disabled, it doesn't go away :)

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