For those who are using openntpd and ntp there is a new version available with some important changes. But some manual intervention are necessary before proceeding with the update. Follow carefully the next steps.
1) Stop openntpd or ntp 66 service
2) Manually remove the user 'ntp' and check that 'ntp' user has been removed from /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
7) Verify openntpd or ntp daemon is up
Another important thing to know for those who want to play and switch between ntp software and openntpd software. By default there is a package conflict between these two softwares, and that right. The issue comes from the fact that ntp software and openntpd use a same user name 'ntp' but in our case each 'ntp' user has a different home directory.
The first and simple idea was to remove the user 'ntp' though the post_remove() function. But it is not working as expected when the service is running. So until I can find an adequate solution to solve this problem, and if you really want to play with ntp and openntpd, before a switch you must stop the openntpd or ntp service.
1) Stop openntpd or ntp 66 service
2) Manually remove the user 'ntp' and check that 'ntp' user has been removed from /etc/passwd and /etc/group.
sudo userdel ntp
cat /etc/passwd | grep ntp
cat /etc/group | grep ntp
3) Sync update and install openntpd or ntp
sudo pacman -Syu
5) Verify that 'ntp' home directory is now /var/empty for openntpd and /var/lib/ntp for ntp
cat /etc/passwd | grep ntp
ntp:x:87:87:openntpd daemon:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin
6) Restart openntpd or ntp 66 servicentp:x:87:87:network time protocol:/var/lib/ntp:/sbin/nologin
7) Verify openntpd or ntp daemon is up
Another important thing to know for those who want to play and switch between ntp software and openntpd software. By default there is a package conflict between these two softwares, and that right. The issue comes from the fact that ntp software and openntpd use a same user name 'ntp' but in our case each 'ntp' user has a different home directory.
The first and simple idea was to remove the user 'ntp' though the post_remove() function. But it is not working as expected when the service is running. So until I can find an adequate solution to solve this problem, and if you really want to play with ntp and openntpd, before a switch you must stop the openntpd or ntp service.