..bloop.... bloop...

1 I told it to use grub, no efi
2 I didn't edit the pkg list to avoid any conflicts experienced before confounding the installer
3 the installer reached the end, asked for pass, root, edited 66.boot.conf user user pw ... said it was complete, and it actually did say that grub was installed

4 I check with chroot grub-entry is not there, hostname, user, pw all OK. So I try to remake a grub entry, grub software is not installed, no sign of it. So I install, arch /etc/default/ goes on. I edit manually rw --> ro and have no clue where this is edited but only when the installer installs grub does obarun's version of grub is used, rw crashes no tty - it is a major fault now .
I install grub and edit stub. I reboot

5 no tty nothing, go to tty12
66-intree boot-user tree is empty nothing activated no service enabled, just an empty tree,
I 66-tree -cE root and 66-all -t root up
Ok, tty1...

6 I reboot .... nothing
66-intree ... fault ... it seems as the tree is corrupt or something, I've never seen this output, I looked at /run/66/root/.. the file structure was there ... so I remove boot-user tree and user/graphics and root and boot and just make boot and root again, I enable services and reboot . It seems that if you have a boot-user tree that is empty and gives some error it blocks the root tree from being activated.

7 Why is syslinux still installed when I asked for grub?
Why is all this efi stuff installed when all I wanted is legacy, but minor issue. For JWM to be installed at 4.8GB this is really bloated. An old lubuntu image I got with lxde (a real desktop) is less than 4GB installed. LXQT is that much.

8 I am tired but this is very unacceptable ... this must have been the worst obarun installation experience ever when I expected it to be straightforward and just get the live experience after rebooting.

9 My mistake, to test the installer I have been doing minimal installations, does anyone try JWM?

10 JWM works great, no user service, no dbus, no consolekit,

Try JWM, no-efi, grub, and see what you get.
Question: I noticed that genfstab had created two entries for swap, shouldn't the 66 customizing menu ask for swap yes/no, I think it is pretty common
Sorry to hear this, I'll try some VMs to reproduce this. Did you try the non-JWM ISO also? (Shouldn't make any difference in theory, but still)
Is this with the new "dialog" installer or with the former/current one? (I haven't tried those ISOs yet)

[7] syslinux is not really installed as in "configured", but the package is pulled by the templates (by all of them) and when pacman installs the package it will create the /boot/syslinux directory, which won't interfere with anything but I usually comment it out from packages

[5] boot-user should probably not be part of the JWM template at all to begin with. It won't interfere with anything either though.

[4] Do you mean /etc/grub.d/10_linux?
8 I am tired but this is very unacceptable ... this must have been the worst obarun installation experience ever when I expected it to be straightforward and just get the live experience after rebooting.
I found the bugs about grub installation. The boot-user problem comes from the bugs found by marian and i forgot to apply the change at obarun-install-themes.
I currently uploading a new ISO version for minimal and JWM flavour.(this will take time, may be 8hours from this post)
Should I remove this thread now?

nope, i assume my bullshit
A new installer looks great indeed but ... it can't create a 'user' on my old, regular pc based on the Intel G41, no matter what iso is used (obarun-JWM-2019.08.16-x86_64.iso or obarun-JWM-2019.11.01-x86_64.iso or obarun-JWM-2019.11.02-x86_64.iso) or the boot iso method is applied (from usb or from hdd) ... or from active Obarun ... every time after a successful program installation, root password entry and installation (or not) ) of the bootloader, the installer goes back to the beginning (main menu) ... without complaining about a specific problem ... Its not big deal create new user, add and start services but ... why installer then?
the installer goes back to the beginning (main menu)
Are you sure to not have any trouble? Because a successfull installation show you a message saying: "System was installed successfully. You can now reboot". Then it exit from the script.

Also, can you be more precise about "it can't create a 'user' on my old"?Please describe exactly what you do.
Last atempt of instalation using obarun-JWM-2019.11.02-x86_64.iso written to usb at spare partition of ssd ... the installer starts with its defaults, no a single change ... everything goes as it should, till the end of bootloader install ... then instead of creation of a new user, installer goes back to the begining ...
obarun-install:tracing: Check for needed directory
obarun-install:success: /mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/var/lib/pacman directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/var/log directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/dev directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/run directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/etc directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/etc/pacman.d/ directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/dev/pts directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/dev/shm directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/sys directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/proc directory already exist
obarun-install:success: /mnt/tmp directory already exist
obarun-install:tracing: Check mounted filesystem on /mnt
obarun-install:success: /mnt/proc already mounted
obarun-install:success: /mnt/sys already mounted
obarun-install:success: /mnt/dev already mounted
obarun-install:success: /mnt/run already mounted
obarun-install:success: /mnt/tmp already mounted
obarun-install:tracing: Check mounted /var/cache/pacman/pkg
obarun-install:success: /var/cache/pacman/pkg already mounted
obarun-install:tracing: Copying configuration files in /mnt
obarun-install:tracing: Create root user on /mnt

┌────────────────────────────── Main Menu ─────────────────────────────────┐

complaining only about ...

( 3/18) Creating temporary files ...
/usr/lib/66/scripts/tmpfiles.sh: line 409: /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload: Read-only file system
error: command failed to execute correctly

... which I suspect is the cause of the problem ...
I want to be sure to understand you correctly so: (i assume that you try to make a fresh installation)
> you start the installer from the ISO
> you define what you need (e.g partition, template to install) from the main menu before starting the installation
> you start the install process
> it install the package
> it ask for the root password
> it ask for the bootloader installation
> it run the customizeChroot menu
> you define what you need for an user (username,localtime,local etc etc)
> you continue the installation
> at this point it do not make anything and return to the main menu?? that 's the point?
>i assume that you try to make a fresh installation ... YES
> you start the installer from the ISO ... YES
> you define what you need (e.g partition, template to install) from the main menu before starting the installation ... YES
> you start the install process ... YES
> it install the package ... YES
> it ask for the root password ... YES
> it ask for the bootloader installation ... YES
> it run the customizeChroot menu ... NO, installer start install process again ... therefore further steps are unavailable
From git update the installer is 2.0.2+2+gdded209-1 from repo. 2.0.2-1
% sudo pacman -S obarun-install
warning: downgrading package obarun-install (2.0.2+2+gdded209-1 => 2.0.2-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (1)             Old Version         New Version  Net Change

obextra/obarun-install  2.0.2+2+gdded209-1  2.0.2-1        0.00 MiB

Total Installed Size:  0.09 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      0.00 MiB
So this is an installer bug? If you don't choose a bootloader then it doesn't proceed to creating a user and setting password?
There should be a 3rd option of no boot loader at all, which makes sense for those wanting to use another system's bootloader to start obarun too.
I see nothing wrong only expected behavior. At worse you hit a bad design concept but surely not a bug.
You have two choices after the return to the main menu: exit from the script and do what you need to do or pick the advanced menu and choose 2 to launch the customize menu.
No bug here just a misunderstood
you mean an installation can be complete without a bootloader being installed, neither grub nor syslinux?
ok, so, first the trouble at the update phase at the start of your video is normal. The ISO do not have vmlinuz and so mkinitcpio cannot not run properly. If you absolutely want to update crypsetup you also need to install the linux package on the ISO. Obviously if you restart the ISO your change will be lost except if you use persistent partition.

Second, you don't mount your partition about the boot. This is clearly visible when the script ask you to choose the partition for the boot installation , the menu display a '-' character instead of the mounting point in front on the partition name.
But this is not your trouble.
You hit something strange but i think i found the trouble, i just pushed a change. So just try again and update the scripts when it ask you as you do usually and tell me what's happens.
1. pacman -Syu was chosen intentionally to show that the system was up to date
2. after scripts update, nothing really changed except the root (if no boot) partition must be selected for install of grub, which is imho, unnecessary restriction
3. the installer return to the main menu, again ... no way to force it, at least on my system, to create user and finish instalation of Obarun
your issue is really weird, i cannot reproduce your issue and this is bothering me.
Can you please try it from the scratch, i mean format your root partition and try to install again

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