Hai there, can I install yaourt or something else to install directly aur packages.
hi, what you want except maybe auracle which depends of systemd
If you really want yaourt (which was removed from AUR)

Use wget at http://mirror1.artixlinux.org/repos/galaxy/os/x86_64/
% wget http://mirror1.artixlinux.org/repos/galaxy/os/x86_64/package-query-1.10-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
% wget http://mirror1.artixlinux.org/repos/galaxy/os/x86_64/yaourtix-1.9.r4-2-any.pkg.tar.xz
After you download them use
# pacman -U package-query-1.10-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz yaourtix-1.9.r4-2-any.pkg.tar.xz

This is an enhanced yaourt version that can handle artix-git
yaourtix seems to work fine. Thank you.
Welcome by the way, I just noticed this was your first post.
The executable on yaourtix is still yaourt by the way.

When you get a few minutes let us know of your experience with installing and running obarun in the introductions section.
@ cc58 Yaourt was for a long time the only so called "AUR helper" that got any attention. Then it didn't see maintenance, people came up with more and more bugs and more and more feature requests so being the nature of open source other people started to fork it and even reprogram from the ground similar software.
Today yaourt is officially unmaintained and there are quite a few pretty actively developed AUR helpers based on different programming languages. Arch Wiki even has a dedicated article on AUR helpers.
Being there quite a few, there are just as much opinions about their coding style/security/implementation/features etc. about each. My very personal favorite is pikaur; trizen is also very recognized (yay also comes to mind). Install instructions for most of these can be found on their respective repository sites. Then there's Obaruns pacopts already preinstalled on Obarun :)
You can install any of these alongside each other without conflicts and see which one works best for you! Have fun :)
5 months later
Sorry to wake up old thread, but pacopts seems to work just great! And it was already installed! Installing stuff.......

PS Used to use Yaourt in the old days. It's gone now.

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