• [deleted]

EN - Who is Powering Vaccine Passports?
VOSTFR - Qui alimente le passport vaccinal?

Now is the time for the question to be asked:
Does the Free Software Foundation / Free Software Foundation Europe with the GNU Project but also the Linux Kernel Project are involved directly or indirectly, in any way, to the establishment of a worldwide totalitarianism and mankind slavery?
16 days later
9 days later
  • [deleted]

Please, users, stop using brave, chromium, chrome, falkon and all others browsers built on the Blink engine.

Here is a list of browsers and engine they use.

Mozilla blog about manifestV3

Please, developers, stop developing / supporting the Blink engine. Fight for our freedom.
14 days later
  • [deleted]

I watched "The Matrix Resurrections" and it's shit. I'm not going to write a review because it is not even worth it, but I will ask a question and give an answer with my point of view in conclusion.

QUESTION: "Why can't they think of a new original movie, why can't they give us original stuff?"
ANSWER: "Because all the people who participated in this project, none of them are artists, but idiot bankers, idiot shareholders, idiot investors"

CONCLUSION: "So not only The Matrix Resurrections is shit done by idiots but it's also propaganda where a woman is a man and a man is a woman. Transgenism."
9 months later
  • [deleted]

GPU mining is dead

I came across this news by accident and I'm shocked. Now I understand much better why it was so hard to buy a graphic card for gaming. But the cherry on top of the cake is cleaning the graphics card by immersing it in a glass and hard-surface cleaner.

First they wasted energy for their own interest, and now they are completely destroying the hardware which could have been saved and used as a second hand. Unfortunately these cards will end up in a landfill in a poor countries and I advise not to buying any cards coming from miners. It will be a lottery and don't expect an ounce of honesty from this community.


Today this morning I was watching some YT video and reading comments about buying or not an ex-miners GPU and I was right about my feeling. These stupid miners are now talking about things that they have ZERO knowledge, 100% bullshit.
20 days later
9 days later

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