i want that obarun or other non-major linux distros have installation facility.

i mean "easy to install".

in non-systemd world, every distros i had tried was not easy to install,
even obarun.

linuxmint is systemd distro, but it is easy to install,
burn usb flash, boot it and fewer click, and installation done.

manjaro was easy to install process itself, but in the end,
it was not usable state for cinnamon desktop environment.
10 days later
I assume by which you mean "easy", you are referring to the GUI frontend installer of manjaro and mint, yes? In that case I'm very pessimistic that obarun would get a gui to install it. If an observer needs something more hands than systemd, It should already be assumed they are comfortable with the terminal. As I understand Manjaro hasn't entirely removed systemd completely because they have systemd-sysvcompat for qt5 among other things[0]. The only known Distro that has nearly removed systemd with a gui is devuan.
The same assumption goes for the front page of the obarun website:
Frontpage wrote Obarun is not designed with beginners to Linux in mind, but it can be used easily with some basic knowledge.
Furthermore considering the development for a gui is mainly dependent on either gtk[1] or qt, I wouldn't think it's the best idea to depend yet another application on either, because gtk is a dependency mess and qt4/5 depends heavily on dbus[2][3]. Even if it was to just install to install the system "easier". For instance Manjaro{,-openrc}s install is dependent on gtk3, (webkitgtk3?!), dbus and systemd! [4] However, FLTK on the other hand is system-independent and doesn't depend on stupid things. So If there is ever a gui-frontend for some reason; I propose it to be in FLTK, less hassle and easier to clean (Although as a side affect fltks UI also looks like NeXTSTEP). But it's more practical (and sane) to not make a gui at all :)

As a side note of terrible dbus implications, this quote from cat-v goes along well.
cenuij wrote dbus is great, it keeps a whole army of terrible c++ drones
in work [5]
[0] https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=27531.0
[1] http://harmful.cat-v.org/software/gnome/
[2] https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/qt4# n125 # Qt 4
[3] https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/qt5# n109 # Qt 5
[4] https://github.com/manjaro/thus
[5] http://go-lang.cat-v.org/irc-logs/go-nuts/2011-02-27
What's the difference between a gui and my installer? A box?.

dependency for obarun-install : bash, yaourt, pacman, sudo, git, arch-install-scripts.

you can install obarun with the installer from X or console, that's in mean you can install from minimal archlinux system (e.g rescue iso), not the case with a gui.
you can install WHAT DO YOU WANT : i have installed a complete Archbang system with my installer with fresh package. If you want to install a system with systemd and a complety X environment, you can.
you can choose you cache directory to avoids downloading package. That's mean, you can have your cache on other partition or on local network.
you can create multiple user on the fly
you can configure entirely pacman.conf, it's mean : Adding personnal repository, choosing your preferred Xfer command,ignoring some package and so one....
you can choose your mountpoint (think about it and you will see what is mean)
you can configure your fresh installation on the fly
you can install every configuration file that you want/need on every directory(e.g /, /root, /home/user, /usr/{bin,lib}, /var.........). You have configured entirely your system, well take your configuration file and put it on your fresh install.
you can add some extra package on the fly
you can install or not a bootloader with different option for it.
you can customize the fresh installation by AUTOMATIC way and make WHAT DO YOU WANT on it.
The scritp can be udpated automaticaly. (i don't see any installer which make this)

obarun-installer is a very powerfull script, but i think people doesn't understand how it's work (my fault i need to finish the DIY page, probably i will make it the next week).

my TODO list about it:

Possibility to add personnal gpg key
Possibility to choose bootloader, e.g grub vs syslinux
Possibility to configure multiple locale
Make an iso directly

So yes obarun-install have no box :)
Easy to install? if you don't touch anything and you have all packages in your cache directory, plasma for example, take 5m to be installed.
Make a gui just to have the possibility to push a button??? hum.... lol

@ bit, i thought about fltk or tl/tk but as you said "it's more practical (and sane) to not make a gui at all" .
;) eric... perhaps you over-explained that a bit. Too much?..lol. But I agree the obarun installer is way more customizable than a gui installer, in my opinion anyway.

If there is a desire to have a frontend, Anyone can make one!

This thread reminds me of
http://obarun.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=133# p133

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