Make sure git is installed and everything upgraded.
% cd /tmp
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% cd /tmp/skalibs
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/execline
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/s6
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/s6-rc
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline –with-lib=/usr/lib/s6
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/s6-linux-utils
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/s6-portable-utils
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/oblibs
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/66
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline –with-% lib=/usr/lib/s6 –with-lib=/usr/lib/s6-rc –with-lib=/usr/lib/oblibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/66-tools
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline –with-lib=/usr/lib/oblibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/boot-66serv
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –HOSTNAME=66 –TZ=Europe/Belgrade –KEYMAP=’!us’
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/
% sudo cp tty_instance-66serv/trunk/tty@ /usr/share/66/service
Now you are ready to configure the system:
– Edit the /etc/66/init file and add the -m option to 66-boot as:
# !/usr/bin/execlineb -P
66-boot -m
This mounts the /run directory as rw which is necessary for debian.
Make copies of skeleton files at /usr/sbin (debian use /usr/sbin)
# cp -f /etc/66/{init,reboot,poweroff,shutdown,halt} /usr/sbin
There is a tree of services that are needed to boot the system (mount file systems, checks fs, set hostname, devices, etc.) that are all inside the boot-66serv. You simply create a tree (bundle of services) named boot and enable the boot bundle in it as a single service.
# 66-tree -n boot
# 66-enable -t boot boot
Then you create at least one tree, by convention it is called root, and enable ttys and services dhcpcd, dbus, wpa_supplicant etc.
# 66-tree -cnE root
# 66-enable tty@ tty{1,2,3,4,5} dhcpcd .. etc.
dhcpcd works out of the box as it is in obarun, dbus needs some editing of dbus syntax as used on antix, slim (if you want to run it) I have a copy of a service file below that should work. Anything else you have to see the template of a service and write one. Anything that is already made is on
You are done you can now boot if you are on chroot or you can try to reboot with this command below:
# 66-hpr -r -f
Extra configuration
create the slim service at /usr/share/66/service/slim. This is frontend :
@ type = classic
@ description = "slim daemon"
@ user = ( root )
@ build = auto
@ execute = (slim -d)
enable it
# 66-enable slim
Make sure git is installed and everything upgraded.
% cd /tmp
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% git clone
% cd /tmp/skalibs
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/execline
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/s6
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/s6-rc
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline –with-lib=/usr/lib/s6
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/s6-linux-utils
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/s6-portable-utils
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/oblibs
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/66
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline –with-% lib=/usr/lib/s6 –with-lib=/usr/lib/s6-rc –with-lib=/usr/lib/oblibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/66-tools
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –with-lib=/usr/lib/skalibs –with-lib=/usr/lib/execline –with-lib=/usr/lib/oblibs
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/boot-66serv
% ./configure –bindir=/usr/bin –HOSTNAME=66 –TZ=Europe/Belgrade –KEYMAP=’!us’
% sudo make install
% cd /tmp/
% sudo cp tty_instance-66serv/trunk/tty@ /usr/share/66/service
Now you are ready to configure the system:
– Edit the /etc/66/init file and add the -m option to 66-boot as:
# !/usr/bin/execlineb -P
66-boot -m
This mounts the /run directory as rw which is necessary for debian.
Make copies of skeleton files at /usr/sbin (debian use /usr/sbin)
# cp -f /etc/66/{init,reboot,poweroff,shutdown,halt} /usr/sbin
There is a tree of services that are needed to boot the system (mount file systems, checks fs, set hostname, devices, etc.) that are all inside the boot-66serv. You simply create a tree (bundle of services) named boot and enable the boot bundle in it as a single service.
# 66-tree -n boot
# 66-enable -t boot boot
Then you create at least one tree, by convention it is called root, and enable ttys and services dhcpcd, dbus, wpa_supplicant etc.
# 66-tree -cnE root
# 66-enable tty@ tty{1,2,3,4,5} dhcpcd .. etc.
dhcpcd works out of the box as it is in obarun, dbus needs some editing of dbus syntax as used on antix, slim (if you want to run it) I have a copy of a service file below that should work. Anything else you have to see the template of a service and write one. Anything that is already made is on
You are done you can now boot if you are on chroot or you can try to reboot with this command below:
# 66-hpr -r -f
Extra configuration
create the slim service at /usr/share/66/service/slim. This is frontend :
@ type = classic
@ description = "slim daemon"
@ user = ( root )
@ build = auto
@ execute = (slim -d)
enable it
# 66-enable slim