neocities: Having a file server with unrestricted volume is never free anywhere. Look what your bandwidth for uploading is and how much you pay for this service (that the vast majority makes little use of). Collectively we could probably make a tiny server of our own if we can distribute the load. On the average here up link is about 1/5-1/10 down link. One user can barely tolerate waiting to receive on average picture at such a rate. Scary is what you indirectly pay to access those free services. Wordpress is making money from ads on my site, I don't see a penny. A simple ad blocker like ublock-origin and I've never seen a single ad on my site :) To me it is very moral to block any content you are not interested in. Some people like to see targeted marketing.

I had this pen-pal some years ago who was preaching general semantics and to a certain extent the principles of I find correct. Language is a very confusing thing, it is symbolism that makes you think it is reality, when it is just a tiny summary description of reality. It also carries much of historic and pre-historic idealism and metaphysics in it. When in your garden or neighboring park you have this huge maple tree that you remember being huge ever since you were a kid, you know of things happening around that tree, you have seen birds nest, grow, and die on that tree, you remember eating syrup from the tree, it is very specific. If I say maple tree it covers all this historic reality, it is like a picture, static. If I just say it is a tree it is even worse. For you it is much more than just a maple tree. It is even worse when "this is an old maple tree" is one symbol.

C is a very good language, it is very finite and specific, but it depends on libraries of symbols and routines and such. It is still not assembly, not speaking directly the machine's language. Imagine how many layers of programming language there is in English, or French. And we are being programmed, conditioned, by language and we end up as confused as we are today. Priests, generals, dictators, presidents, teachers, cops, parents, have translated reality so we can obey them and execute their decisions.

This Greek poet wrote in one poem "don't worry, someday we will all communicate in colors and musical notes" which as numbers both are very precise symbols of frequency. Unfortunately she died young because she couldn't bare living among the zombies.

In the oneiro, I was an Irish warrior with a guitar, singing about the insurrection against the anglo rule, then an English soldier shot me in the back. But you can't beat them if you keep drinking that moonshine whiskey.

I had the fortune to have left the land I was born in, due to my father's work, and live in a place where they spoke many tongues, but at home they spoke that oneiro-archaic language. I don't necessarily associate that language with a current nationality, but I do associate the structure of that language with that presocratic philosophy and the ability of common people to debate publicly even about philosophy itself. That was a first for humanity and true science (scientific methodology) was born out of this thinking that would challenge any and all knowledge, even religion. Then the light went down, and darkness prevailed, and it is merely and barely beginning to shine again, but there are always new forces of darkness prevailing. Today it is more common to find true scientists excommunicated by "academia Inc." than to find any surviving in it.

It would take a sincere and dedicated effort to shine some light in the world of darkness. And it would take a dedicated collective effort today, because the voice of one philosopher among the 5mil earth inhabitants is now 1500 philosophers among the 7.5bil cohabitants. You can hardly expect 10 V-developers to agree with each other and announce what they are planning to do, let alone 1500 of them. It is too early, we are too primitive, and unfortunately for the eco-system it is too late.

How do you say in French chess, "pat", any move is pointless and the game is over, nobody wins.
@ fungalnet

French for "pat" is... "pat". And "checkmate" is "échec et mat". Possibly the same root as in "matar" (kill) in Spanish.

I'll address some other time the abysmal question of language.

You had some words about Pre-socratic philosophy and the birth of Philosophy. In the Hellenic world --not all of them were from Attica.

Rather curiously, a quasi-simultaneous "philosophical miracle" happened in... China.

Even though you have claimed a certain mistrust for the Chinese language, I think you could enjoy reading Chuang-tzu (transcripted Zhuangzi in pinyin). Provided you find a good translation, which is always an issue. It's poetic, anarchist and kind of a bit... punk! for its time. It's profound too.

Many sinologists agree that the best translation in English is by Burton Watson. It may be somewhere on the web? Avoid James Legge's one.
@ Mounerje
I also like manjaro openbox edition very much... The one that comes with polybar n stuff...
This guy who maintains it told me on their manj forums that they got inspiration from arch labs for the looks, and they got it from bundsen labs which is debian based distro.
Yes? Did he say so? Hasn't he mentioned CrunchBang (# !). A nice distro (now defunct) based on Debian. All of them (Manjaro/Openbox, BunsenLabs, &c) are basically fiends of CrunchBang. It also inspired ArchBang...
IUhmm.. no actrually guy from manjaro stated that they had help from archlabs for this edition... I have read about bundsen labs on archlabs website, i forgot about that.
More or less, it looks like they have taken somebody elses idea for the looks of manjaro, but anyways it's manjaro openbox...
Few months ago i saw post on manjaro forums about new KDE theme... What they have done is they took Sweet theme i have used on Arch Linux back in a day, changed the icons oh: Manjaro KDE Theme woo!!!
I suppose it's what they call open source these days, is take somebodys elses idea to monetize... But never say that in public.

Perhaps it's similar stuff with music, but somebody who listened to a lot of bands can 'detect' similar sounds they have taken from other bands...
For example this english musician steven wilson... On his second album (2nd song)he completely ripped off one Steve Hackett song called Shadow of Hierophant... People who know music can tell it's a rip off, but most of ppl will think oh its steven wilson great!!
Whereas it was Steve Hacket song, same with people from Manjaro... Take somebodys elses idea for looks and manjaro users: Woow great!! It works!!! Great job manjaro team!!!

I used to listen to music from youtube a lot, but these days i only buy CD's, even audio files is completely garbage.... Records i like too, but i am younger generation, and i am too impatient to clean records all the time... Cd's is cheap plastic garbage so breaking it accidentaly won't hurt... But the quality of Cd music is very good to me... Take Made in Japan CD-player (i use some technics), connect headphones (i use ultrasone pro 750i) and there is sound from outer world...
Same with popular musicians who promote garbage like Spotify/Youtube... I think that always been the thing though...
There used to be this american comic Bill Hicks who took a piss out of these 'real musicians', but that was happening back in 90s... Now the people who promote spotify and other streaming garbage get grammy awards, woo!!! Yes!!!
The Chinese wrote scientific findings and math maybe thousand years before the barbaric tribes of Greeks came to the balkans and made the inhabitants vanish (magically), also the Minoic and Mycenaen civs had nothing to do with Greeks, they just weren't as violent or willing to engage in war to defend themselves, but there were others as well. What Heraclitus said and made a shift in philosophy was that "if" there are gods "logic" must have preceded them. Still, at his time if he went out and published this too much he would lose his head, so he wrote it in a diplomatic way. The change comes when the "freedom" to challenge ideas with logical/rational arguments in public is institutionalized, and this wasn't just in Attica but other areas as well.

There is a difference of discovering things about nature and writing them, believing yourself that it is true and part of your description of reality, and having to publicly convince others that they are true. This is how scientific methodology becomes an organized exchange of ideas. What it takes to convince others that what you have discovered is a better explanation that what existed before. So the political framework to do science is necessary. To individually do scientific work and write about it in fear of challenging the status quo and losing your head over it, is not science. Despite of how correct the observations and findings may be.

Still today, in this western outpost of the motherland of democracy, when an academic is awarded a chair to teach in the university, the ceremony MUST incorporate a high clergy clown to come and bless the award! This makes it official. It is the western version of Taliban.
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (the spiritual father of the world's most destructive fascist ruler - Alexander) were anti-democrats, they were fierce aristocrats (advocates of aristocracy - in perfect agreement with what Hitler advocated of) but are celebrated as great philosophers. They were shit, and this shit shaped and gave form to enlightment and influenced the modern state and economic systems. In other words, this shit is reproduced through this system that strives to control the entire planet today. That makes it a more important issue than Chinese philosophy that became obscure. Through the totalitarian regimes of the Soviets and Maoists, Aristotle was a guide, specifically referred to by the spiritual fathers of the dictators.

What I think I am trying to say is that you can't isolate ideas, science, and the exchange of those without the social/political framework that they are exchanged in. It is freedom and equality that is the fertile ground for trees to bear fruit, and fungi to make mushrooms. Humanity has been plagued by idealism, metaphysics, religious oppression, for so long that in this dark ages we can not really expect much to "develop". The BBC miracle of the Monty Pythons, the French publication of Asterix, are tiny sparks of hope :)

God bless America (the first secular state after millenniums). You can't have science and arts inside of this
@ fungalnet

Well, this thread of (my) "self-introduction" & "greeting" to Obarun's community has for long turned into a thread of sharing references and ideas. I won't here (in this very present post) answer to your last ones however interesting they are. I have questions I want to ask you for maybe a week.

Some two weeks ago (approximately), I tried to post a comment @ sysd-free and it never appeared. If my memory serves me well, it was on the page of "systemd-free linux distributions (revisited)". The nature of the comment was a simple & naive question: is there some reason why ALT Linux is not on the list?

During my several months of research to find a non-systemd AND frugal AND 32-bit system (linux or not), I gathered as much information as I could from all kinds of sources. And one day, some two weeks ago, back to the basics, I had a look on the 100-top distro list of DW. And this ALT Linux caught my attention.

It is a Russian distro that shares many common points with PCLinuxOS.

You dedicated a recent post to PCLinuxOS on sysd-free. Hence, I tried to post a comment about ALT Linux again, emphasising the common points with PCLinuxOS, so that the comment be not off-topic. But once again, it remained unpublished.

Hence, I'm wondering if there could be a "filter" (Wordpress's?) that keeps comments relating to a RUSSIAN distro to reach publication?

What do you think?

P.S. I have not tried it, except on live-session. It's quite minimal and fast. I'm not sure APT/rpm (like on PClos) is the future but I seriously considered installing it. Had I not finally installed Void instead, it would have been ALT Linux.
@ fungalnet

On ALT Linux again. Mistrusting the ability of a blog-submit-comment-box to keep my text in safety, I always save in a local text-file. So, I retrieved what I wanted to post the second time, on the page dedicated to PCLinuxOS. It goes this way:
Hail to yee all,

Fungalnet, your article convinced me to give PCLinuxOS a try. The distro had been in my scope for some years, but I had never tried it yet (there was always some hotter stuff to look into)... until yesterday...

Unfortunately, the old laptop I use as a guineapig to experiment frugal OSes, indeed NEEDS frugal OSes: it's a 32-bit netbook. And, although I searched in both official and community editions of PClos, I failed to find any 32-bit edition. (Too bad, they have a Trinity Edition I was curious to look into.)

There is a small distro that aims to keep alive PClos for 32-bit. But the project seems dormant, the team seems rather small, and they do confess being a bit overrun by the task. I'm speaking about Uplos, which is mentioned on the "list (revisited)".

By the way, a few days ago, I posted (or tried to post) a comment related to ALT Linux, a Russian distro that shares several common points with PCLinuxOS, but the comment remained unpublished. (Maybe a technical mistake of mine: I'm new to posting comments.)

My comment started from a question: I was surprised that your excellent list of linux systems not enslaved to what-you-know was lacking ALT Linux.

To be quite frank, they do release some systemdy stuff too. But they release sysV editions. For instance, you can download an ISO of ALT for i586 (!) with GNUstep (!) and sysv-init (!) here:

I also much like the global endeavour of the project, according to this interview:

Keep up the good work!
I have posted many comments since then. So, I am really wondering what goes on with the comment feature on your site. Most of the time, submitting is instantaneous. So, it's not you filtering. Then WHO? (Or WHAT?)

Yes wordpress has some filters of its own and characterizes some comments as spam. I just discovered both in spam, one was about pclinuxos the other on the long list of distros. They were reinstated and approved, then there were 4 pages worth of spam messages (sex, drug, weird site bots posting comments so they can enter links to their crap). So if you have 2 or more links on a comment it automatically thinks it is spam. If I turn the spam filter off the posts will be flooded and some of those comments are really long with meaningless text.

Alt: According to DW (and a new edition came out today) although it was based on mandrake it seems to be using systemd for a long time. According to the pkg list of the iso DW says it is currently on systemd 244.3 (beyond stable). Now DW makes many mistakes but to be getting such a pkg version they are not making it up, it is in there.

Many of the Russian distros have systemd. Why? I don't know. Maybe they are state financed and the state wants systemd, maybe they have found some of it weakness to manipulate and use as a backdoor :) I don't see much qualitative differences between US and Russian/ex-soviet agencies.
You know how psychology evolved and how it was split into analytic and behavioral? Coincidence or is there more to it? Both the US and Soviet/Russian states seemed to be fond of behaviorism and put psychoanalysis on the side. They seem to both have an interest in manipulating their citizens (and soldiers) behavior. To make them more productive, more obedient, I don't know.

If I am wrong about ALT and you have seen something different let me know. I am sure at one point I must have downloaded an iso, for not having it anymore there must have been a good reason to delete. I have a 32bit and a 64bit image of Debian, debian 7 that is :)
Hi Fungalnet!

Thank you for having taken care of publishing these two comments o' mine. They were respectively the 2nd and 3rd (or 4th) ones I posted on systemd-free — aka sf. (From now on, I may write "sf" for short. I find it funny it's the same acronym as the one for Science Fiction, haha! ;) But, since we may also come to talk about Science Fiction, sooner or later, I'll keep SF, with capitals, for the latter and I'll write sf for systemd-free. Agreed?)

I'm also glad you've taken the time to answer my question about these two comments of mine not having been issued when submitting them. (I've seen they are published now. I even added an erratum to one of them.)

It may seem small rubish but it was worrying me. (After years of posting nothing whatsoever anywhere!) And as Axl Rose put it, in one of the GN'R early songs: "worrying's a waste of my… time!" (It must be at the beginning of "Mr. Brownstone").
If I am wrong about ALT and you have seen something different let me know.
Well, as a start, I'd like to say that my comments @ sf about ALT were just born from curiosity (why wasn't this distro even mentioned?) and from a concern for exhaustive objectivity. The sf has become an amazing platform and ressource to those who are trying to live without, not only systemd: ANY crapware.

I'm not a fanboy of ALT Linux. And I have only tried it once, live-sessioning, on the same 32-bit netbook I installed Void on since, some eight days ago. To be more specific, it was the i585-edition of the "stable branch" shipping sysVinit & IceWM, which you can find following this link (the iso is sorted in "Installable LiveCDs" > "Experimental"):

(I have not tried the GNUstep version I have refered to in my post @ sf.)

Now, that being said, SEVERAL things lead me to get interested by this distro.

1. The amazing variety of ALT's "offer". If you follow the link, you'll see. Now, you may think that's not quite tremendously original or creative. There's no s6/66 or runit option. And many of the editions are systemd's. But still, many too are sysV's.

2. ALT Linux is kind of a Russian "cousin" of (Texan) PCLinuxOS. (In itself, this very coincidence, in distros emerged from very opposite contexts, is quite funny.) ALT was forked from the same mother-distribution (Mandrake or Mandriva, not sure) and goes with APT managing rpm's — which I think is a curious choice, but I'm not qualified enough to judge this or elaborate on it.

3. The width of the available packages in their repos is good, if not excellent. Several applications I like because they are frugal, fun and fit some very precise needs, are in the ALT repos, and you won't necessarly find all of them in Void's or even Debian's! (Of course, you will find 'em all in AUR… But not in the Arch official packages.) Just one example: the Sayonara music-player.
—Of course, this merit is only from an end-user's perspective… I claim being an end-user (somehow semi-advanced and aware) but just an end-user nonetheless.

4. The ALT team DO have an ethos of software frugality. And that's this ethos (and not only the "libre" spirit) that convinced me to migrate to Linux some 12 years ago. Both do matter: for the Corporate pro-consumerism needs the available software to be more and more bloated and slow in order to people having to go on buying new hardware like crazy. (You do already know all this…)

5. I find ALT interesting as a government-endorsed project campaigning for frugalness and taking care of equiping schools, in a country (Russia) that has been ravaged by nearly one Century of dictatorship and, since, by the Yeltsin years. (I won't discuss Putin here.) 2000 schools were equipped when the interview was made, 11 years ago. How many more since?

You may feel concerned by the latter aspect of government endorsement. (I'm going to elaborate on WHY I find it interesting. Please, be patient.)

As for me, I'm not pro-State: I'm an anarchist, I'm a reader of Étienne de La Boétie, Guy-Ernest Debord and Pierre Clastres. I'm for autonomy, in its etymological meaning: the ability to give oneself (auto) one's own laws (nomos).

And yet, in the concrete world (which is not ideal as you know), I would like more governments to get involved in free software. For a matter of State sovereignty against the monopolistic Giants (I won't enumerate them, you know better than me who they are and what they are and what their agenda is.)

For instance, as a French guy (but I would be so, all the same, if I was not French), I'm stunned that France (which belongs to the "club" of rather "wealthy" countries) has NO vision whatsoever about the issue of digital sovereignty. (The government publicly pretend they have, but that's "PR", it's just a plain lie.) And it's not a matter of lacking talented people in France. Jean-Louis Gassée (BeOS), Gaël Duval (Mandrake, KDE 2/3, more recently /e/), Roberto Di Cosmo (despite his Italian origin) and the team behind Damn Small Linux in Paris, Qwant's team, possibly a part of the NuTyX team, and many others… are French!

And, of course, we have Éric and Jean-Michel here, who I friendly salute! :) (Yet, I'm not completely sure if Éric IS French or a foreign French-native-speaker —He could also be Belgian, Swiss, Quebecois, even African? But, I think he is French. As for Jean-Michel, it seems he's "half-French, half-Polish" as he put it in Polish on this very thread at # 11.) And they are many other French talented people that I forget or don't even know of.

Now, unfortunately, most of these talented people whether (1) go corporate (Gassée, Duval, etc), or (2) are confined in marginal projects, like Obarun. —I'm not being derogative calling it "marginal". It's even a compliment! First, because the margin is a place of resistance to the mainstream dictatorial trends. Second, because as Jean-Luc Godard once put it (in substance): "The margin [of a text] is the place where the reader can make one's own writing."

And why is there no third way between "go corporate" and "stay in the margin" (ie remain amateur/hobbyist)? (However skillful and inventive hobbyists can be!) Because the French state does not endorse enough the (free) software R&D. (They don't endorse proprietary software either. They don't endorse nuthin'.) There's an absolute lack of strategic vision here… just as in many other fields!

YET, there was a strong tradition in France of State protecting and supporting inovation and R&D. (Universities, SNCF, France Telecom, the space program, the roads, etc.) There was also a strong tradition of "non-alignment" of France on any of the two big opponents of "Cold War". (This tradition of non-alignment was initiated, far back in time, by king François 1er when negociating with Suleiman, in order to balance the power of the alliance of England with the "Holy Roman Empire" of Charles V.)

And both aspects (sovereign R&D and geostrategic non-alignment) are quite interconnected.

But it's been now half a Century this (no nonsense) tradition of France policy and strategy has been systematically betrayed by all successive French governments, by stupidity, cowardice and conformism to the "New World Order" ideology. And it's such a pity and shame for us and the reputation of France, which is now very sullied. I personaly suffer from this situation, in my everyday life, in my very flesh, because, despite all its today failures and flaws, I love my country: I am a patriot. I was born and live in one of the rare countries in the world whose name means "Liberty" or "Freedom" —and I mean, litteraly, not only as a connotation. The "Franks" named themselves the "free men". Hence, "to be frank": express oneself freely, and, in French, "affranchir": to free (someone) from slavery. In German, France is called "Frankreich": "the Empire of freedom" or "the Empire of the free men". (It may seem an oxymoron.) Yet, France has been officially an "Empire" only once: during Napoleon. (And this was a dark episode of betrayal of the French spirit, however admirative some people can be for Napoleon's military and state genius.) France is essentially an anti-Empire model. Since the Gauls, all along through the "Old Regime", until Charles de Gaulles.

I don't idealize the Russian government either. And you make a point when emphasizing their role in "behaviourism" (Pavlov was one of those who started it all). But this was during Stalinism, whose official ideology was historical materialism. Like Maoism, Stalinism hunted any spiritual-oriented tendencies as "petit-bourgeois". (Although when a Georgian youngster, Stalin wanted to become a pope! and wrote poetry, as you may know.)

I've never been in Russia, but I met a few Russian people. They are clever, fond of Arts, Litterature and Sciences, often very learned and articulated, and somehow… very special. It's a very curious mentality, completely opposed to the Western individualism. They are ASIANS. They THINK and FEEL collective. It's a question of deep and rooted ethnological values, whose roots come from old deep anthropological structures of the rural peasantry. (In France, we are lucky enough to have one of the most eminent demographers to study this field: Emmanuel Todd, who brought much light on these aspects.)

Being a patriot does not keep me from admiring value in "foreign" people I meet, on the contrary. (It's when one esteems oneself well that he/she is able to esteem others.) I consider highly the contribution of many Russians —as people, not as subjects of the Russian Empire or of the CCCP. Alexandr Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Alexander Zinoviev, Evgueni Schwarz, Dmitri Mendeleev, Sergei Eisenstein, Lev Sergeyevich Termen (the inventor of the music intrument called "theremin" after his name) and, in my drama field, Anton Chekhov, Konstantin Stanislavski, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Anatoly Vasiliev. To name A FEW. (Plus all the Russian anarchist authors you know much better than I do!!!)

In the West, the White people from Russia have the reputation of being racist —and some are, of course! But who knows in our Western "free" world that Pushkin, unanimously considered by Russians as the founder of Russian litterature, was a Black African "quadroon"? (Search "Abram Petrovich Hannibal".) They don't give a damn he was issued from African ancestry. (We have a French equivalent with Alexandre Dumas.) The Russians do not have an ethnicist or confessional conception of their identity. Much more less, at least, than USA people do, although this "myth" of the "American melting-pot" —which is a myth, precisely, it's PR, once again, ie whether self-promotion and/or a simple lie. In recently declassified documents, we now have proof that Abraham Lincoln, the "arch-abolitionist", was doing it because he aimed the Black people to LEAVE the land of the United States and go… somewhere else, in South America, as far as possible from the Country of milk and honey, the New Zion, which God provides for the White!

I wish one day Russian directors will shoot Russian "western" movies ("easterns"!?!) to show the odyssey of the Russian Conquest ("Go East, young boy, go East!") and also the way they relate to minorities and embraced them… a little bit better than Americans have, that is.

(Let's stop ranting here.)

This long digression lets me get to other reasons why I am interested in the endavour of the ALT Linux team, according to what we can read in this interview of the project-manager.

6. (It's a bit corollary to my aforementioned 4th point.) It seems that their DNA includes a former involvement in hardware. In the interview, Alexey Rusakov says this (my emphasis):
ALT Linux was originally both scientific and commercial. The Institute of Logic, Cognitive Science and Development of Personality, a nonprofit organization founded by the Russian philosopher Vladimir Smirnov, was a central institution associated with the scientific part. His son, Alexey Smirnov, is now the CEO of ALT Linux.

The commercial part involved IPLabs company, a computer hardware retailer. In 1998, they cooperated and created a Free Software project that was named IPLabs Linux Team. They started localizing Mandrake and other distributions, and publishing these distributions in Russia.
That's quite interesting. It means they have the means to code hardware-awarely. And FRUGAL-hardware-awarely, I guess, when considering the state of Russian industry in that time (the 1990's)…

7. As mentioned in the quote, the project DNA is both commercial AND scholar. And I'm also sensitive to the fact that the person who founded the Institute, Vladimir Smirnov, is… a philosopher. And not an "ego" philosopher, eager to work for his own fame, but a philosopher who worked to exhume the works of another (somewhat forgotten) philosopher: Nicolai A. Vasiliev.

So, I do NOT know how well this set of principles eventually RESULT in a good distro (which, once again, I have not tried long and not installed), but the global ENDEAVOUR pleases me much!!!

As usual: I've been quite verbose, lacking the time required to make it brief. ;)

See you soon! Take care. Regards
(ADDENDUM to the frog-list)
Just had a look at the Adélie project. Their "meet us" page reminds me of Laurent Bercot (skarnet), the author of s6. With such a name, possibly yet another Frenchie. See:
Marcos is a gay person in San Francisco, a black person in South Africa, an Asian person in Europe, a Chicano in San Isidro, an anarchist in Spain, a Palestinian in Israel, an indigenous person in the streets of San Cristóbal, a gang member in Neza, a rocker in the Ex-Soviet Union, a Jew in Germany...In other words, Marcos is a human being in this world. Marcos is every untolerated, oppressed, exploited minority that is resisting and saying, „Enough already!‟ He is every minority who is now beginning to speak and every majority that must shut up and listen. He is every untolerated group searching for a way to speak, their way to speak. Everything that makes Power and the good consciences of those in power uncomfortable

this is Marcos.
Subcomandante Marcos, „The streams, when they descend, have no way of returning to the
mountains except beneath the ground‟, 28 May 1994,
@ Fungalnet

on Adélie...

(I prefer to post what follows here rather than on sf because I don't want to sully the image of a still young and promising project. You'll understand soon.)

Just as said above, I had a look at Adélie. (And yes, Fungalnet, I shall remember in the future that you once said, in March 2020: "The foundations to grow and go far are laid by adelie. Just remember in the future I said so.") ;)

The project seems quiiiiite promising indeed. Hence, last night, after a few hours of reading on their website, and although I don't feel ready to *install* it, I goes: "give it a try? why not! now!"
So I then download two of their isos: the "live" one and the "full" one, both for "pmmx". I want to have a try on the 32-bit netbook I have lately installed Void on... See the spirit and the picture?
I plug the usb-pen with the "live" iso. It loads, it starts, but it doesn't provide any GUI. Just a "shell". Not any command I enter is known. And I must shutdown the computer the wild way, which I don't like to.
Nevermind, I'll try the "full" iso. Maybe this one provides a minimal GUI? It loads, it starts, but I'm welcomed by the same "shell" that knows none of the commands I enter to communicate with it. Oh, I was about to forget, no way to "xkbmap fr" neither.

I'm even doubting a bit that it's so graphical-deprived on purpose, by design. I'm wondering if there's not a hardware incompatibility that kept the (possible) GUI to load... I may send the Adélie team a message to ask them if what happened to me is normal and, if so, to advise them to make it clear on the download page that the user won't get a GUI. Or to call the "live" iso another name... There are sooo many distros out there that provide a graphical and installable iso that noone can ignore the user expects it. Anyhow...

Sorry to say: whether it is designed so or due to hardware issue, for me, as a simple end-user, that's a no-go.

What's your experience, F?
edit: sudo setxkbmap fr. I entered it right when in the tty or shell or whatever. Sudo and su are "command(s) not known" either.
Sorry Éric! Although new, I should have guessed. :|
Maybe, we'll launch a few new topics then!
Fungalnet is kind-of storming with ideas and concerns, and, as for me, I've been discovering a lot lately!
Quite a nice thing, by the way, that this forum embraces so many other topics than Obarun's. I've seen many subjects addressed when navigating it...
a year later
This is a really cool thread, full of philosophy and championing of freedom, and discussions about languages. I love all these things.

There are lots of little threads I wouldn't mind picking up on at some point, such as why Alexander gets called a fascist, etc.

But for now, I just want to say a big thank you to all for showing me that in the Obarun band community I've found a welcome oasis from the world of mediocrity :)

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