neocities: Having a file server with unrestricted volume is never free anywhere. Look what your bandwidth for uploading is and how much you pay for this service (that the vast majority makes little use of). Collectively we could probably make a tiny server of our own if we can distribute the load. On the average here up link is about 1/5-1/10 down link. One user can barely tolerate waiting to receive on average picture at such a rate. Scary is what you indirectly pay to access those free services. Wordpress is making money from ads on my site, I don't see a penny. A simple ad blocker like ublock-origin and I've never seen a single ad on my site :) To me it is very moral to block any content you are not interested in. Some people like to see targeted marketing.
I had this pen-pal some years ago who was preaching general semantics and to a certain extent the principles of I find correct. Language is a very confusing thing, it is symbolism that makes you think it is reality, when it is just a tiny summary description of reality. It also carries much of historic and pre-historic idealism and metaphysics in it. When in your garden or neighboring park you have this huge maple tree that you remember being huge ever since you were a kid, you know of things happening around that tree, you have seen birds nest, grow, and die on that tree, you remember eating syrup from the tree, it is very specific. If I say maple tree it covers all this historic reality, it is like a picture, static. If I just say it is a tree it is even worse. For you it is much more than just a maple tree. It is even worse when "this is an old maple tree" is one symbol.
C is a very good language, it is very finite and specific, but it depends on libraries of symbols and routines and such. It is still not assembly, not speaking directly the machine's language. Imagine how many layers of programming language there is in English, or French. And we are being programmed, conditioned, by language and we end up as confused as we are today. Priests, generals, dictators, presidents, teachers, cops, parents, have translated reality so we can obey them and execute their decisions.
This Greek poet wrote in one poem "don't worry, someday we will all communicate in colors and musical notes" which as numbers both are very precise symbols of frequency. Unfortunately she died young because she couldn't bare living among the zombies.
In the oneiro, I was an Irish warrior with a guitar, singing about the insurrection against the anglo rule, then an English soldier shot me in the back. But you can't beat them if you keep drinking that moonshine whiskey.
I had the fortune to have left the land I was born in, due to my father's work, and live in a place where they spoke many tongues, but at home they spoke that oneiro-archaic language. I don't necessarily associate that language with a current nationality, but I do associate the structure of that language with that presocratic philosophy and the ability of common people to debate publicly even about philosophy itself. That was a first for humanity and true science (scientific methodology) was born out of this thinking that would challenge any and all knowledge, even religion. Then the light went down, and darkness prevailed, and it is merely and barely beginning to shine again, but there are always new forces of darkness prevailing. Today it is more common to find true scientists excommunicated by "academia Inc." than to find any surviving in it.
It would take a sincere and dedicated effort to shine some light in the world of darkness. And it would take a dedicated collective effort today, because the voice of one philosopher among the 5mil earth inhabitants is now 1500 philosophers among the 7.5bil cohabitants. You can hardly expect 10 V-developers to agree with each other and announce what they are planning to do, let alone 1500 of them. It is too early, we are too primitive, and unfortunately for the eco-system it is too late.
How do you say in French chess, "pat", any move is pointless and the game is over, nobody wins.
I had this pen-pal some years ago who was preaching general semantics and to a certain extent the principles of I find correct. Language is a very confusing thing, it is symbolism that makes you think it is reality, when it is just a tiny summary description of reality. It also carries much of historic and pre-historic idealism and metaphysics in it. When in your garden or neighboring park you have this huge maple tree that you remember being huge ever since you were a kid, you know of things happening around that tree, you have seen birds nest, grow, and die on that tree, you remember eating syrup from the tree, it is very specific. If I say maple tree it covers all this historic reality, it is like a picture, static. If I just say it is a tree it is even worse. For you it is much more than just a maple tree. It is even worse when "this is an old maple tree" is one symbol.
C is a very good language, it is very finite and specific, but it depends on libraries of symbols and routines and such. It is still not assembly, not speaking directly the machine's language. Imagine how many layers of programming language there is in English, or French. And we are being programmed, conditioned, by language and we end up as confused as we are today. Priests, generals, dictators, presidents, teachers, cops, parents, have translated reality so we can obey them and execute their decisions.
This Greek poet wrote in one poem "don't worry, someday we will all communicate in colors and musical notes" which as numbers both are very precise symbols of frequency. Unfortunately she died young because she couldn't bare living among the zombies.
In the oneiro, I was an Irish warrior with a guitar, singing about the insurrection against the anglo rule, then an English soldier shot me in the back. But you can't beat them if you keep drinking that moonshine whiskey.
I had the fortune to have left the land I was born in, due to my father's work, and live in a place where they spoke many tongues, but at home they spoke that oneiro-archaic language. I don't necessarily associate that language with a current nationality, but I do associate the structure of that language with that presocratic philosophy and the ability of common people to debate publicly even about philosophy itself. That was a first for humanity and true science (scientific methodology) was born out of this thinking that would challenge any and all knowledge, even religion. Then the light went down, and darkness prevailed, and it is merely and barely beginning to shine again, but there are always new forces of darkness prevailing. Today it is more common to find true scientists excommunicated by "academia Inc." than to find any surviving in it.
It would take a sincere and dedicated effort to shine some light in the world of darkness. And it would take a dedicated collective effort today, because the voice of one philosopher among the 5mil earth inhabitants is now 1500 philosophers among the 7.5bil cohabitants. You can hardly expect 10 V-developers to agree with each other and announce what they are planning to do, let alone 1500 of them. It is too early, we are too primitive, and unfortunately for the eco-system it is too late.
How do you say in French chess, "pat", any move is pointless and the game is over, nobody wins.