Based on the table added into the article just now, data from the same source but from April 12th 2020, I have the following to say:
Whether the pandemic was designed and planted intentionally, as many conspiracy theorists claim, or whether it was natural, the economic effects can only be as follows:
As you can see in the table above, the order is based on deaths per million population. Several island nations with tiny populations, all colonies of the top cases of that table have been removed due to their tiny populations. San Marino and Andora have been left on purpose as being top in cases/1M and deaths/1M. Some will jump the gun and say the same nations have aged populations, but there are many others with similarly aged populations that were not as severely hit.
1 The virus was planted there in large concentrations (I am not buying it without evidence, I am interested in the “effects”).
2 The lifestyle of those populations is more prone to an epidemic. Lifestyle in Australia, Japan, S.Korea, New Zealand, and other places is very similar and they are not in the table, they are far down the table and neglected.
So, with the exception of Iran for whatever reason that seems to have dealt with the peak of the epidemic, what are the most common characteristics of those countries on top of the list?
They are significant markets. Maybe not for food as much, they can’t eat that much more, but they are the world’s most significant markets for “industrialized goods”. The currencies are US$, Euro, GBP, and a few other respectable and stable currencies (Swiss, Norwegian, etc). That very small part of the earth’s population, 1/7-1/10th are the majority of consumers of industrial products (80-90%). Those industrial products are manufactured at other currency markets (China, India, S&E Asia in general). If either through just printing more money or through selling government bonds in the world market, those strong currencies would be expected to devaluate if they were individually doing this. If they do it together for the majority of “market” then industrialists have a choice: Either severely cut their output (hence profits) or buy out this new “reconstruction of western economic stability” resulting debt to really devaluate their own currency and wealth to support the current ratios between producer and consumer of industrialized products. If the Euro and US$ were to be devaluated by 20% then industrial output would have to be reduced by 20% as the markets wouldn’t be able to afford so much. So their own currency (nations with significant industrial output) would be devaluated in accordance to match those who are actually inflating their wealth. So this is not a loss for the west and those who have and control this wealth in the west, it is a sudden and drastic increase, and of their stake in controlling resources and markets around the world. So it is the gift they have always wished for and Santa Claus never brought to them. Corona did!
In other words, whether planned or accidental/natural, the effects would be for the wealth centers of the west to suck a huge chunk of wealth from industrialized centers. In other words taking much more than their share of wealth out of the production process. This is inevitable. Whether the majority of the populations will lose some rights, benefits, income stability, is certain, the extent is unknown and totally depends on the organization of labor and severity of their struggle to maintain their rights. But the rest of the world will float the primary industrial markets so they can survive themselves. With the excuse of having to protect their internal economies, “the west”, will get away with murder in this case. We didn’t want to, we are violating our own free open market values, but we had to rebuild and protect our economies due to the pandemic. I was hungry so I ate your share of the pie too, kind of excuse.
If you notice that very same list of top hit by the pandemic is also very inclusive of NATO! This is what we are going to do, we have to. You may not like it but we are doing it and there is nothing you can do to stop us. Better not say any word about it or we will shut the doors of this market and seek to create industrial manufacturing elsewhere. “Ooppss.. I am sorry, did I spill your lunch down on the floor and stepped on it? Very sorry, but if you want to eat you have to pick that up and eat it and be quiet about it. I didn’t mean for this to happen!”. Classic very polite British/Angllo Saxon tact! If you get angry and seek revenge and punishment (justice called in grammar school) then it will be all your fault for attacking those very polite gentlemen with the tall hats.
You vulgar peasant you, how dare you blame those fine gentlemen?
If you don’t like this reality you better work really hard in changing it, it will not change itself!
Based on the table added into the article just now, data from the same source but from April 12th 2020, I have the following to say:
Whether the pandemic was designed and planted intentionally, as many conspiracy theorists claim, or whether it was natural, the economic effects can only be as follows:
As you can see in the table above, the order is based on deaths per million population. Several island nations with tiny populations, all colonies of the top cases of that table have been removed due to their tiny populations. San Marino and Andora have been left on purpose as being top in cases/1M and deaths/1M. Some will jump the gun and say the same nations have aged populations, but there are many others with similarly aged populations that were not as severely hit.
1 The virus was planted there in large concentrations (I am not buying it without evidence, I am interested in the “effects”).
2 The lifestyle of those populations is more prone to an epidemic. Lifestyle in Australia, Japan, S.Korea, New Zealand, and other places is very similar and they are not in the table, they are far down the table and neglected.
So, with the exception of Iran for whatever reason that seems to have dealt with the peak of the epidemic, what are the most common characteristics of those countries on top of the list?
They are significant markets. Maybe not for food as much, they can’t eat that much more, but they are the world’s most significant markets for “industrialized goods”. The currencies are US$, Euro, GBP, and a few other respectable and stable currencies (Swiss, Norwegian, etc). That very small part of the earth’s population, 1/7-1/10th are the majority of consumers of industrial products (80-90%). Those industrial products are manufactured at other currency markets (China, India, S&E Asia in general). If either through just printing more money or through selling government bonds in the world market, those strong currencies would be expected to devaluate if they were individually doing this. If they do it together for the majority of “market” then industrialists have a choice: Either severely cut their output (hence profits) or buy out this new “reconstruction of western economic stability” resulting debt to really devaluate their own currency and wealth to support the current ratios between producer and consumer of industrialized products. If the Euro and US$ were to be devaluated by 20% then industrial output would have to be reduced by 20% as the markets wouldn’t be able to afford so much. So their own currency (nations with significant industrial output) would be devaluated in accordance to match those who are actually inflating their wealth. So this is not a loss for the west and those who have and control this wealth in the west, it is a sudden and drastic increase, and of their stake in controlling resources and markets around the world. So it is the gift they have always wished for and Santa Claus never brought to them. Corona did!
In other words, whether planned or accidental/natural, the effects would be for the wealth centers of the west to suck a huge chunk of wealth from industrialized centers. In other words taking much more than their share of wealth out of the production process. This is inevitable. Whether the majority of the populations will lose some rights, benefits, income stability, is certain, the extent is unknown and totally depends on the organization of labor and severity of their struggle to maintain their rights. But the rest of the world will float the primary industrial markets so they can survive themselves. With the excuse of having to protect their internal economies, “the west”, will get away with murder in this case. We didn’t want to, we are violating our own free open market values, but we had to rebuild and protect our economies due to the pandemic. I was hungry so I ate your share of the pie too, kind of excuse.
If you notice that very same list of top hit by the pandemic is also very inclusive of NATO! This is what we are going to do, we have to. You may not like it but we are doing it and there is nothing you can do to stop us. Better not say any word about it or we will shut the doors of this market and seek to create industrial manufacturing elsewhere. “Ooppss.. I am sorry, did I spill your lunch down on the floor and stepped on it? Very sorry, but if you want to eat you have to pick that up and eat it and be quiet about it. I didn’t mean for this to happen!”. Classic very polite British/Angllo Saxon tact! If you get angry and seek revenge and punishment (justice called in grammar school) then it will be all your fault for attacking those very polite gentlemen with the tall hats.
You vulgar peasant you, how dare you blame those fine gentlemen?
If you don’t like this reality you better work really hard in changing it, it will not change itself!