Firstly i just want to say thanks to the developer for this distro. I have it installed on a mid 2012 13" MacBook Pro and it's running very well. Wifi works, trackpad works, haven't tried bluetooth as i don't use it. I also have a 15" MacBook Pro, 2011 model, with dual graphics cards, but i can't get the Obarun iso to boot on it. I have the same problem with the Void iso, but i'm able to install Void by chrooting from an Arch iso, which does boot. Is there any way that the same process could be accomplished with Obarun? I'd really like to install it on the bigger device if possible.
I don't know much about macbooks but I'd look for gfx-firmware for the solution.
Chrooting: You mean the arch iso gives you a screen and Obarun doesn't? That's weird because there shouldn't be a difference. Did you try the base image, it could be that the problem appears through the X. When you boot do you get a bootloader screen at all? After this do you get text and then it turns black? If so, I suspect you are using the JWM image.

In any case, if you add the obarun core repository to /etc/pacman.conf
SigLevel = Never
Server =
then install the keyring and obarun's modification of pacman
# pacman -Syy obarun-keyring pacman
replace pacman.conf with pa....pacnew and run
# pacman -Syy
# pacman -S obarun-install
then as user run % sudo obarun-install

default mounted partition is /mnt but you can edit this to whatever you like from the installer
Many thanks for your reply, unfortunately I’ve failed at the 1st step. I edited Pacman.conf but but I got a ‘invalid url for server’ result.
Yes I was definitely connected, could update the Arch repositories
you surely did a spelling mistake at the repo address
Not sure what happened earlier, but it works now. New problem is the installer completes but Obarun is not installed.
The installer won’t update & the themes also won’t update, the message is not on screen long enough for me to see it properly.
Obarun-install:fatal /var/lib/Pacman/sync/*.db doesn’t exit on host
/var/lib/Pacman/sync doesn't but /var/lib/pacman/sync does

How did that capital P get in there?
If /var/lib/pacman/sync is not there then pacman is not installed

I am testing a new installation as I write this, if I find any errors I'll write back
Sorry the capital P is autocorrect, I’ve run the installer 3 times with the same result.
do what @ friedmushroom told you but before launching the obarun-install script do:
% sudo pacman -Syy
% sudo obarun-install
it should be ok.
Thanks @ Eric. I managed to work that out. I have progressed from earlier. Got to the end of the install and had the message that I didn’t have enough space, did a search, found the answer and sorted that. Ran the installer again and had the compton issue. I found your solution to that but it didn’t work. Am I right in thinking that the base is installed? Could I reboot and configure the install?
compton issue?
can please you give us more output information about this issue?
Sorry @ eric I went to bed, couldn’t look at the screen any longer. I don’t know how you developers do it, you must have square eyes ? ... obarun-install fatal compton can not be installed by pacman or AUR helper.
When I make an installtion it is the first thing I comment out on the pkg list, on the live as soon as I log in I kill the crap, this is how much I dislike it :)

But it seems it has vanished, forked, changed, it need qt5-base and qt5-tools to build compton-conf.
Maybe picom is an alternative for it.
It’s strange @ friedmushroom on the 1st machine the installer gave me none of these issues. I chose to install xfce so didn’t think I’d have any problems. Haven’t shut down the machine so I’ll take a look. Thanks for getting back to me.
They must have removed compton from the AUR.
Have you tried editing the lists of packages from within the installer? You can just place a # in front of an unwanted pkg and it will not install, therefore no error.
Yep I commented out compton and ran the install again and had xf86-keyboard-input could not be installed.
Every time I comment out a line another one pops up, going to end up with nothing left lol

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