I know this might not be the best thing to say, but I wish Void had S6/66 in place of runit.
Thank you so much guys, got it installed now. I restarted the process, not enough blocks on / sorted, commented out compton, xf86-keyboard & xf86-mouse and the install completed. Currently at my xfce desktop. Thanks once again, fantastic help.
But you are wrong again :)

Void does have s6 and 66 0.3. on the repositories. What it doesn't have is boot-66serv (the boot bundle) and the rest of the service files that exist on obarun. Both my void installations (glibc/musl) run with 66, so does my antix, and my adelie.
From all of those installations I have currently on disk, I use obarun 99.99% of the time. Sometimes if I am bored I make a round and upgrade update them all and see if they have developed any glitches.

It doesn't matter what linux you run, as long as it is started with s6/66 :)
I’m going to try this on the smaller MacBook now that I have obarun on the larger one. I’ve read some of your posts on the subject a few times, and your website, which led me here, is excellent. I’m just an end user at the end of the day, a very happy one, but I like reading & learning, and if anything goes wrong there are good people like you to help.
66 is developing so fast sometimes I have trouble catching up, but everyone here tries the best they can to help, and we hope the spirit catches on and continues. The rest just don't know what they are missing.
I’m looking forward to learning how to manage my system using S6/66 and if I can help anyone else along the way I’ll try.
@ tee29 are you sure to update the script when it ask you? because compton is no longer on the package list to install from a long time. As well xf86-keyboard-input.

Always answer yes when the script ask you to update obarun-install and obarun-install-themes. It will solve a lot of your troubles.
@ eric I did do that but it failed, I did see a solution the problem but it only worked once for me, it’s fine when running the installer on the iso. All good now, thanks for all your help.

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