You seem to trust western medicine more than I do, and just because the vaccine came from China doesn't mean it is not "western". I haven't heard epidimiologists come out and explain this rapid decline in cases and deaths yet, in any country, ... my interpretation is those mutations have made the virus milder but more transmissive. So there are more people that have it but have no symptoms now than 6 months ago. For 9 out of 10, I am speculating, the virus has no symptoms, and this is becoming more prevalent with mutations.
Unfortunately those with a weaker immune still get tortured. Why is it so prevalent to have a weakened immune? because there are so many antibiotics in meat and poultry these days, industrial meat, where to avoid risks of contamination they use heavy dosage of anti-b. so animals can't get sick. It makes meat production more profitable under the conditions they raise animals.
Instead politicians will breefly portray the defeat of cov. as their victory, through their measures and mass vaccination, short lived immunity for a virus that has vanished on its own.