Thank you so much @eric , you really cleared out all my doubts:). Yes, sure, I would just want to enable either connmand or dhcpcd, the reason why I would not enable connmand is that sometimes it doesn't connect when using a VPN, so I should manually create a wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf file and just leave the wpa_supplicant@wlan0 enabled in the net tree.

Just tested it and it's working great, though dbus seems to create duplicate in both global and session tree when I uncomment sddm in the display-manager line in boot-user@ module file. Also it cannot find consolekit service file after uncommenting the console-tracker line in same module.

edit: the duplicate entry is fine with me since it just relists the same pid.

parse: info: launch configure script of module: boot-user@orb
boot-user@orb: info: add dependency: 
boot-user@orb: info: set environment at .xsession file to: /home/orb/.66/conf/svscan@orb
boot-user@orb: warning: move existing /home/orb/.xsession file to /home/orb/.xsession-53857301382.backup
boot-user@orb: info: create /home/orb/.xsession
boot-user@orb: fatal: the consolekit frontend service file do not exist on your system -- please install it and try again
Name        : global
Current     : no
Enabled     : yes
Allowed     : root
Groups      : admin
Depends     : \
Required by : \
              └─session (Enabled)
Contents    : \
              ├─wpa_supplicant-log (pid=1157, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
              ├─connmand-log (pid=1051, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
              ├─dbus-log (pid=1046, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              ├─ntpclient-log (pid=1156, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
              ├─seatd-log (pid=1050, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
              ├─wpa_supplicant (pid=1198, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
              ├─dbus (pid=1060, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              ├─ntpclient (pid=4009, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
              ├─seatd (pid=1073, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
              └─connmand (pid=1079, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)

Name        : session
Current     : no
Enabled     : yes
Allowed     : root
Groups      : admin
Depends     : \
              └─global (Enabled)
Required by : \
Contents    : \
              ├─consolekit-log (pid=1110, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              ├─dbus-log (pid=1046, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              ├─sddm-log (pid=1270, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              ├─scandir@orb (pid=up, state=Enabled, type=module, tree=session)
              ├─scandir@orb:setenv@orb (pid=up, state=Enabled, type=oneshot, tree=session)
              ├─scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log (pid=1167, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              ├─boot-user@orb:mount-run@orb (pid=up, state=Enabled, type=oneshot, tree=session)
              ├─dbus (pid=1060, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              ├─scandir@orb:svscan@orb (pid=1197, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              ├─consolekit (pid=1119, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              ├─sddm (pid=0, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
              └─boot-user@orb (pid=up, state=Enabled, type=module, tree=session)

Smooth transition otherwise, thanks for the clarity😎

  • eric replied to this.
    • Edited

    Wat-now dbus seems to create duplicate in both global and session tree

    Nope, even on global tree your get dbus (pid=1060, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session). So the last parameter is tree=session and show you the associated tree of the dbus service. You also should transfert it to global. In practice this doesn't change anything, i mean you will get a good start order of the services, but it's little weird as your tree session depends on global. That means that consolekit will ask for dbus (66 will start it for sure) where dbus can be already up if you transfert it to global .
    Simply you can do:

    66 -t global enable dbus

    Wat-now Also it cannot find consolekit service file after uncommenting the console-tracker line in same module

    That's odd as your consolekit daemon seems running. Do you have the frontend at file at /etc/66/service, /usr/share/66/service?

      You also should transfert it to global

      It was in global until i enabled sddm, so it seems when I do that, it transfers it from the global tree into the session tree. Unless.... I should start sddm in global tree as well?

      eric Do you have the frontend at file at /etc/66/service, /usr/share/66/service?


      Hum, maybe a little glitch exist with the boot-user@ service. Need to check that
      Anyway, you don't need to switch sddm. Sddm is not "mandatory" for a system (even dbus, but dbus can be largely used by other service) and as long as global is started first sddm will find up dbus when it will be its turn to be up.

      But again, it's just a question of esthetic, your services will be started in a good order anyway

      a month later

      It's working very nicely as I have been testing but there is one quirk I've run into that may be addressed:

      1st when I use sudo 66 reconfigure boot-user@orb it takes that module from session tree and populates global tree instead

      • Edited

      Can you give us the complete process you did to get this behavior? for instance, what the key=value changed before launching the reconfigure command. I would like to reproduce it, this is not expected.
      A workaround can be:

      sudo 66 -t <treename> enable boot-user@orb

      and you should get boot-user@orb associated to <treename>.

      My user tree doesn't seem to start automatically, after logging in through SDDM the tree services remain pid=0 or uninitialized:

      $ 66 -z tree status -g
      Name        : global
      Current     : no
      Enabled     : yes
      Allowed     : myuser
      Groups      : user
      Depends     : \
      Required by : \
      Contents    : \
                    ├─dbus@myuser-log (pid=0, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
                    ├─xdg-user-dirs (pid=unitialized, state=Enabled, type=oneshot, tree=global)
                    └─dbus@myuser (pid=0, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
      • Edited

      what is the contents of your ~/.xsession?

        eric what the key=value changed before launching the reconfigure command

        CONSOLE_TRACKER=consolekit and consolekit is already started in the global tree. That is what seems to cause the behavior. Yes, the workaround works and even without using the session treename it works just like:

        sudo 66 enable boot-user@orb and still populates the session tree.

        • eric replied to this.

          Thank you, that helped me solve it. My ~/.xsessions was

          list=( $(ls -A1 /home/myuser/.66/conf/svscan@myuser) )
          for i in ${list[@]};do
              var=( $(</home/myuser/.66/conf/svscan@myuser/${i}) )
              for j in ${var[@]}; do
                  export ${j}
          66-all up

          I replaced 66-all up with 66 tree start.


          Wat-now without using the session treename

          yes, this is expected as the boot-user@ define @intree = session. May a little glitch can exist with the reconfigure command on this module. Let see if someone else get the same behavior using the reconfigure command.

          my system also locked up after running 66 reconfigure boot@system (just change env to enable handling of swap). also, the installed obarun-install/obarun-install-themes are still from the last version before these 66 changes. also the ones from repo. would have been a "convinient" source for steps to rebuild boot/global/session things!

          • eric replied to this.

            Difficult to help you if you don't provide more information like logs.
            About the obarun-install just update when it ask you to do it.

            negative boot/global/session things

            It depends on what you had in the trees.

            Please provide more information.

            ive just reinstalled system manually, not using obarun-install and setup a sway environment. had to recompiled sway since some compoments depends on libsystemd. sadly, i cant get waybar to compile so im running without a good bar for now

            Ok, so

            Enable the boot@ service:

            $ sudo 66 enable boot@system

            Configure the boot@ service using your preferred editor (replace nano with your editor of choice):

            $ sudo 66 configure -e nano boot@system

            Apply the changes:

            $ sudo 66 reconfigure boot@system

            Enable all other services that you require. For example:

            $ sudo 66 enable boot-user@oblive wpa_supplicant consolekit connmand openntpd

            Configure the boot-user@oblive service using your preferred editor (replace nano with your editor of choice):

            $ sudo 66 configure -e nano boot-user@oblive

            Apply the changes:

            $ sudo 66 reconfigure boot-user@oblive

            Enable user-specific services. For instance:

            $ 66 enable dbus@oblive

            This is the base for an X machine. It's up to you to improve it with your needs. Don't hesitate to ask

            @eric thanks. that helps. i also found out that i could just run "obarun-install" on the already installed system and this will update both obarun-install/themes (only to updat and not to install).

            4 days later

            I just finished updating my main box to the new 66 tools. No issues whatsoever.

            Great work, everyone.

            Please advise whether it is possible to enable boot-user@orb and boot-user@greeter in session tree. I'm trying to establish greetd as an alternative DM since, I'm finding sddm to be a pain in the neck because it's sometimes not closing down its xorg instances when I shut the service down.

            % sudo 66 tree start session        
            signal: info: Successfully started service: wpa_supplicant
            signal: info: Successfully started service: wpa_supplicant-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: connmand
            signal: info: Successfully started service: dbus-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: dbus
            signal: info: Successfully started service: connmand-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: ntpclient
            signal: info: Successfully started service: ntpclient-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: seatd
            signal: info: Successfully started service: seatd-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: cupsd
            signal: info: Successfully started service: cupsd-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: consolekit
            signal: info: Successfully started service: consolekit-log
            tree: info: Successfully started tree: global
            start: info: Initialized successfully: sddm
            start: info: Initialized successfully: sddm-log
            start: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@orb
            start: info: Initialized successfully: boot-user@orb
            start: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@greeter
            start: info: Initialized successfully: boot-user@greeter
            signal: info: Successfully started service: consolekit-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: consolekit
            signal: info: Successfully started service: dbus
            signal: info: Successfully started service: dbus-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: sddm-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: sddm
            signal: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@orb:setenv@orb
            signal: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log
            signal: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@orb:svscan@orb
            signal: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter
            signal: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter
            signal: info: Successfully started service: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: info: Successfully started service: scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log
            signal: warning: unable to start service: scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter -- exited with signal: 111
            signal: warning: unable to start service: scandir@greeter -- exited with signal: 111
            tree: warning: unable to start tree: session -- exited with signal: 1
            % sudo 66 reconfigure boot-user@orb     
            signal: info: Successfully stopped service: boot-user@orb
            stop: info: Unsupervised successfully: boot-user@orb
            stop: fatal: unable to find hash id of: boot-user@orb:mount-run@orb -- please make a bug reports
            Name        : session
            Current     : no
            Enabled     : yes
            Allowed     : root
            Groups      : admin
            Depends     : \
                          └─global (Enabled)
            Required by : \
            Contents    : \
                          ├─consolekit-log (pid=1116, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
                          ├─dbus-log (pid=1111, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
                          ├─sddm-log (pid=2959, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
                          ├─scandir@orb:setenv@orb (pid=down, state=Enabled, type=oneshot, tree=session)
                          ├─scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log (pid=3138, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
                          ├─scandir@orb (pid=down, state=Enabled, type=module, tree=session)
                          ├─boot-user@orb:mount-run@orb (pid=unitialized, state=Enabled, type=oneshot, tree=session)
                          ├─scandir@greeter (pid=down, state=Enabled, type=module, tree=session)
                          ├─scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter (pid=down, state=Enabled, type=oneshot, tree=session)
                          ├─scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log (pid=3137, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
                          ├─boot-user@greeter:mount-run@greeter (pid=unitialized, state=Enabled, type=oneshot, tree=session)
                          ├─dbus (pid=1124, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
                          ├─scandir@orb:svscan@orb (pid=0, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
                          ├─boot-user@greeter (pid=down, state=Enabled, type=module, tree=session)
                          ├─scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter (pid=0, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
                          ├─consolekit (pid=1156, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=global)
                          ├─sddm (pid=2963, state=Enabled, type=classic, tree=session)
                          └─boot-user@orb (pid=down, state=Enabled, type=module, tree=session)```
            part of /run/66/log/runtime-branch/current:```signal: tracing: Initiating process of: scandir@orb
            signal: tracing: requested flags to build the graph:  topropagate wantup
            signal: tracing: Initiating process of: scandir@greeter
            signal: tracing: Initiating process of: boot-user@greeter
            signal: tracing: waiting dependencies for: boot-user@greeter
            signal: tracing: requested flags to build the graph:  topropagate wantup
            signal: tracing: add service: scandir@orb:setenv@orb to the graph selection
            signal: tracing: add service: scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log to the graph selection
            signal: tracing: add service: scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter to the graph selection
            signal: tracing: add service: scandir@orb:svscan@orb to the graph selection
            signal: tracing: add service: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log to the graph selection
            signal: tracing: copy: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@orb:setenv@orb to: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:setenv@orb
            signal: tracing: add service: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter to the graph selection
            signal: tracing: copy: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter to: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter
            signal: tracing: remove directory: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter/.resolve
            signal: tracing: symlink: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter/.resolve to: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter/.resolve
            signal: tracing: write status file at: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter/state/status
            signal: tracing: copy: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log to: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: remove directory: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/.resolve
            signal: tracing: symlink: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/.resolve to: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/.resolve
            signal: tracing: symlink: /run/66/scandir/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log to: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: create file: /run/66/scandir/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/down
            signal: tracing: create fifo: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/event
            signal: tracing: write status file at: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/state/status
            signal: tracing: copy: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter to: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter
            signal: tracing: remove directory: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter/.resolve
            signal: tracing: symlink: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter/.resolve to: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter/.resolve
            signal: tracing: symlink: /run/66/scandir/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter to: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter
            signal: tracing: create file: /run/66/scandir/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter/down
            signal: tracing: store fdholder entry: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: store identifier: pipe:66-r-scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: store identifier: pipe:66-w-scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: create fdholder autofilled file
            signal: tracing: create fifo: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter/event
            signal: tracing: write status file at: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter/state/status
            signal: tracing: sending -twR signal to: /run/66/scandir/0/fdholder
            signal: tracing: subcribe to fifo: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/event
            signal: tracing: subcribe to fifo: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter/event
            signal: tracing: send signal: a to scandir: /run/66/scandir/0
            signal: tracing: waiting for events on fifo...
            signal: tracing: create directory: /var/log/66/scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter
            signal: tracing: write status file at: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter/state/status
            signal: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter
            signal: tracing: clean event directory: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/event
            signal: tracing: write status file at: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/state/status
            signal: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: clean event directory: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter/event
            signal: tracing: create directory: /var/log/66/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter
            signal: tracing: write status file at: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter/state/status
            signal: info: Initialized successfully: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter
            signal: tracing: Initiating process of: scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter
            signal: tracing: sending up to: /run/66/scandir/0/scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter
            signal: tracing: Initiating process of: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: sending -wU -u to: /run/66/scandir/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: Initiating process of: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter
            signal: tracing: waiting dependencies for: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter
            signal: tracing: write status file at: /run/66/state/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/state/status
            signal: tracing: delete down file: /run/66/scandir/0/scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log/down
            signal: info: Successfully started service: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: sends notification U to: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter from: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter acknowledges: U from: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter-log
            signal: tracing: remove directory: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:setenv@orb/.resolve
            signal: tracing: symlink: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:setenv@orb/.resolve to: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@orb:setenv@orb/.resolve
            signal: tracing: write status file at: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:setenv@orb/state/status
            signal: tracing: copy: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log to: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log
            signal: tracing: remove directory: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log/.resolve
            signal: tracing: symlink: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log/.resolve to: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log/.resolve
            signal: tracing: symlink: /run/66/scandir/0/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log to: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log
            signal: tracing: create file: /run/66/scandir/0/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log/down
            signal: tracing: create fifo: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log/event
            signal: tracing: write status file at: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:svscan@orb-log/state/status
            signal: tracing: copy: /var/lib/66/system/service/svc/scandir@orb:svscan@orb to: /run/66/state/0/scandir@orb:svscan@orb
            signal: warning: unable to start service: scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter -- exited with signal: 111
            signal: tracing: sends notification F to: scandir@greeter:svscan@greeter from: scandir@greeter:setenv@greeter
            signal: warning: unable to start service: scandir@greeter -- exited with signal: 111
            signal: tracing: sends notification F to: boot-user@greeter from: scandir@greeter
            start: warning: unable to handle services selection
            tree: warning: unable to start tree: session -- exited with signal: 1
            runtime-branch: fatal: crashed! -- Your machine is operational but some runtime service failed to start correctly. Please see the complete boot log at /run/66/log/0/runtime-branch/current file for further information.

            clearly a bug here, seems affecting all distribution.
            I'm on it.

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