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  • Questions to get started - Install and Verify Iso

Hi there, I'm Rob and new to the forum and Obarun, I'm looking forward to try it out this weekend. Thanks to Eric for signing me up on a Friday evening!

I just have a couple of pretty nooby questions:
I've read the installation page and seen there is an installer. But am I safe to assume I could also install Obarun the "Arch" way?

And secondly, I've checked the downloads page and typically (with Arch and Artix) you can verify the iso with gpg. I can only find checksums on the download page. Will this be enough to verify the integrity of the iso?

Thanks in advance,


  • eric replied to this.

    robbilky I've read the installation page and seen there is an installer. But am I safe to assume I could also install Obarun the "Arch" way?

    Yes, it's possible, but a bit challenging without knowing the Obarun method. It will be easier for you to initially try an installation on a VM. The difficulties arise from configuring the boot service and managing the packages.

    robbilky Will this be enough to verify the integrity of the iso?

    yes it's sufficient.

      eric That's great thank you! I think I'll just go ahead and give the installer a go then.

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