There is a double slash in that URL causing it to fail: //obcore -> /obcore

The problem stems from pacman.conf.
The Server URLs written there MUST NOT have a final slash.
Server =$repo/os/$arch
instead of
Server =$repo/os/$arch/

Dear Obarun mantainers

  • eric replied to this.

    Bertram which contains a buggy pacman.conf.

    lol. From my point of view, this is the responsability of the pkgfile dev to check the end of the string before appending anything to it. "Never trust the user", first rule of a dev.
    Anyway, double slash should not change anything. You can do mkdir -p /tmp//test//foo you will get a /tmp/test/foo directory. It absolutely abnormal to get an error from a path with double slash in it.


    Bertram Please correct also the pacman.conf files in the Obarun Live Systems.
    I used obarun-JWM-2023.10.13-x86_64.iso which contains a buggy pacman.conf

    will do at next update

    4 days later

    I fully agree with your point of view.
    A double slash should not cause problems, because it seems to be a long-lasting
    convention that double slashes are not different from single slashes in path names.
    The developers of pkgfile are to blame for the error.

    Please excuse that I spoke of a buggy pacman.conf file.

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