So the new ISO works much better and Im able to install Obarun once again via EFISTUB (thank you Eric), but now I am having issues with pipewire. Im running XFCE as I was before the latest release and I had always started pipewire, pipewire-pulse and wireplumber via xrcinit (which worked fine) but I noticed with the latest ISO that these things are already installed and services managed, but unfortunately it doesnt work for me currently. Im using HDMI output as well and alsa mixer doesnt allow me to adjust anything but mute or unmute. Pavucontrol wont actually launch either. Here is the output from 66 regarding pipewire from both user and root.
oblive@Ob66 ~ sudo 66 status pipewire
[sudo] password for oblive:
Name : pipewire
Version : 1.1.1
In tree : global
Status : enabled, down (exitcode 254) 0 seconds, normally up, want up, ready 0 seconds
Type : classic
Description : pipewire
Part of : None
Notify : 0
Max death : 5
Earlier : 0
Source : /etc/66/service/pipewire
Live : /run/66/scandir/0/pipewire
Dependencies : pipewire-log
Required by : None
Optional dependencies : None
Start script :
#!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
Stop script :
Environment source : None
Environment file : None
StdIn : s6log:/run/66/scandir/0/fdholder
StdOut : s6log:/var/log/66/pipewire
StdErr : inherit:/var/log/66/pipewire
Logger name : pipewire-log
Logger file :
[E][10506.260564] pw.conf | [ conf.c: 603 load_module()] 0x59c945372a70: could not load mandatory module "libpipewire-module-protocol-native": No such file or directory
[E][10506.260591] default | [ pipewire.c: 124 main()] failed to create context: No such file or directory
66-execute: info: Starting service: pipewire
[E][10507.264687] mod.protocol-native | [module-protocol-: 740 init_socket_name()] server 0x56489bacded0: name pipewire-0 is not an absolute path and no runtime dir found. Set one of PIPEWIRE_RUNTIME_DIR, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR or USERPROFILE in the environment
[E][10507.264708] pw.conf | [ conf.c: 603 load_module()] 0x56489bab9a70: could not load mandatory module "libpipewire-module-protocol-native": No such file or directory
[E][10507.264736] default | [ pipewire.c: 124 main()] failed to create context: No such file or directory
66-execute: info: Starting service: pipewire
[E][10508.269250] mod.protocol-native | [module-protocol-: 740 init_socket_name()] server 0x57a88267ced0: name pipewire-0 is not an absolute path and no runtime dir found. Set one of PIPEWIRE_RUNTIME_DIR, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR or USERPROFILE in the environment
[E][10508.269272] pw.conf | [ conf.c: 603 load_module()] 0x57a882668a70: could not load mandatory module "libpipewire-module-protocol-native": No such file or directory
[E][10508.269300] default | [ pipewire.c: 124 main()] failed to create context: No such file or directory
oblive@Ob66 [1] ~ % 66 status pipewire
Name : pipewire
Version : 0.8.1
In tree : global
Status : enabled, up (pid 1533 pgid 1533) 10419 seconds
Type : classic
Description : Pipewire session
Part of : None
Notify : 0
Max death : 5
Earlier : 0
Source : /usr/share/66/service/user/pipewire
Live : /run/66/scandir/1000/pipewire
Dependencies : pipewire-log
Required by : None
Optional dependencies : None
Start script :
#!/usr/bin/execlineb -P
Stop script :
Environment source : None
Environment file : None
StdIn : s6log:/run/66/scandir/1000/fdholder
StdOut : s6log:/home/oblive/.66/log/pipewire
StdErr : inherit:/home/oblive/.66/log/pipewire
Logger name : pipewire-log
Logger file :
[W][00016.896588] mod.rt | [ module-rt.c: 987 do_rtkit_setup()] RTKit does not give us MinNiceLevel, using 0
[W][00016.896613] mod.rt | [ module-rt.c: 317 translate_error()] RTKit error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown
[W][00016.896614] mod.rt | [ module-rt.c: 992 do_rtkit_setup()] RTKit does not give us RTTimeUSecMax, using -1
66-execute: info: Starting service: pipewire
[W][00067.431845] mod.rt | [ module-rt.c: 317 translate_error()] RTKit error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown
[W][00067.431849] mod.rt | [ module-rt.c: 982 do_rtkit_setup()] RTKit does not give us MaxRealtimePriority, using 1
[W][00067.431895] mod.rt | [ module-rt.c: 317 translate_error()] RTKit error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown
[W][00067.431896] mod.rt | [ module-rt.c: 987 do_rtkit_setup()] RTKit does not give us MinNiceLevel, using 0
[W][00067.431921] mod.rt | [ module-rt.c: 317 translate_error()] RTKit error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown
[W][00067.431922] mod.rt | [ module-rt.c: 992 do_rtkit_setup()] RTKit does not give us RTTimeUSecMax, using -1