cdop ... one last thing before going for a reinstall.

The new clean install, using the latest ISO, is not an option at my machine, because that gives non bootable, completely unresponsive system, although is successfully installed.

  • cdop replied to this.

    dvam The new clean install, using the latest ISO, is not an option at my machine, because that gives non bootable, completely unresponsive system, although is successfully installed.

    Take a look at the instructions we have on the other thread. On a fresh install that's not even booting correctly there's not a lot to lose by trying the "delete and rebuild every tree" approach.

    • dvam replied to this.


      Applying instructions from your "delete and rebuild every tree" approach workaround, to new (clean) install, didn't solve the problem.
      System is still non-bootabole and unresponsive, as was allready. Thanks anyway!


      my first answer was wrong. I read your post a little to quick.

      dvam system-sysctl: info: apply sysctl configuration file

      your boot seems to hang at system-sysctl which is responsible to launch the sysctl -p command. To confirm that you can try the following

      # 66 configure -r 'SYSCTL=!no' boot@system
      # 66 reconfigure boot@system

      and try to reboot. it will skip the configuration of the kernel.

      • dvam replied to this.


        Now hangs at: boot: info: Starts boot logger at: /run/66/log/0

        [Starts`` stage1 process...]
        boot: info: Create live scandir at: /run/66
        scandir: info: Create scandir /run/66/scandir/0 ...
        boot: info: Initiate erlier service of tree: boot
        tree: info: Initialized successfully: boot@system:tty-earlier@tty12
        boot: info: Starts boot logger at: /run/66/log/0

        That's is unbelievable.
        For now you can rollback your system as instructed here.

        After a correct reboot, make an archive of your /etc/66, /var/lib/66, $HOME/.66 directories and send me it.

        Did you come from the release? if not, it can explain your trouble.

        • dvam replied to this.

          eric Did you come from the release? if not, it can explain your trouble.

          My main system comes from release, but the same problem appears after clean install.

          By the way, I have just sent you requested directories from my main system ( ) that hangs while booting ... inside you will find snapshots , when it boots normally.

          After research and help from other users at Obarun channel, the trouble seems to come from machine booting with UEFI mode. This is also your cases?

          • dvam replied to this.

            eric ... the trouble seems to come from machine booting with UEFI mode. This is also your cases?

            Yes, my system boots directly via motherboards UEFI boot loader.

            Can you confirm that you're able to boot in legacy mode?

            • dvam replied to this.

              eric Can you confirm that you're able to boot in legacy mode?

              Yes I can confirm ... new installed Obarun at spare partition, using obarun-JWM-2024.11.22-x86_64.iso, which failed to boot via UEFI bootloader, boots normaly, after installing GRUB.

              Thanks for your confirmation. I don't know what happen exactly for now but i'm on it.

              7 days later

              just synchronize and update to the latest version It should work now

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