66-execute: info: Starting service: connmand
connmand[879]: Connection Manager version 1.43
connmand[879]: Online check mode "one-shot"
connmand[879]: Online check IPv4 URL "http://ipv4.connman.net/online/status.html"
connmand[879]: Online check IPv6 URL "http://ipv6.connman.net/online/status.html"
connmand[879]: Online check interval style "geometric"
connmand[879]: Online check interval range [1, 12]
connmand[879]: Checking loopback interface settings
connmand[879]: System hostname is obarunS6
connmand[879]: lo {newlink} index 1 address 00:00:00:00:00:00 mtu 65536
connmand[879]: lo {newlink} index 1 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
connmand[879]: enp0s25 {create} index 2 type 1 <ETHER>
connmand[879]: enp0s25 {update} flags 4098 <DOWN>
connmand[879]: enp0s25 {newlink} index 2 address 8C:73:6E:DC:39:2A mtu 1500
connmand[879]: enp0s25 {newlink} index 2 operstate 2 <DOWN>
connmand[879]: Adding interface enp0s25 [ ethernet ]
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {create} index 3 type 1 <ETHER>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {update} flags 4098 <DOWN>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 address 4C:ED:DE:8E:2A:DC mtu 1500
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 operstate 2 <DOWN>
connmand[879]: Adding interface wlp16s0 [ wifi ]
connmand[879]: enp0s25 {update} flags 36867 <UP>
connmand[879]: enp0s25 {newlink} index 2 address 8C:73:6E:DC:39:2A mtu 1500
connmand[879]: enp0s25 {newlink} index 2 operstate 2 <DOWN>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {update} flags 36931 <UP,RUNNING>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 address 4C:ED:DE:8E:2A:DC mtu 1500
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {update} flags 36867 <UP>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 address 4C:ED:DE:8E:2A:DC mtu 1500
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 operstate 2 <DOWN>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 address 4C:ED:DE:8E:2A:DC mtu 1500
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 operstate 2 <DOWN>
connmand[879]: Interface wlp16s0 [ wifi ] state is association
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {update} flags 102403 <UP,LOWER_UP>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 address 4C:ED:DE:8E:2A:DC mtu 1500
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 operstate 5 <DORMANT>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {RX} 2 packets 282 bytes
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {TX} 2 packets 288 bytes
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {update} flags 102467 <UP,RUNNING,LOWER_UP>
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 address 4C:ED:DE:8E:2A:DC mtu 1500
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 operstate 6 <UP>
connmand[879]: Interface wlp16s0 [ wifi ] state is configuration
connmand[879]: Cannot create /var/run/connman/resolv.conf falling back to /etc/resolv.conf
connmand[879]: Interface wlp16s0 [ wifi ] state is ready
connmand[879]: Interface wlp16s0 [ wifi ] is the default
connmand[879]: Setting hostname to obarunS6
connmand[879]: Setting domainname to homenet.telecomitalia.it
connmand[879]: wlp16s0 {add} address label wlp16s0 family 2
connmand[879]: Interface wlp16s0 [ wifi ] IPv4 online check to http://ipv4.connman.net/online/status.html succeeded
connmand[879]: Interface wlp16s0 [ wifi ] state is online
This is the last log on current but i am not sure if it is ok because the last date that i see, is old:
2024-05-05 19:17:21.223161811 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {RX} 9615 packets 11021328 bytes
2024-05-05 19:17:21.223166929 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {TX} 4514 packets 541828 bytes
2024-05-05 19:17:21.223181101 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {update} flags 102403 <UP,LOWER_UP>
2024-05-05 19:17:21.223189844 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 address 4C:ED:DE:8E:2A:DC mtu 1500
2024-05-05 19:17:21.223230243 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 operstate 5 <DORMANT>
2024-05-05 19:17:21.321426713 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {add} route fe80:: gw :: scope 0 <UNIVERSE>
2024-05-05 19:17:21.321611041 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {RX} 9617 packets 11021610 bytes
2024-05-05 19:17:21.321619228 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {TX} 4516 packets 542116 bytes
2024-05-05 19:17:21.321624972 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {update} flags 102467 <UP,RUNNING,LOWER_UP>
2024-05-05 19:17:21.321648748 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 address 4C:ED:DE:8E:2A:DC mtu 1500
2024-05-05 19:17:21.321665089 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {newlink} index 3 operstate 6 <UP>
2024-05-05 19:17:21.355242228 connmand[738]: Setting hostname to obarunS6
2024-05-05 19:17:21.355292016 connmand[738]: Setting domainname to homenet.telecomitalia.it
2024-05-05 19:17:21.401320192 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {add} address label wlp16s0 family 2
2024-05-05 19:17:21.403630643 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {add} route gw scope 253 <LINK>
2024-05-05 19:17:21.403719071 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {add} route gw scope 253 <LINK>
2024-05-05 19:17:21.403878740 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {add} route gw scope 0 <UNIVERSE>
2024-05-05 19:17:21.454933361 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {add} route gw scope 0 <UNIVERSE>
2024-05-05 19:17:21.522465106 connmand[738]: wlp16s0 {del} route gw scope 0 <UNIVERSE>
2024-05-05 19:17:27.120216272 connmand[738]: ntp: adjust (slew): -0.003188 sec
connmand[816]: Connection Manager version 1.42
(connmand:816): GLib-WARNING **: 18:03:03.064: GError set over the top of a previous GError or uninitialized memory.
This indicates a bug in someone's code. You must ensure an error is NULL before it's set.
The overwriting error message was: Key file does not have key ?ResolvConf? in group ?General?
connmand[816]: Checking loopback interface settings
connmand[816]: System hostname is obarunS6
connmand[816]: lo {newlink} index 1 address 00:00:00:00:00:00 mtu 65536
connmand[816]: lo {newlink} index 1 operstate 0 <UNKNOWN>